The formalization of system engineering models and approaches.
GTTSE 2015
The 5th Summer School on Grand Timely Topics in Software Engineering (GTTSE) Registration is open for participants! There is a students' workshop to which one may submit. List of speakers
Submitted by Anonymous on June 23rd, 2015
REES 2015
1st International ESWEEK Workshop on Resiliency in Embedded Electronic Systems (REES 2015) With the sheer complexity of hardware and software systems, resiliency became a major challenge in embedded systems design, manufacturing, and operation. For industrial applications several standards such as ISO26262, IEC61508 or DO-254 prescribe a well-defined level of reliability, robustness, and fault-tolerance.
Submitted by Anonymous on June 19th, 2015
This conference will focus in areas of intelligent systems and artificial intelligence and how it applies to the real world. It is an opportunity for researchers in this field to meet and discuss solutions, scientific results, and methods in solving intriguing problems in this field.  
Submitted by Anonymous on May 14th, 2015
EXE 2015
1st International Workshop on Executable Modeling (EXE 2015) co-located with MODELS 2015 We are pleased to invite you to submit papers to the First International Workshop on Executable Modeling (EXE 2015), held in conjunction with the ACM/IEEE 18th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS) at Ottawa, Canada, on September 27th, 2015. Scope and Topics
Submitted by Anonymous on May 7th, 2015
VL/HCC 2015
VL/HCC 2015 - IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing October 18-22, 2015  |  Atlanta, Georgia, USA We are pleased to invite you to submit papers to the 2015 IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC), to be held in Atlanta, Georgia, USA at the Georgia Tech Hotel & Conference Center, October 18-22, 2015. SCOPE AND TOPICS
Submitted by Anonymous on April 6th, 2015
Ptolemy Miniconference Eleventh Biennial Ptolemy Miniconference will be held on Friday October 16, 2015 at the Bancroft Hotel Great Hall near the University of California, Berkeley campus. The Ptolemy project ( studies modeling, simulation, and design of concurrent, real-time, embedded systems. The focus is on assembly of concurrent components.
Submitted by Anonymous on March 31st, 2015
2nd International Workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems (IWCPS’15) E-mail: We would like to cordially invite you to consider contributing a paper to IWCPS 2015 - held as a part of the Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (FedCSIS 2015).
Submitted by Anonymous on March 18th, 2015
The 56th Conference on Simulation and Modelling (SIMS 56) 7-9 October 2015 
“Modelling, Simulation and Optimization” In 2015, the 56th Conference on Simulation and Modelling will be held in Linköping, Sweden.
Submitted by Anonymous on March 16th, 2015
EUC 2015
13th IEEE/IFIP International Conferences on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC’2015) Porto, Portugal on October 21-23, 2015. Important Dates:
Submitted by Anonymous on March 16th, 2015
DeCPS 2015
Second International Workshop on Challenges and new Approaches for Dependable and Cyber-Physical Systems Engineering (DeCPS2015) in conjunction with the international conference on reliable software technologies -  Ada-Europe 2015 Madrid, Spain | June 23, 2015
Submitted by Anonymous on March 16th, 2015
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