CPS PI Meeting 2011

Submitted by Anonymous on

The CPS Principal Investigator Meeting provides a forum for a wide range of stakeholders in academia, industry and federal agencies to review new developments in CPS foundations, to identify new, emerging applications, and to discuss technology gaps and barriers. The program of the meeting includes presentations about projects funded by NSF and other agencies, panels and discussion groups.

Design, Automation & Test in Europe

Submitted by Anonymous on

The full technical programme for DATE 2011, the major global event in Europe which will again push innovation in the worldwide electronics industry, is now available at: http://www.date-conference.com/conference/event-overview. The DATE 2011 program is clearly focused on industrial and academic needs. It consists of 57 technical sessions and around 200 papers, plus an executive track featuring 3 sessions with industry-leading executives. The program is completed by Tutorials given by world market-leaders and key scientists.

CPS Community Forum 2011

Submitted by Helen Gill on


The goal of the CPS Community Forum is to facilitate  information exchange among industry, government and academic participants of  CPSWEEK.  Topics covered by the Forum  include reports from the Industry Executive board and Academic Executive Board of the CPS Virtual Organization,  discussion of CPS technology needs,  research directions and state of education in the US, summaries of CPS research approaches internationally.


Submitted by Chris vanBuskirk on

Workshop on the Design, Modeling and Evaluation of Cyber Physical Systems (CyPhy'11)

CyPhy aims to bring together researchers and practitioners working in the areas of modeling, simulation, and evaluation of cyber-physical systems. In 2011, CyPhy will take a broad interpretation of these areas. The priority for this first instance of this workshop is to bring together expertise from as diverse set of disciplines as possible.


Submitted by Chris vanBuskirk on

ICCCN 2011 – Track on Security, Privacy, and Cyber-physical Computing (SPCC) 

This track aims to bring together researchers and practitioners in the fields of security, privacy, and cyber-physical systems. The track seeks novel contributions on algorithm and system design, implementation, and evaluations.This track aims to bring together researchers and practitioners in the fields of security, privacy, and cyber-physical systems. The track seeks novel contributions on algorithm and system design, implementation, and evaluations.

ECBS 2011

Submitted by Anonymous on

Engineering of Computer Based Systems, 2011

ECBS 2011 will be the 18th formal IEEE sponsored meeting dedicated to formulating and advancing methods, techniques and tools for the engineering of computer-based systems. The conference is devoted to the design, development, deployment, and analysis of complex systems whose behaviour is largely determined or controlled by computers. Such systems are characterized by functional, performance, and reliability requirements that mandate the tight integration of information processing and physical processes.

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