CPS Highlighted in NSF's FY 2013 Budget<p>Important NSF Announcement! </p>
CALL FOR CONTRIBUTIONS: 26th International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies (AEiC 2022)The 26th Ada-Europe International Conference on Reliable Software Technologie (AEiC 2022) will take place in Ghent, Belgium in dual mode, with a solid core of in-presence activities accompanied by digital support for remote participation. The…
Postdoc Positions for Smart Cyber Physical Systems at Vanderbilt UniversityPostdoc positions are available in decision theory and big data for smart cities in the ScopeLab at Institute for Software Integrated Systems, Vanderbilt University. Applicants must have a background in decision theory, AI, distributed systems, or…
GoDaddy Managed WordPress Customers Part of Big HackOver 1.2 million GoDaddy customers were impacted by a recent hack. GoDaddy is the world’s largest domain registrar and it’s managed WordPress hosting include a number of associated companies like 123Reg, Domain Factory, Host Europe, and others. An…
Postdoctoral Research Position in Distributed Real-Time SystemsPRECISE Center School of Engineering and Applied Science University of Pennsylvania
CALL FOR CONTRIBUTIONS 26th International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies (AEiC 2022)Acsi commoveo neque paratus si. Aliquip dignissim macto premo virtus. Damnum in luptatum sino suscipere tation. Aliquam hendrerit laoreet pala valde. Nisl nulla quadrum ratis vulputate. Iustum minim quibus. Abbas ad defui exerci facilisis loquor tamen…
Call for Presentations: 2022 HCSSThe twenty-second annual High Confidence Software and Systems (HCSS) Conference will be held the week of May 16, 2022. We solicit proposals to present talks at the conference.
META expands Facebook Protect ProgramMeta, the new name for Facebook, has expanded it’s Facebook Protect security program to journalists, government officials, human rights defenders, and activist who are often targets online. The program offers enhances security like two factor…