NSF-FHWA Announce Coordination on CPS for Highway Transportation

NSF-FHWA Announce Coordination on CPS for Highway Transportation

NSF and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) have a shared interest in advancing basic and applied research in Cyber Physical Systems (CPS), which are systems in which physical processes are tightly intertwined with networked computing.  Please see Dear Colleage Letter: http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2013/nsf13034/nsf13034.pdf

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Wireless Health 2011 Conference

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Wireless Health 2011 Conference: Panel Discussion - Helen Gill, PhD from Wireless-Life Sciences Alliance 1 year ago / Creative Commons License: by nc Wireless Health 2011 Conference October 10-13, 2011 Hosted by the Wireless-Life Sciences Alliance Panel Discussion: New Initiatives and Program Opportunities in Wireless Health Research Presenter: Helen Gill, PhD - Program Director, Cyber-Physical Systems, National Science Foundation
CPS: Synergy: Collaborative Research: SMARTER - Smart Manager for Adaptive and Real-Time Decisions in Building ClustERs
Lead PI:
Teresa Wu
Traditionally, buildings have been viewed as mere energy consumers; however, with the new power grid infrastructure and distributed energy resources, buildings can not only consume energy, but they can also output energy. As a result, this project removes traditional boundaries between buildings in the same cluster or between the cluster and power grids, transforming individual smart buildings into NetZero building clusters enabled by cyber-support tools. In this research, a synergistic decision framework is established for temporally, spatially distributed building clusters to work as an adaptive and robust system within a smart grid. The framework includes innovative algorithms and tools for building energy modeling, intelligent data fusion, decentralized decisions and adaptive decisions to address theoretical and practical challenges in next-generation building systems. The research develops cyber-physical engineering tools for demand side load management which has been identified as a major challenge by energy industries. It fundamentally transforms the current centralized and uni-directional power distribution business model to a decentralized and multi-directional power sharing and distribution business model, reducing overall energy consumption and allowing for optimal decisions in changing operation environments. Education and outreach efforts include developing novel educational modules disseminated at the K-12 levels and through the ASEE eGFI repository. Further educational impact occurs through integration with multiple undergraduate and graduate courses at each institution, and with community service groups. Impact is also expanded to the broader energy industry and the operation of healthcare delivery and urban transportation systems through our industry collaborations.
Performance Period: 10/01/2012 - 09/30/2015
Institution: Arizona State University
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Award Number: 1239257
CPS: Synergy: A Cyber Physical Framework for Remedial Action Schemes in Large Power Networks
Lead PI:
Kevin Tomsovic
This project develops an integrated framework of communications, computation and control for understanding wide-area power system performance in the face of unpredictable disturbances. The power system is chosen as a particularly challenging cyber physical system (CPS) due to its extreme dimension, geographic reach and high reliability requirements. The following tasks are studied in the proposed research: (a) a Partial Difference Equation (PdE) framework to model the impact of network topology on the power system stability; (b) the design of a communication network for CPS, based on the PdE modeling;(c) the design of a control system, which addresses the challenges such as fast response and resource constraints; (d) the design of a computing infrastructure, which addresses the computation for controlling the power network, in particular, the communication complexity for controlling the power network in both cases of one-snapshot computation and iterative computations; and (e) the test and evaluation for both small scale system models of several hundred buses and very large system models of ~50,000 buses. This work contributes to the broader understanding of CPS with high reliability requirements, particularly, critical infrastructures such as the power grid. Modern infrastructures are complex systems of communications and computation tied to the controls of the physical system. The proposed research contributes to improved reliability by addressing the propagation of disturbances and advancing the understanding of geographically distributed CPS. The PIs plan to open multiple courses on CPS related to the proposed research.
Performance Period: 10/01/2012 - 09/30/2015
Institution: University of Tennessee Knoxville
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Award Number: 1239366
CPS: Synergy: Self-Sustainable Data-Driven Systems In the Field
Lead PI:
Kai Shen
Data-driven intelligence is an essential foundation for physical systems in transportation safety and efficiency, area surveillance and security, as well as environmental sustainability. This project develops new computer system infrastructure and algorithms for self-sustainable data-driven systems in the field. Research outcomes of the project include (a) a low-maintenance, environmentally-friendly hardware platform with solar energy harvesting and super capacitor-based energy storage, (b) virtualization software infrastructure for low-power nodes to enable inter-operability among distributed field nodes and from/to the data center, and (c) new image and data processing approaches for resource-adaptive fidelity adjustment and function partitioning. The synergy between the self-sustainable hardware, system software support, wireless communications management, and application data processing manifests through global coordination for quality-of-service, energy efficiency, and data privacy. In broader impacts, this project enables data-driven intelligence in the field for important physical system domains. Integration of the technologies involved is accomplished through real-world system deployment and experimentation, including an intelligent campus traffic and parking management system and collaborative work with industry collaborators. The results of this project will further enhance the technological competitiveness for US industries in key areas such as intelligent transportation. The education component includes cross-disciplinary curriculum enhancements and the development of a new instructional platform for realistic experiments with cyber-physical systems. Within the scope of this project, the PIs perform mentoring and outreach activities to recruit/retain women and minorities in science and engineering.
Kai Shen

My research interests fall into the broad area of computer systems.  A principal share of my research has targeted the software system support for concurrent servers.  It started at around 2000 with my development of the Neptune server clustering middleware, which was deployed as the online software backbone for thousands of servers at the web search engine Ask.com.  It has continued to the present day (2013), with my most recent work of the fine-grained power modeling and power virus containment on multicore servers.  A dominant theme of my work has been to recognize the complexity of modern computer systems and then develop principled approaches to understand, characterize, and manage such complexities.  In particular, I have strong interests in the cross-layer work of developing the software system solution to support emerging hardware or address hardware issues.

Performance Period: 10/01/2012 - 09/30/2015
Institution: University of Rochester
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Award Number: 1239423
CPS: Synergy: Achieving High-Resolution Situational Awareness in Ultra-Wide-Area Cyber-Physical Systems
Lead PI:
Hairong Qi
Energy infrastructure is a critical underpinning of modern society. To ensure its reliable operation, a nation-wide or continent-wide situational awareness system is essential to provide high-resolution understanding of the system dynamics such that proper actions can be taken in real-time in response to power system disturbances and to avoid cascading blackouts. The power grid represents a typical highly dynamic cyber-physical system (CPS). The ever-increasing complexity and scale in sensing and actuation, compounded by the limited knowledge of the accurate system state have resulted in major system failures, such as the massive power blackout of August 2003 and the most recent Arizona/California blackout of September 2011. Therefore, methods and tools for monitoring and control of these and other such dynamic systems at high resolution are vital to an emergent generation of tightly coupled, physically distributed CPS. This project employs the power grid as a target application and develops a high-resolution, ultra-wide-area situational awareness system that synergistically integrates sensing, processing, and actuation. First, from the sensing perspective, high resolution is reflected in both measurement accuracy and potential for dense spatial coverage. Wide area, precise, synchronized, and affordable sensing in voltage angle and frequency measurements for large-scale observation is sorely needed to observe system disturbances and capture critical changes in the power grid. The crucial innovation of this work is to make accurate frequency measurement from low voltage distribution systems through the wide deployment of Frequency Disturbance Recorders (FDRs). Second, from a data processing perspective, high resolution is reflected in finer-scale data analysis to reveal hidden information. In practical CPS, events seldom occur in an isolated fashion; cascading events are more common and realistic. A new conceptual framework is presented in the study of event analysis, referred to as event unmixing, where real-world events are considered a mixture of more than one constituent root event. This concept is a key enabler for the analysis of events to go beyond what are immediately detectable in the system. The event formation process is interpreted from a linear mixing perspective and innovative sparsity-constrained unmixing algorithms are presented for multiple event separation and spatial-temporal localization. Third, to discover the high-level spatial-temporal correlation among root events in real time, a descriptive language is developed to discover patterns on the spatial and temporal information of root events. This descriptive language allows embedding pattern descriptions on the desirable and undesirable interactions between events in the system, which will then be compiled into distributed runtime constructs to be executed in deployed systems. Fourth, from the actuation perspective, the system pushes the intelligence toward the lower level of the power grid allowing local devices to make decisions and to react quickly to contingencies based on the high-resolution understanding of the system state, enabling a more direct reconfiguration of the physical makeup of the grid. Finally, the methods and tools are implemented and validated on an existing wide-area power grid monitoring system, the North American frequency monitoring network (FNET). Escalating demands for electricity coupled with an outdated power transmission grid pose a serious threat to the US economy. The transformative nature of this research is to turn a large volume of real-time data into actionable information and help prevent potential outages from happening. The power grid is a typical example of dynamic cyber physical system. Providing high-resolution situational awareness for the power grid has a direct and immediate impact on this and other CPS. The research is coupled with a strong educational component including active recruitment of students from underrepresented groups supported by existing programs and broad dissemination of research findings.
Hairong Qi
Hairong Qi received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in computer science from Northern JiaoTong University, Beijing, China in 1992 and 1995, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in computer engineering from North Carolina State University, Raleigh, in 1999. She is currently the Gonzalez Family Professor with the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Her research interests are in the general areas of computer vision and machine learning. Dr. Qi's research is supported by National Science Foundation, DARPA, IARPA, Office of Naval Research, NASA, Department of Homeland Security, etc. Dr. Qi is the recipient of the NSF CAREER Award. She is awarded the Highest Impact Paper from the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society in 2012. Dr. Qi has published over 200 technical papers in archival journals and refereed conference proceedings, including two co-authored books with Dr. Wesley Snyder in Computer Vision. Dr. Qi is an IEEE Fellow.
Performance Period: 10/01/2012 - 09/30/2015
Institution: University of Tennessee Knoxville
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Award Number: 1239478
CPS: Synergy: Collaborative Research: SensEye: An Architecture for Ubiquitous, Real-Time Visual Context Sensing and Inference
Lead PI:
Deepak Ganesan
Continuous real-time tracking of the eye and field-of-view of an individual is profoundly important to understanding how humans perceive and interact with the physical world. This work advances both the technology and engineering of cyber-physical systems by designing an innovative paradigm involving next-generation computational eyeglasses that interact with a user's mobile phone to provide the capability for real-time visual context sensing and inference. This research integrates novel research into low-power embedded systems, image representation, image processing and machine learning, and mobile sensing and inference, to advance the state-of-art in continuous sensing for CPS applications. The activity addresses several fundamental research challenges including: 1) design of novel, highly integrated, computational eyeglasses for tracking eye movements, the visual field of a user, and head movement patterns, all in real-time; 2) a unified compressive signal processing framework that optimizes sensing and estimation, while enabling re-targeting of the device to perform a broad range of tasks depending on the needs of an application; 3) design of a novel real-time visual context sensing system that extracts high-level contexts of interest from compressed data representations; and 4) a layer of intelligence that combines contexts extracted from the computational eyeglass together with contexts obtained from the mobile phone to improve energy-efficiency and sensing accuracy. This technology can revolutionize a range of disciplines including transportation, healthcare, behavioral science and market research. Continuous monitoring of the eye and field-of-view of an individual can enable detection of hazardous behaviors such as drowsiness while driving, mental health issues such as schizophrenia, addictive behavior and substance abuse, neurological disease progression, head injuries, and others. The research provides the foundations for such applications through the design of a prototype platform together with real-time sensor processing algorithms, and making these systems available through open source venues for broader use. Outreach for this project includes demonstrations of the device at science fairs for high-school students, and integration of the platform into undergraduate and graduate courses.
Performance Period: 10/01/2012 - 09/30/2014
Institution: University of Massachusetts Amherst
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Award Number: 1239341
CPS: Synergy: Collaborative Research: Methodologies for Engineering with Plug-and-Learn Components: Formal Synthesis and Analysis Across Abstraction Layers
Lead PI:
John Gallagher
Effective engineering of complex devices often depends critically on the ability to encapsulate responsibility for tasks into modular agents and ensure those agents communicate with one another in well-defined and easily observable ways. When such conditions are followed, it becomes possible to detect where problems lie so they can be corrected. It also becomes possible to optimize the agents and their communications to improve performance. Cyber-physical systems (like robots, self-piloting aircraft, etc.) modify themselves to improve performance break those conditions in that some agent modules negotiate their own communications and decide their own actions, sometimes taking advantage of the physics of the world in ways we did not anticipate. This renders difficult application of standard engineering tools to accomplish critical fault diagnosis and design optimization. This project will produce analysis methods address the specific needs of cyber-physical systems that, by their natures, break the rules of convention. We will apply these new methods to the design and analysis of self-improving controllers for flapping-wing micro air vehicles. This work will provide advances in both model-checking related formal design methodologies and in module-based self-adaptive control in computationally resource constrained cyber-physical systems. The formal methods advances will significantly expand our ability to properly design and verify systems that tightly couple computation, sensors, and actuators. The specific test application addressed is significant to a number of nationally important security and defense efforts and will directly impact identified national priorities.
Performance Period: 10/01/2012 - 09/30/2015
Institution: Wright State University
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Award Number: 1239196
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