Upload a File
A File can belong to the general CPS-VO portal / community or it may be associated with one or more groups. Submission of a file can be made through the Primary Menu (see Step 1 figure) or when within the context of a Group, the primary menu disappears, and group-specific file upload mechanism appear (details are provided in the following section). If a file is submitted through the primary menu then the audience by default will be for all site users unless the Audience is specifically marked.
CPS-VO events are postings in the calendar. Events have important details such as a Title, a start date, a location. It may also have a description and a URL. Events also have "Audiences". Audiences are CPS-VO groups and you may be a member to any number of them.
Create Event
CPS-VO events are postings in the calendar. Events have important details such as a Title, a start date, a location and a description which may be in the form of a URL or some text. Events also have audiences. Audiences are CPS-VO groups and may have any number of them. If no audience is marked for an event or it is marked public then it will show in the calendar for all CPS-VO users.
Step 1: Go to the Create Event form: