Software designed for computational processes that interact with the physical processes.
The objective of this research is to develop a theory of ActionWebs, that is, networked embedded sensor-rich systems, which are taskable for coordination of multiple decision-makers. The approach is to first identify models of ActionWebs using stochastic hybrid systems, an interlinking of continuous dynamical physical models with discrete state representations of interconnection and computation. Second, algorithms will be designed for tasking individual sensors, based on information objectives for the entire system. Third, algorithms for ActionWebs will be developed using multi-objective control methods for meeting safety and efficiency objectives. Two grand challenge applications for this research are in Intelligent Buildings for optimal heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and lighting based on occupant behavior and external environment; and Air Traffic Control for mobile vehicle platforms with sensor suites for environmental sensing to enable safe, convenient, and energy efficient routing. The intellectual merit of this research stems from a conceptual shift of ActionWebs away from passive information gathering to an action-orientation. This involves: modeling of ActionWebs using stochastic hybrid systems; taskable, multi-modal, and mobile sensor webs; and multi-scale action-perception hierarchies. The broader impact of the research is in two grand challenge national problems: energy efficient air transportation, and energy efficient, high productivity buildings, and will tackle social, privacy, economic, and usability issues. Integrated with the research is a program of coursework development in networked embedded systems, across stove pipes in EECS, Aero-Astro, Civil, and Mechanical Engineering departments. Outreach objectives include new course design at San Jose State University, and recruiting more women researchers.
University of California at Berkeley
National Science Foundation
Claire Tomlin
Claire Tomlin Submitted by Claire Tomlin on April 7th, 2011
The physical environment of a cyber-physical system is unboundedly complex, changing continuously in time and space. An embodied cyber-physical system, embedded in the physical world, will receive a high bandwidth stream of sensory information, and may have multiple effectors with continuous control signals. In addition to dynamic change in the world, the properties of the cyber-physical system itself ? its sensors and effectors ? change over time. How can it cope with this complexity? The hypothesis behind this proposal is that a successful cyber-physical system will need to be a learning agent, learning the properties of its sensors, effectors, and environment from its own experience, and adapting over time. Inspired by human developmental learning, the assertion is that foundational concepts such as Space, Object, Action, etc., are essential for such a learning agent to abstract and control the complexity of its world. To bridge the gap between continuous interaction with the physical environment, and discrete symbolic descriptions that support effective planning, the agent will need multiple representations for these foundational domains, linked by abstraction relations. To achieve this, the team is developing the Object Semantic Hierarchy (OSH), which shows how a learning agent can create a hierarchy of representations for objects it interacts with. The OSH shows how the ?object abstraction? factors the uncertainty in the sensor stream into object models and object trajectories. These object models then support the creation of action models, abstracting from low-level motor signals. To ensure generality across cyber-physical systems, these methods make only very generic assumptions about the nature of the sensors, effectors, and environment. However, to provide a physical test bed for rapid evaluation and refinement of our methods, the team has designed a model laboratory robotic system to be built from off-the-shelf components, including a stereo camera, a pan-tilt-translate base, and a manipulator arm. For dissemination and replication of research results, the core system will be affordable and easily duplicated at other labs. There are plans to distribute the plans, the control software, and the software for experiments, to encourage other labs to replicate and extend the work. The same system will serve as a platform for an open-ended set of undergraduate laboratory tasks, ranging from classroom exercises, to term projects, to independent study projects. There is a preliminary design for a very inexpensive version of the model cyberphysical system that can be constructed from servo motors and pan-tilt webcams, for use in collaborating high schools and middle schools, to communicate the breadth and excitement of STEM research.
University of Michigan Ann Arbor
National Science Foundation
Kuipers, Benjamin
Benjamin Kuipers Submitted by Benjamin Kuipers on April 7th, 2011
The objective of this research is to develop the scientific foundation for the quantitative analysis and design of control networks. Control networks are wireless substrates for industrial automation control, such as the WirelessHART and Honeywell's OneWireless, and have fundamental differences over their sensor network counterparts as they also include actuation and the physical dynamics. The approach of the project focuses on understanding cross-cutting interfaces between computing systems, control systems, sensor networks, and wireless communications using time-triggered architectures. The intellectual merit of this research is based on using time-triggered communication and computation as a unifying abstraction for understanding control networks. Time-triggered architectures enable the natural integration of communication, computation, and physical aspects of control networks as switched control systems. The time-triggered abstraction will serve for addressing the following interrelated themes: Optimal Schedules via Quantitative Automata, Quantitative Analysis and Design of Control Networks: Wireless Protocols for Optimal Control: Quantitative Trust Management for Control Networks. Various components of this research will be integrated into the PIs' RAVEN control network which is compatible with both WirelessHART and OneWireless specifications. This provides a direct path for this proposal to have immediate industrial impact. In order to increase the broader impact of this project, this project will launch the creation of a Masters' program in Embedded Systems, one of the first in the nation. The principle that guides the curriculum development of this novel program is a unified systems view of computing, communication, and control systems.
University of Pennsylvania
National Science Foundation
Alejandro Ribeiro
Pappas, George
George Pappas Submitted by George Pappas on April 7th, 2011
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