APRES 2015
7th Workshop on Adaptive and Reconfigurable Embedded Systems (APRES 2015)
APRES 2015 is part of the CPSweek 2015, held in Seattle, April 13-17, 2015.
RSN 15
Second International Workshop on Robotic Sensor Networks
part of CPSWEEK
Recent developments in sensing and actuation technology, along with the miniaturization of computing and communication, have led to the development of commodity robot technology such as hobby drones and robot toolkits. These platforms are bringing sensing and actuation at places where traditional technology does not reach; for example, for aerial pollution monitoring or for disaster management in remote areas.
Feedback Computing 15
The 10th Int. Workshop on Feedback Computing (previously known as FeBID), will be held in Seattle on April 13, 2015 as a part of CPSWEEK. The topic of the workshop is the use of control techniques in computing systems including everything from embedded systems to cloud data centers, and both hardware and software issues,
More information and Call for Papers etc can be found at
You are all most welcome to submit papers (deadline Feb 1) or to just attend.
Best Regards
Second International Workshop on the Swarm at the Edge of the Cloud (SWEC) will be held at CPSWEEK, April 13, 2015
General Chair: Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, UC Berkeley
Program Co-Chairs: Roozbeh Jafari, UT Dallas, Anthony Rowe, CMU
Logistics Co-Chairs: Miroslav Pajic, U. Pennsylvania, Armin Wasicek, UC Berkeley
NSV 2015
The 8th International Workshop on Numerical Software Verification will be held April 13, 2015 in conjunction with Cyber-Physical Week 2015 Seattle, WA, USA
Web Page: http://nsv2015.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/
RTAS 2015
21st IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium