Mathematical Foundations of Open Systems
Lead PI:
Harvey Rubin
This workshop on Mathematical Foundations of Open Systems explores new research directions towards a logical/mathematical foundation for modeling the behavior of dynamic open systems that evolve over time through self-organization, regulation, and adaptation to changing environments and structures. Such a framework should provide a unified approach for obtaining an advanced understanding of natural systems, the ability to fix and modify them, and to design cyber-physical systems (CPS) in principled ways using new notions of control and coordination. The workshop, held May 23-25, 2010, Philadelphia, PA, is supported by the NSF and other agency members of the interagency coordinating group on High Confidence Software and Systems.
Performance Period: 08/01/2010 - 07/31/2011
Institution: University of Pennsylvania
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Award Number: 1037877
Summer School on Cyber-Physical Systems
Lead PI:
Marilyn Wolf
This award supports the first Summer School on Cyber-Physical Systems, held at the Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, June 22-25, 2009. NSF funds support outreach and enable the participation of US graduate students and early career faculty in this international event. Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) are systems that rely on a tight integration of computation, communication, and controls, for their operation and interaction with the physical environment in which they are deployed. Such systems must be able to operate safely, dependably, securely, efficiently and in real-time, in potentially highly uncertain or unstructured environments. CPS are expected to have great technical, economic and societal impacts in the near future. The objective of the Georgia Tech Summer School on Cyber-Physical Systems is to establish a forum for intellectual exchange on CPS science and technology for researchers from industry and academia. The format of the Summer School is a five-day meeting, organized around the different aspects of Cyber Physical Systems. The topical areas covered include: formal methods, distributed embedded systems, networked control systems, embedded software, scheduling, platforms, and applications.
Performance Period: 09/15/2009 - 08/31/2011
Institution: Georgia Tech Research Corporation
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Award Number: 0951657
CPS: Medium: Collaborative Research: Remote Imaging of Community Ecology via Animal-borne Wireless Networks
Lead PI:
Naomi Leonard
This project will construct a wireless network of animal-borne embedded devices that will be deployed and tested in a biologically-relevant application. The networked devices will provide not only geo-location data, but also execute cooperative strategies that save battery-life by selectively recording bandwidth-intensive audio and high-definition video footage of occurrences of animal group behavior of interest, such as predation. This project comprises three concurrent and interdependent research themes. The first is the investigation of methods to design and analyze the performance of distributed algorithms that implement autonomous decisions at the mobile agents, subject to communication and computational constraints. The second will pursue data-driven fundamental research on the modeling of animal group motion and will promote a formal understanding of the mechanisms of social interaction. The third is centered on the investigation of methods for hardware integration to build distributed networks of embedded devices that are capable of executing the newly developed algorithms, subject to power and weight constraints. The results and experience gained in this project will guide the development of effective autonomous systems for the monitoring and protection of endangered species. This project will create undergraduate and graduate research opportunities at all participating institutions, expanding on an existing collaboration between the University of Maryland, Princeton University, and the National Geographic Society. There is the potential for using wide-reaching media resources to disseminate the results of this project to a broad audience. This may contribute to attracting more students to engineering and science.
Performance Period: 09/15/2011 - 08/31/2017
Institution: Princeton University
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Award Number: 1135724
CPS: Medium: Collaborative Research: Co-Design of Multimodal CPS Architectures and Adaptive Controllers
Lead PI:
Insup Lee
The focus of this project is the efficient implementation of multiple control and non-control automotive applications in a distributed embedded system (DES) with a goal of developing safe, dependable, and secure Automotive CPS. DES are highly attractive due to the fact that they radically enhance the capabilities of the underlying system by linking a range of devices and sensors and allowing information to be processed in unprecedented ways. Deploying control and non-control applications on a modern DES, which uses advanced processor and communication technology, introduces a host of challenges in their analysis and synthesis, and leads to a large semantic gap between models and their implementation. This gap will be filled via the development of a novel CPS architecture by stitching together common fundamental principles of multimodality from real-time systems and related notions of switching in control theory and integrating them into a co-design of real-time platforms and adaptive controllers. This architecture will be validated at the Toyota Technical Center in the context of engine control and diagnostics. The results of this project will provide the science and technology for a foundation in any and all infrastructure systems ranging from finance and energy to telecommunication and transportation where distributed embedded systems are present. In addition to training the graduate and undergraduate students, and mentoring a post-doctoral associate who will gain multi-domain expertise in advanced control, real-time computation and communication, and performance analysis, an inter-school graduate and an integrated summer course will be developed on control in embedded systems and combined with on-going outreach programs at MIT and UPenn for minority and women undergraduate students and K-12 students.
Performance Period: 10/01/2011 - 09/30/2016
Institution: University of Pennsylvania
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Award Number: 1135630
GoingEasy with Crowdsourcing - Building Cyber-Physical Systems for People with Visual Impairment
Lead PI:
Baoxin LI
Many practical barriers continue to exist for a blind individual who strives to lead an independent and active life, despite decades of development of assistive technologies. This project addresses the following two most prominent challenges: (1) disparity in information-sharing among people with visual impairment and its limited understanding by the research community; and (2) lack of methods and tools for effectively addressing the disparity. The central idea is to engage visually-impaired people and their families and friends to directly contribute to a joint endeavor of enhancing information flow, increasing awareness, and improving efficiency of assistive practices, through employing social media and participatory Web. The research is focused on designing computational methodologies and developing tools that are necessary for building cyber-physical systems for a domain where the tight intertwining of physical and cyber systems plus active participation of the human users are the key to attaining the otherwise unlikely capabilities for improving the quality of living for people with special needs. The key approach is to develop a blind-specific cyber-physical system that supports social-media-based crowdsourcing. This enables visually-impaired people to form loosely-connected groups, actively contribute their information and knowledge, and ask/answer unique questions of special needs. Such a system has specific features required: i) blind-friendly (both the cyber components and the physical components); ii) able to provide constantly-updated information, as opposed to just static websites); iii) able to support the users? real-time query for information when mobile iv) able to provide information that is important to the users? daily living, and v) supports expandability and scalability of the CPS, e.g., being able to bridge to other existing social network sites or to expand the virtual community. Specific approaches include automatic direction inquiry, instant call-in/text-in system, community-specific data mining, information retrieval and behavior modeling, all aiming at providing the most useful information for the target user. Aiming at bridging a significant knowledge gap in addressing the challenge of disparity in information-sharing for people with special needs in the age of social media, the project contributes to the development of a deeper understanding of the principles and methodologies in building new cyber-physical systems that promote and support active participation of users of the system, which is especially important for special-need groups such as the visually impaired, the elderly, etc. The significant impact of the work on the society lies in its potential in empowering special-need groups to pursue active and independent living in the information era. The work?s immediate impact on education is two-fold: supporting the visually-impaired students in independent learning and study as well as training students to work on emerging domains of tightly-intertwined cyber and physical systems.
Performance Period: 10/01/2011 - 09/30/2016
Institution: Arizona State University
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Award Number: 1135616
CPS: Medium: Collaborative Research: Remote Imaging of Community Ecology via Animal-borne Wireless Networks
Lead PI:
Kyler Abernathy
This project will construct a wireless network of animal-borne embedded devices that will be deployed and tested in a biologically-relevant application. The networked devices will provide not only geo-location data, but also execute cooperative strategies that save battery-life by selectively recording bandwidth-intensive audio and high-definition video footage of occurrences of animal group behavior of interest, such as predation. This project comprises three concurrent and interdependent research themes. The first is the investigation of methods to design and analyze the performance of distributed algorithms that implement autonomous decisions at the mobile agents, subject to communication and computational constraints. The second will pursue data-driven fundamental research on the modeling of animal group motion and will promote a formal understanding of the mechanisms of social interaction. The third is centered on the investigation of methods for hardware integration to build distributed networks of embedded devices that are capable of executing the newly developed algorithms, subject to power and weight constraints. The results and experience gained in this project will guide the development of effective autonomous systems for the monitoring and protection of endangered species. This project will create undergraduate and graduate research opportunities at all participating institutions, expanding on an existing collaboration between the University of Maryland, Princeton University, and the National Geographic Society. There is the potential for using wide-reaching media resources to disseminate the results of this project to a broad audience. This may contribute to attracting more students to engineering and science.
Performance Period: 09/15/2011 - 08/31/2017
Institution: National Geographic Society
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Award Number: 1135719
CPS: Medium: Collaborative Research: Remote Imaging of Community Ecology via Animal-borne Wireless Networks
Lead PI:
Nuno Martins
This project will construct a wireless network of animal-borne embedded devices that will be deployed and tested in a biologically-relevant application. The networked devices will provide not only geo-location data, but also execute cooperative strategies that save battery-life by selectively recording bandwidth-intensive audio and high-definition video footage of occurrences of animal group behavior of interest, such as predation. This project comprises three concurrent and interdependent research themes. The first is the investigation of methods to design and analyze the performance of distributed algorithms that implement autonomous decisions at the mobile agents, subject to communication and computational constraints. The second will pursue data-driven fundamental research on the modeling of animal group motion and will promote a formal understanding of the mechanisms of social interaction. The third is centered on the investigation of methods for hardware integration to build distributed networks of embedded devices that are capable of executing the newly developed algorithms, subject to power and weight constraints. The results and experience gained in this project will guide the development of effective autonomous systems for the monitoring and protection of endangered species. This project will create undergraduate and graduate research opportunities at all participating institutions, expanding on an existing collaboration between the University of Maryland, Princeton University, and the National Geographic Society. There is the potential for using wide-reaching media resources to disseminate the results of this project to a broad audience. This may contribute to attracting more students to engineering and science.
Performance Period: 09/15/2011 - 08/31/2017
Institution: University of Maryland College Park
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Award Number: 1135726
CPS: Medium: Collaborative Research: Design Science for CPS
Lead PI:
Daniel Gajski
A CPS is a system in which computer-based (cyber) technology is combined with all kinds of physical systems, such as planes and robotic-surgeons. CPSs require integration (in industry and academia) of different types of knowledge from many different domains. CPSs are built from often inaccurate, undependable components, and operate in harsh and unpredictable environments. The cyber domain, interfaces, and the physical domain are tightly interwoven and networked (distributed) and hence cannot be designed and optimized individually. The goal of this project is to create a general CPS design-science that makes the design of every CPS simpler, faster, and more dependable, while at the same time reducing the cost and the required expertise level. This project gives rise to a unified theory that can allow for specification, modeling, design, optimization, and verification of CPSs on different levels of design abstraction and different steps of projection, even across boundaries between varied technologies. The project does bridge the gap between the continuous-time physical domain and the discrete timed cyber system. This project has a broad and profound impact in scientific, engineering, industrial, and academic communities. By enabling a fundamentally efficient design of CPSs, the most limiting bottleneck in design technology is eliminated, paving the way for many new applications and jobs with significant economic and social impact. This project contributes to the on-line educational endeavors currently underway, allowing cross education in different disciplines of complex CPS and speeding up development of new CPS programs in engineering and computer science.
Performance Period: 09/01/2011 - 08/31/2016
Institution: University of California-Irvine
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Award Number: 1136146
CPS: Medium: Collaborative Research: Efficient Mapping and Management of Applications onto Cyber-Physical Systems
Lead PI:
Margaret Martonosi
The computing landscape is a richly-heterogeneous space including both fixed and mobile nodes with a large variety of sensing, actuation and computational capabilities (including mobile devices, home electronics, taxis, robotic drones, etc.). Cyber-physical applications built on these devices have the potential to gather data on, analyze, and adapt to or control a range of environments. The challenge, however, is that Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) are difficult to program, and even more difficult to incorporate from one deployment to another, or to dynamically manage as nodes availability changes. Thus, CPS applications are too often programmed in a brittle fashion that impedes their ability to efficiently use available compute/sense/actuate resources beyond a one-shot deployment. In response, this project is improving CPS design and control in four primary thrusts. First, the project is developing CPSISA, an abstraction layer or intermediate representation to facilitate CPS applications expressing their compute/sense/actuate requirements to lower-level mapping and management layers. Second, the project is exploring methods of providing a Device Attribute Catalog (DAC) that summarizes a region?s available CPS nodes and their capabilities. Third, this research is improving and exploiting the ability to model, predict, and control the mobility of CPS nodes. When some CPS nodes are mobile, the accuracy and performance of a CPS application fundamentally is a function of where nodes will be positioned at any moment in time. This work exploits both static statistical coverage analysis and dynamic prediction and interpolation. Fourth, using CPSISA, DAC, and other resources as input, the team is developing tools to statically or dynamically optimize mappings of CPS applications onto available resources. To test ideas in a detailed and concrete manner, two applications are being studied and deployed. First, the FireGuide application for emergency response assistance uses groups of mobile/robotic nodes for guiding first responders in building fires. Second, a Regional Traffic Management (RTM) application demonstrates ideas at the regional level and will explore CPS scenarios for automobile traffic sensing and dynamic toll pricing. The proposed research program has the potential for broad societal impact. Studies that improve how building emergencies are handled will improve emergency response safety both for occupants and for first responders around the country. Likewise, the deployment plans regarding regional traffic management will improve traffic patterns, fuel efficiency and quality-of-life for commuters across the United States. The research team is distributing the CPSISA, CPSMap, and CPSDyn software frameworks to allow other researchers and developers to make use of them. Extensive industry collaborations foster effective technology transfer. Finally, the project continues and broadens the PIs? prior track records for undergraduate research advising and for mentoring women students and members of under-represented minority groups.
Performance Period: 09/01/2011 - 08/31/2016
Institution: Princeton University
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Award Number: 1135953
CPS:Medium:Collaborative Research: Smart Power Systems of the Future: Foundations for Understanding Volatility and Improving Operational Reliability
Lead PI:
Sean Meyn
This project addresses the impact of the integration of renewable intermittent generation in a power grid. This includes the consideration of sophisticated sensing, communication, and actuation capabilities on the system's reliability, price volatility, and economic and environmental efficiency. Without careful crafting of its architecture, the future smart grid may suffer from a decrease in reliability. Volatility of prices may increase, and the source of high prices may be more difficult to identify because of undetectable strategic policies. This project addresses these challenges by relying on the following components: (a) the development of tractable cross-layer models; physical, cyber, and economic, that capture the fundamental tradeoffs between reliability, price volatility, and economic and environmental efficiency, (b) the development of computational tools for quantifying the value of information on decision making at various levels, (c) the development of tools for performing distributed robust control design at the distribution level in the presence of information constraints, (d) the development of dynamic economic models that can address the real-time impact of consumer's feedback on future electricity markets, and finally (e) the development of cross-layer design principles and metrics that address critical architectural issues of the future grid. This project promotes modernization of the grid by reducing the system-level barriers for integration of new technologies, including the integration of new renewable energy resources. Understanding fundamental limits of performance is indispensable to policymakers that are currently engaged in revamping the infrastructure of our energy system. It is critical that we ensure that the transition to a smarter electricity infrastructure does not jeopardize the reliability of our electricity supply twenty years down the road. The educational efforts and outreach activities will provide multidisciplinary training for students in engineering, economics, and mathematics, and will raise awareness about the exciting research challenges required to create a sustainable energy future.
Performance Period: 10/01/2011 - 12/31/2012
Institution: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Award Number: 1135598
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