Software & systems engineering and their applications.
NIST Cyber-Physical Systems Public Working Group What are Cyber-Physical Systems or CPS? Is a CPS any engineered system with a microprocessor? Do all CPS need to be connected to the internet? Are there a set of basic functions and architectural elements common to all CPS? You are invited to join us in answering these questions and charting the path to the future.
Submitted by Anonymous on June 12th, 2014
The CPSWeek brings together five leading conferences - HSCC, ICCPS, IPSN, HiCoNS, RTAS - as well as several workshops and tutorials on various aspects on the research and development of cyber-physical systems: Embedded Systems, Hybrid Systems, Real-Time and Sensor Networks.
Submitted by Anonymous on September 5th, 2013
EICS 2023
Fifteenth international ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Interactive Computing Systems EICS 2023 is the fifteenth international ACM SIGCHI conference devoted to engineering interactive computing systems and their user interfaces, addressing one or more software quality factors, such as usability, user experience, reliability, security, etc.
Submitted by Anonymous on December 7th, 2022
ANT 2023
The 14th International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies The 14th International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies (ANT 2023) is a leading international conference for researchers and industry practitioners to share their new ideas, original research results and practical development experiences from all Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies related areas. ANT 2023 will be held in conjunction with the 6th International Conference on Emerging Data and Industry (EDI40).
Amy Karns Submitted by Amy Karns on December 7th, 2022
Kamesh Namuduri Submitted by Kamesh Namuduri on July 27th, 2020
FNC 2020
17th International Conference on Future Networks and Communications (FNC 2020) Research in networks and communication technologies requires very significant investments of stakeholders for enabling our future networking society. Research in network communication has made several possible innovations having a strong influence on people's lives. Mobile communications and the Internet are two outstanding examples.
Submitted by Anonymous on July 22nd, 2020
33rd International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems (ARCS 2020) The ARCS conferences series has over 30 years of tradition reporting leading edge research in computer architecture and operating systems. The focus of the 2020 conference will be on concepts and tools for incorporating self-adaption and self-organisation mechanisms in high performance computing.
Submitted by Anonymous on January 9th, 2020
COVID-19 Update PerCom 2020 is still scheduled to happen March 23-27 but in an entirely virtual format. Given the options of canceling PerCom 2020 entirely or shifting to a remote format, we have chosen the latter. More information about logistics of the remote meeting will be forthcoming, but please feel free to reach out with more questions. To reiterate, PerCom 2020 will happen online, March 23-27.
Submitted by Anonymous on January 9th, 2020
ASPLOS 2020 meeting in Lausanne is canceled because of COVID-19
Submitted by Anonymous on January 9th, 2020
ASP-DAC 2020
25th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC 2020) Aims of the Conference
Submitted by Anonymous on January 8th, 2020
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