Over the past decade there has been a growing awareness and interest in large networked systems such as those presented by power (smart-grid), communication, biological, social and sensor networks. A large body of research focused on networked systems has resulted where the primary goal has been the design of strategies by which individual agents in a network cooperate to achieve coordinated goals. Less studied are competitive-strategic scenarios where agents may be competing while trying to achieve their objectives, or may be competing in teams using local communications for local coordination purposes. This project considers the competitive-strategic domain for two opposing teams, motivated by applications that can abstractly be viewed as a competition between a large collection of autonomous agents, and an adversarial agent or team of adversaries. A primary example is the problem of controlling a large wind farm composed of numerous turbines: each rotating blade creates a downstream wake and every turbine faces the problem of setting an appropriate rotation speed under complex aerodynamic interactions. The cooperative control problem is to determine rotation speeds for the individual turbines that maximize the total collective energy extracted from the wind, under wake effects from neighboring turbines and difficult-to-predict variations in wind speeds and directions. In this example, the Principal Investigators propose to address a generalization of the problem where the turbines are viewed as competing against nature, which continually and adversarial changes the wind speed at each turbine. Ongoing with the analytical and applications-oriented research efforts will be the development of educational programs with interdisciplinary activities in optimization, mathematical systems theory, game theory and clustering algorithms. Both graduate and undergraduate students will be involved, with an emphasis on attracting students from underrepresented groups to participate in the research activities throughout the duration of the project.
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
National Science Foundation
Angelia Nedich
Alexander Olshevsky