CPS: Small: Generation of natural movement for a multiple degrees-of-freedom robot driven by stochastic cellular actuators
Lead PI:
Jun Ueda
The objective of this research is to understand mechanisms for generating natural movements of skeletal mechanisms driven by stochastically-controlled, biologically-inspired actuators. The approach is to verify the hypothesis that the variability associated with high redundancy and the stochastic nature of the actuation is key to generating natural movements. This project seeks to: (i) develop a method to model and characterize actuator array topologies; (ii) develop a method to analyze the force variability of stochastic actuator arrays; (iii) develop an analytical method to generate movements for a robot with multiple degrees of freedom by minimizing the effect of variability; and (iv) demonstrate the validity of the approach through the development of a robotic arm driven by multiple stochastic array actuators. With respect to intellectual merit, the study of inhomogeneous stochastic actuator network topologies inspired by neuromuscular systems could find the "missing links" that bridge the gap between biological natural movements and the ones in artificial systems. Potential results could impact other research areas, including robust computer networks, robust immune systems, and redundant muscle coordination. With respect to broader impacts, a new graduate-level course provides students in engineering and science with a comprehensive and multidisciplinary education in the underlying principles, cutting-edge applications, and societal impacts of biologically-inspired robotics. Outreach activities include an interactive educational program for K-12 students and a workshop for high-school students and their mentors on robot development. International collaboration with Tokyo University of Science, Japan, will be initiated.
Performance Period: 09/01/2009 - 08/31/2013
Institution: GA Tech Research Corporation - GA Institute of Technology
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Award Number: 0932208
CPS: Medium: Collaborative Research: The Foundations of Implicit and Explicit Communication in Cyberphysical Systems
Lead PI:
Venkatesh Saligrama
Proposal Title: CPS:Medium:Collaborative Research: The Foundations of Implicit and Explicit Communication in Cyberphysical Systems Institution: University of California-Berkeley Abstract Date: 07/30/09 The objective of this research is to develop the theoretical foundations for understanding implicit and explicit communication within cyber-physical systems. The approach is two-fold: (a) developing new information-theoretic tools to reveal the essential nature of implicit communication in a manner analogous to (and compatible with) classical network information theory; (b) viewing the wireless ecosystem itself as a cyber-physical system in which spectrum is the physical substrate that is manipulated by heterogeneous interacting cyber-systems that must be certified to meet safety and performance objectives. The intellectual merit of this project comes from the transformative technical approaches being developed. The key to understanding implicit communication is a conceptual breakthrough in attacking the unsolved 40-year-old Witsenhausen counterexample by using an approximate-optimality paradigm combined with new ideas from sphere-packing and cognitive radio channels. These techniques open up radically new mathematical avenues to attack distributed-control problems that have long been considered fundamentally intractable. They guide the development of nonlinear control strategies that are provably orders-of-magnitude better than the best linear strategies. The keys to understanding explicit communication in cyber-physical systems are new approaches to active learning, detection, and estimation in distributed environments that combine worst-case and probabilistic elements. Beyond the many diverse applications (the Internet, the smart grid, intelligent transportation, etc.) of heterogeneous cyber-physical systems themselves, this research reaches out to wireless policy: allowing the principled formulation of government regulations for next-generation networks. Graduate students (including female ones) and postdoctoral scholars will be trained and research results incorporated into both the undergraduate and graduate curricula. NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Proposal Abstract Proposal:0932410 PI Name:Sahai, Anant Printed from
Performance Period: 09/15/2009 - 08/31/2014
Institution: Trustees of Boston University
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Award Number: 0932114
CPS: Small: Non-Volatile Computing for Embedded Cyber-Physical Systems
Lead PI:
Gookwon Suh
The objective of this research is to develop non-volatile computing devices, which allow the power source to be cut off at any time, and yet resume regular operation without loss of information when the power comes back. The approach is to replace all critical memory components with non-volatile units so that computing state is maintained over power interruptions. The advancement in new Flash memory devices makes this approach feasible by enabling low-voltage program/erase (P/E) around ±2V and a long (projected >1016) cycling endurance to be integrated into CMOS technology. This research effort seeks to establish a new paradigm of computing where non-volatile memory units are used pervasively to enhance reliability against power source instability, energy-efficiency, and security. The non-volatile computing devices are especially useful for embedded cyber-physical systems enabling long running computations and data collection even with unreliable power sources. The technologies developed from this project can also benefit conventional architecture in its power optimization and internal security code generation. The project is a close collaboration between computer architecture and CMOS technology development groups, where all levels in the design hierarchy will be visited for system and technology evaluation. This project integrates its research efforts with education by developing an undergraduate and Master curriculum that spans over the vertical design hierarchy in microprocessors. This vertical education will better prepare future work force in tackling tremendous design challenges spanning many layers of microprocessors. The results from this project will be made widely available to both industry and academia.
Performance Period: 09/01/2009 - 08/31/2014
Institution: Cornell University
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Award Number: 0932069
CPS: Medium: Programmable Second Skin to Re-educate Injured Nervous Systems
Lead PI:
Eugene Goldfield
Objectives and approaches. The objective of this research is to create a novel Cyber-Physical System, a self-reconfiguring ?second skin orthotic sleeve? consisting of programmable materials. The orthotic sleeve, worn over one or more limbs of brain-injured individuals, may restore brain function by promoting enriched exploration of self-produced limb movements. The approach consists of three steps (1) micro-fabricating sheets with embedded sensors and muscle-like collections of force-producing actuators, (2) conducting longitudinal recordings of kicking by typically developing and preterm brain-injured infants who wear a sensing, but not actuated micro-fabricated second skin, and (3) developing biologically-inspired programming techniques to help determine an algorithm with which the second skin embedded actuators may adaptively assist the ever-changing developmental pattern of infant kicking. The technology can be applied to many mobility-impaired populations,including children and adults with brain injury, the ageing population, and injured soldiers. The project will inform basic scientific and engineering research in areas such as formation of architectural structures by large-scale multi-agent robotic systems, and self-organization of swarming small-scale agents that act autonomously in cooperation with biological systems. The multi-institutional effort of this research endeavor will positively impact undergraduate and graduate science education via explorations of the intersection of biology and computation in cyber-physical systems. Innovation, teamwork, and the value of communication are encouraged. These efforts will promote education of an American work force that is technically expert, scientifically comprehensive, and socially aware to sustain national excellence in a future increasingly based on technologically complex systems.
Performance Period: 09/01/2009 - 08/31/2013
Institution: Children's Hospital Corporation
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Award Number: 0932015
CPS: Small: Programming Environment and Architecture for Situational Awareness and Response
Lead PI:
Robert Fowler
The objective of this research is to investigate and implement a software architecture to improve productivity in the development of rapidly deployable, robust, real-time situational awareness and response applications. The approach is based on a modular cross-layered architecture that combines a data-centric descriptive programming model with an overlay-based communication model. The cross-layer architecture will promote an efficient implementation. Simultaneously, the data-centric programming model and overlay-based communication model will promote a robust implementation that can take advantage of heterogeneous resources and respond to different failures. There is currently no high-level software architecture that meets the stringent requirements of many situational awareness and response applications. The proposed project will fill this void by developing a novel data-centric programming model that spans devices with varying computational and communication capabilities. Similarly, the overlay communication model will extend existing work by integrating network resources with the programming model. This cross-layer design will promote the implementation of efficient and robust applications. This research will benefit society by providing emergency responders with software tools that present key information in a timely fashion. This, in turn, will increase safety and reduce economic and human loss during emergencies. The productivity gains in deploying sensors and mobile devices will benefit other domains, such as field research using sensor networks. Software will be released under an open-source license to promote the use by government agencies, research institutions, and individuals. Products of this research, including the software, will be used in courses at the University of North Carolina.
Performance Period: 09/01/2009 - 06/30/2014
Institution: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Award Number: 0932011
CPS: Small: Collaborative Research: Establishing Integrity in Dynamic Networks of Cyber Physical Devices
Lead PI:
Vinod Ganapathy
The objective of this research is to develop energy-efficient integrity establishment techniques for dynamic networks of cyber physical devices. In such dynamic networks, devices connect opportunistically and perform general-purpose computations on behalf of other devices. However, some devices may be malicious in intent and affect the integrity of computation. The approach is to develop new trust establishment mechanisms for dynamic networks. Existing trusted computing mechanisms are not directly applicable to cyber physical devices because they are resource-intensive and require devices to have special-purpose hardware. This project is addressing these problems along three research prongs. The first is a comprehensive study of the resource bottlenecks in current trust establishment protocols. Second, the insights from this study are being used to develop resource-aware attestation protocols for cyber physical devices that are equipped with trusted hardware. Third, the project is developing new trust establishment protocols for cyber physical devices that may lack trusted hardware. A key outcome of the project is an improved understanding of the tradeoffs needed to balance the concerns of security and resource-awareness in dynamic networks. Dynamic networks allow cyber physical devices to form a highly-distributed, cloud-like infrastructure for computations involving the physical world. The trust-establishment mechanisms developed in this project encourage devices to participate in dynamic networks, thereby unleashing the full potential of dynamic networks. This project includes development of dynamic networking applications, such as distributed gaming and social networking, in undergraduate curricula and course projects, thereby fostering the participation of this key demographic.
Performance Period: 09/01/2009 - 08/31/2014
Institution: Rutgers University New Brunswick
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Award Number: 0931992
CPS: Small: Compositionality and Reconfiguration for Distributed Hybrid Systems
Lead PI:
Andre Platzer
The objective of this research is to address fundamental challenges in the verification and analysis of reconfigurable distributed hybrid control systems. These occur frequently whenever control decisions for a continuous plant depend on the actions and state of other participants. They are not supported by verification technology today. The approach advocated here is to develop strictly compositional proof-based verification techniques to close this analytic gap in cyber-physical system design and to overcome scalability issues. This project develops techniques using symbolic invariants for differential equations to address the analytic gap between nonlinear applications and present verification techniques for linear dynamics. This project aims at transformative research changing the scope of systems that can be analyzed. The proposed research develops a compositional proof-based approach to hybrid systems verification in contrast to the dominant automata-based verification approaches. It represents a major improvement addressing the challenges of composition, reconfiguration, and nonlinearity in system models The proposed research has significant applications in the verification of safety-critical properties in next generation cyber-physical systems. This includes distributed car control, robotic swarms, and unmanned aerial vehicle cooperation schemes to full collision avoidance protocols for multiple aircraft. Analysis tools for distributed hybrid systems have a broad range of applications of varying degrees of safety-criticality, validation cost, and operative risk. Analytic techniques that find bugs or ensure correct functioning can save lives and money, and therefore are likely to have substantial economic and societal impact.
Andre Platzer

André Platzer is a Professor of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. He develops the Logical Foundations of Cyber-Physical Systems (NSF CAREER). In his research, André Platzer works on logic-based verification and validation techniques for various forms of cyber-physical systems, including hybrid systems, distributed hybrid systems, and stochastic hybrid systems. He developed differential dynamic logic and differential invariants and leads the development of the CPS verification tool KeYmaera X.

André Platzer received an ACM Doctoral Dissertation Honorable Mention Award, an NSF CAREER Award, and was named one of the Brilliant 10 Young Scientists by the Popular Science magazine 2009 and one of the AI's 10 to Watch 2010 by the IEEE Intelligent Systems Magazine.

Performance Period: 09/01/2009 - 08/31/2014
Institution: Carnegie-Mellon University
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Award Number: 0931985
Project URL
CPS: Small: Collaborative Research: Foundations of Cyber-Physical Networks
Lead PI:
Jiawei Han
The objective of this research is to investigate the foundations, methodologies, algorithms and implementations of cyberphysical networks in the context of medical applications. The approach is to design, implement and study Carenet, a medical care network, by investigating three critical issues in the design and construction of cyberphysical networks: (1) rare event detection and multidimensional analysis in cyberphysical data streams, (2) reliable and trusted data analysis with cyberphysical networks, including veracity analysis for object consolidation and redundancy elimination, entity resolution and information integration, and feedback interaction between cyber- and physical- networks, and (3) spatiotemporal data analysis including spatiotemporal cluster analysis, sequential pattern mining, and evolution of cyberphysical networks. Intellectual merit: This project focuses on several most pressing issues in large-scale cyberphysical networks, and develops foundations, principles, methods, and technologies of cyberphysical networks. It will deepen our understanding of the foundations, develop effective and scalable methods for mining such networks, enrich our understanding of cyberphysical systems, and benefit many mission-critical applications. The study will enrich the principles and technologies of both cyberphysical systems and information network mining. Broader impacts: The project will integrate multiple disciplines, including networked cyberphysical systems, data mining, and information network technology, and advance these frontiers. It will turn raw data into useful knowledge and facilitate strategically important applications, including the analysis of patient networks, combat networks, and traffic networks. Moreover, the project systematically generates new knowledge and contains a comprehensive education and training plan to promote diversity, publicity, and outreach.
Performance Period: 09/01/2009 - 08/31/2012
Institution: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Award Number: 0931975
CPS: Small: Collaborative Research: Foundations of Cyber-Physical Networks
Lead PI:
John Stankovic
The objective of this research is to investigate the foundations, methodologies, algorithms and implementations of cyberphysical networks in the context of medical applications. The approach is to design, implement and study Carenet, a medical care network, by investigating three critical issues in the design and construction of cyberphysical networks: (1) rare event detection and multidimensional analysis in cyberphysical data streams, (2) reliable and trusted data analysis with cyberphysical networks, including veracity analysis for object consolidation and redundancy elimination, entity resolution and information integration, and feedback interaction between cyber- and physical- networks, and (3) spatiotemporal data analysis including spatiotemporal cluster analysis, sequential pattern mining, and evolution of cyberphysical networks. Intellectual merit: This project focuses on several most pressing issues in large-scale cyberphysical networks, and develops foundations, principles, methods, and technologies of cyberphysical networks. It will deepen our understanding of the foundations, develop effective and scalable methods for mining such networks, enrich our understanding of cyberphysical systems, and benefit many mission-critical applications. The study will enrich the principles and technologies of both cyberphysical systems and information network mining. Broader impacts: The project will integrate multiple disciplines, including networked cyberphysical systems, data mining, and information network technology, and advance these frontiers. It will turn raw data into useful knowledge and facilitate strategically important applications, including the analysis of patient networks, combat networks, and traffic networks. Moreover, the project systematically generates new knowledge and contains a comprehensive education and training plan to promote diversity, publicity, and outreach.
Performance Period: 09/01/2009 - 08/31/2012
Institution: University of Virginia Main Campus
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Award Number: 0931972
CPS: Small: Sensor Network Information Flow Dynamics
Lead PI:
Mehdi Khandani
The objective of this research is to develop numerical techniques for solving partial differential equations (PDE) that govern information flow in dense wireless networks. Despite the analogy of information flow in these networks to physical phenomena such as thermodynamics and fluid mechanics, many physical and protocol imposed constraints make information flow PDEs unique and different from the observed PDEs in physical phenomena. The approach is to develop a systematic method where a unified framework is capable of optimizing a broad class of objective functions on the information flow in a network of a massive number of nodes. The objective function is defined depending on desired property of the geometric paths of information. This leads to PDEs whose form varies depending on the optimization objective. Finally, numerical techniques will be developed to solve the PDEs in a network setting and in a distributed manner. The intellectual merits of this project are: developing mathematical tools that address a broad range of design objectives in large scale wireless sensor networks under a unified framework; initiating a new field on numerical analysis of information flow in dense wireless networks; and developing design tools for networking problems such as transport capacity, routing, and load balancing. The broader impacts of this research are: helping the development of next generation wireless networks; encouraging involvement of undergraduate students and underrepresented groups, and incorporating the research results into graduate level courses. Additionally, the research is interdisciplinary, bringing together sensor networking, theoretical physics, partial differential equations, and numerical optimization.
Performance Period: 10/01/2009 - 12/31/2014
Institution: University of Maryland College Park
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Award Number: 0931957
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