ICCPS 2018
9th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems April 11-13, 2018  | Porto, Portugal | http://iccps.acm.org/2018 part of CPSWeek 2018 Overview. 
Submitted by Anonymous on July 24th, 2017
The 19th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology jointly organized by IEEE IES, the University of Lyon, Ampère and Satie labs contact@icit2018.org IEEE ICIT is one of the flagship yearly conferences of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, devoted to the dissemination of new research ideas and experiments and works in progress within the fields of:
Submitted by Anonymous on July 24th, 2017
RTNS 2017
25th International Conference on Real-Time Networks and Systems (RTNS 2017) Grenoble, France, October 4-6, 2017 |  http://www.rtns17.org/ RTNS is a friendly and inclusive  conference with  a great  sense of community that presents excellent opportunities for collaboration. Topics of interest include:
Submitted by Anonymous on July 11th, 2017
The 31st International Conference on VLSI Design The 17th International Conference on Embedded Systems This joint conference is a forum for researchers and designers to present and discuss current topics in VLSI design, electronic design automation, embedded systems, and emerging technologies. Two days of tutorials will be followed by three days of regular paper sessions, special sessions, and embedded tutorials. Industry presentation sessions along with exhibits, panel discussions, Design Contest, and Education Forum round off the program.
Submitted by Anonymous on July 11th, 2017
SASO 2017
11th IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems (SASO)  SASO is part of FAS*, a common umbrella for two closely related but independent conferences (SASO and ICCAC) with shared events including workshops, tutorials, doctoral symposia, etc.
Submitted by Anonymous on July 11th, 2017
ICPE 2018
9th ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering (ICPE 2018) Sponsored by ACM SIGMETRICS, SIGSOFT, and SPEC RG
Submitted by Anonymous on June 20th, 2017
GPCE 2017
16th International Conference on Generative Programming: Concepts & Experiences (GPCE 2017) co-located with SPLASH 2017 GPCE is a programming languages conference focusing on techniques and tools for code generation, language implementation, and product-line development. GPCE seeks conceptual, theoretical, empirical, and technicalcontributions to its topics of interest, which include but are not limited to:
Submitted by Anonymous on June 20th, 2017
CASES 2017
International Conference on Compilers, Architectures, and Synthesis for Embedded Systems (CASES 2017) at the Embedded System Week (ESWeek) October 15-20, 2017 | Seoul, South Korea | http://www.esweek.org/cases/
Submitted by Anonymous on June 9th, 2017
ERTS² 2018
Embedded Real Time Software and Systems ( ERTS² 2018) The ERTS2 congress created by the late Jean-Claude Laprie in 2002 is a unique European cross sector event on Embedded Software and Systems, a platform for top-level scientists with representatives from universities, research centres, agencies and industries. The previous editions gathered more than 100 talks, 500 participants and 60 exhibitors. ERTS2 is both:
Submitted by Anonymous on June 9th, 2017
14th HONET-ICT International Conference "Smart Cities: Improving Quality of Life-Using ICT & IoT" Scope:
Submitted by Anonymous on May 8th, 2017
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