CPS SummerCamp '17 Agenda
CPS SummerCamp '17 Agenda
 Mon, July 31Tues, Aug 1Wed Aug 2Thurs, Aug 3Fri, Aug 4
9am - noonIntroduction to CPSSmart CitiesNetworkingUnmanned Aerial Vehicles (drones)Modeling and Simulation of Physical Processes
noon - 1pmcatered lunchcatered lunchcatered lunchcatered lunchcatered lunch
1pm - 2pmIntro to Matlab and wired control of MiniQ
Lab Exercise #1
Intro to ArduinoIDE
(Tutorials 3-5)
Lab Exercise #2a

Intro to Simulink
Lab Exercise #2b
ArduinoIDE Challenge Problem
Lab Exercise #3a

Optional Expansion
Lab Exercise #3b
Capstone Design ProjectMechanical Engineering & CPS
2pm - 3pmOpen House
3pm - 4pmClosing Ceremony