(MoDRE) workshop 2013

Submitted by Anonymous on

Co-located with the 21st IEEE International Requirements Engineering
Conference in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 15, 2013


Submitted by Anonymous on

The International Workshop on Power and Timing Modeling, Optimization and Simulation (PATMOS) 2013 is the 23nd in a series of international workshops. The PATMOS meeting has evolved into a leading scientific event where industry and academia meet to discuss power and timing aspects in modern integrated circuit and system design. Both Universities and Companies are invited to participate.

SASO 2013

Submitted by Anonymous on


Seventh IEEE International Conference
on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems

Philadelphia, USA; September 9-13, 2013


The 2013 edition of the Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing systems conference (SASO) will be held in Philadelphia, PA, USA, and hosted by Drexel University, in the week of September 9-13, 2013.

ICEIS 2013

Submitted by Amy Karns on

15th International Confernce on Enterprise Information Systems

ICEIS 2013 will be held in conjunction with ENASE 2013.
Registration to ICEIS allows free access to the ENASE conference (as a non-speaker).

Upcoming Deadlines

GlobalDSL 2013

Submitted by Anonymous on

Workshop on Domain Specific Languages Design and Implementation (DSLDI)
                         Collocated with ECOOP 2013

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