The Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office's (ITS-JPO) posted a solicitation for Phase I, Concept Deveopment, of the Connected Vehicle (CV) Pilot Deployments.  The objective of Phase I is to develop a CV Pilot Deployment concept, build partnerships among stakeholders, and prepare a comprehensive pilot deployment plan that reduces technical, institutional and financial risk.
david kuehn Submitted by david kuehn on February 3rd, 2015
The Advanced Research Projects Agency Energy (ARPA-E) is seeking researchers interested in partnering on “Traveler Response Architecture using Novel Signaling for Network Efficiency in Transportation” (TRANSNET). The overall objective of the TRANSNET program is to reduce energy use in a multi-modal, urban transportation network through network control mechanisms employing personalized signaling.  More information is located under RFI-0000013 located at
david kuehn Submitted by david kuehn on October 22nd, 2014
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