Y2 Report

Y1 Report

SAE 2013 World Congress
Today, efficiency is the new formula for success essential to propel the next generation of automobiles.
The CPS topic in DATE includes high-level design, optimization and analysis of networked control and switched control systems; control/architecture co-design for distributed embedded systems; formal semantics, verification, model checking and abstraction refinement techniques for control software and systems; simulation and testing; architectures; modeling techniques; architecture-aware controller synthesis; model-based approaches to cyber-physical systems design; reliability-aware design and fault- tolerance; certification issues; specification languages and programming support; case studi

This session focuses on methods and design tools for the exploration, analysis, simulation, selection, synthesis, and optimization of E/E automotive architectures (e.g., software, hardware, communication, wiring harness, and power architectures). These methods and tools apply to technologies such as multi-core processors, distributed systems, AUTOSAR, Flexray, CAN, Ethernet, and DSRC among others. The methods and tools are usually (but not limited to) model-based.
SAE 2012 World Congress
The SAE 2012 World Congress theme is Get Connected. It represents the new and diverse connections that will drive significant advancements in the auto industry of tomorrow. Not only does the theme symbolize literal connections, such as those between vehicles, infrastructure, the Internet, and the nation’s electrical grid, but also demonstrates the most fundamental of connections; the connections and relationships between engineers who are developing the next generation vehicle technology.
EOOLT 2010
3rd International Workshop on Equation-Based Object-Oriented Languages and Tools

This presentation conceptualizes Model-Based Design of a cyber-physical system. Three stages of a system under design at various levels of detail are depicted. The designs are captured by models that have computational semantics based on the execution engine on a host platform. The implementation as generated code executes on a target platform. Because executable, the design can be explored, tested, and verified while at various levels of detail. This enables separation of concerns and so allows raising the level of abstraction in design.