Systems that maintain state awareness and an accepted level of operational normalcy in response to disturbances, including threats of an unexpected and malicious nature.
Security and privacy concerns in the increasingly interconnected world are receiving much attention from the research community, policymakers, and general public. However, much of the recent and on-going efforts concentrate on security of general-purpose computation and on privacy in communication and social interactions. The advent of cyber-physical systems (e.g., safety-critical IoT), which aim at tight integration between distributed computational intelligence, communication networks, physical world, and human actors, opens new horizons for intelligent systems with advanced capabilities. These systems may reduce number of accidents and increase throughput of transportation networks, improve patient safety, mitigate caregiver errors, enable personalized treatments, and allow older adults to age in their places. At the same time, cyber-physical systems introduce new challenges and concerns about safety, security, and privacy. The proposed project will lead to safer, more secure and privacy preserving CPS. As our lives depend more and more on these systems, specifically in automotive, medical, and Internet-of-Things domains, results obtained in this project will have a direct impact on the society at large. The study of emerging legal and ethical aspects of large-scale CPS deployments will inform future policy decision-making. The educational and outreach aspects of this project will help us build a workforce that is better prepared to address the security and privacy needs of the ever-more connected and technologically oriented society.
Cyber-physical systems (CPS) involve tight integration of computational nodes, connected by one or more communication networks, the physical environment of these nodes, and human users of the system, who interact with both the computational part of the system and the physical environment. Attacks on a CPS system may affect all of its components: computational nodes and communication networks are subject to malicious intrusions, and physical environment may be maliciously altered. CPS-specific security challenges arise from two perspectives. On the one hand, conventional information security approaches can be used to prevent intrusions, but attackers can still affect the system via the physical environment. Resource constraints, inherent in many CPS domains, may prevent heavy-duty security approaches from being deployed. This proposal will develop a framework in which the mix of prevention, detection and recovery, and robust techniques work together to improve the security and privacy of CPS. Specific research products will include techniques providing: 1) accountability-based detection and bounded-time recovery from malicious attacks to CPS, complemented by novel preventive techniques based on lightweight cryptography; 2) security-aware control design based on attack resilient state estimator and sensor fusions; 3) privacy of data collected and used by CPS based on differential privacy; and, 4) evidence-based framework for CPS security and privacy assurance, taking into account the operating context of the system and human factors. Case studies will be performed in applications with autonomous features of vehicles, internal and external vehicle networks, medical device interoperability, and smart connected medical home.
University of Pennsylvania
National Science Foundation
Nadia Heninger
Andreas Haeberlen

Inherent vulnerabilities of information and communication technology systems to cyber-attacks (e.g., malware) impose significant security risks to Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS). This is evidenced by a number of recent accidents. Noticeably, current distributed control of CPS is not really attack-resilient (ensuring task completion despite attacks). Although provable resilience would significantly lift the trustworthiness of CPS, existing defenses are rather ad-hoc and mainly focus on attack detection. In addition, while network attacks have been extensively studied, resilient-to-malware distributed control has been rarely investigated.
This project aims to bridge the gap. It aims to investigate provably correct distributed attack-resilient control of CPS. The project will focus on a representative class of CPS, namely unmanned-vehicle-operator networks, and its four main research thrusts are: (1) The development of a distributed attack-resilient control framework to ensure task completion of multiple vehicles despite network attacks and malware attacks, (2) The synthesis of novel distributed attack-resilient control algorithms to deal with network attacks, (3) The design of estimation algorithms to detect malware attacks on vehicles, and computationally efficient algorithms which allow clean vehicles to avoid the collision with the vehicles compromised by malware, and (4) The validation of the cost-effectiveness of the proposed distributed attack-resilient control framework via a principled systematic evaluation plan.
The research findings profoundly impact CPS security of a variety of engineering disciplines beyond unmanned-vehicle-operator networks, including smart grid, smart buildings and intelligent transportation systems. The proposed research is interdisciplinary and involves interactions among security, control, distributed algorithms and robotics. This will lead to educational and training opportunities that cross traditional disciplinary boundaries for high-school, undergraduate and graduate students in STEM.
Pennsylvania State University
National Science Foundation
Peng Liu
The increasing reliance on computer and communication technologies exposes control systems to cyber security threats. The physical systems can now be attacked through cyberspace. Emerging sophisticated attacks can exploit zero-day vulnerabilities, persist in the system for long periods of time, and advance stealthily to achieve their attack goals. Protection and prevention against such attacks are not always possible, and a paradigm shift to emphasize resilience of a control system is the overarching objective for safeguarding control systems to protect nation's critical infrastructures. The major challenge for designing secure and resilient cyber-physical control system is the lack of scientific foundations, and quantitative methods to provide a systematic guideline for large-scale cyber-physical interactions. To this end, the project aims to establish a meta-game system theory, and develop computational and design methodologies for cyber-physical co-design problems.
Game-theoretic tools serve as an appropriate way to interconnect systems from multiple domains into one single framework to address security and resilience issues of highly integrated CPS. This project investigates a meta-game framework as a new paradigm to compose heterogeneous system components to design their interactions to achieve functional security and resiliency properties. Through developing security-aware controllers and impact-aware proactive cyber defense mechanism, this project creates a system co-design paradigm based on the meta-game framework, which captures the system properties of robustness, security, and resilience in one single framework, and provides fundamental principles to characterize their tradeoffs. The analytical framework will lead to the development of a cyber-physical mechanism design theory to provide a solid foundation for achieving optimal cyber-physical integration for control systems. The developed analytical and design tools will allow the prediction of unexpected outcomes of system integrations, the mitigation of the impact of cyber attacks on control systems, and the cost-effective operation and design of resilient CPS.
New York University
National Science Foundation
(in conjunction with IEEE LCN 2016)
SETTA 2016
Symposium on Dependable Software Engineering: Theories, Tools and Applications
Background and Objectives
CASES 2016
Compilers, Architecture and Synthesis of Embedded Systems Conference (CASES 2016)
Part of Embedded Systems Week (ESWeek is the premier event covering all aspects of embedded systems and software.)
About CASES:
RTCSA 2016
RTCSA 2016: The 22nd IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications
RTCSA 2016 is going to be held in Daegu, South Korea and organized by DGIST. The RTCSA conference series carry on with the tradition and bring together researchers and developers from academia and industry for advancing the technology of embedded and real-time systems and their emerging applications including the Internet of things and cyber-physical systems.
MES 2016
Fourth ACM International Workshop on Many-core Embedded Systems (MES)
in conjunction with the 43rd International symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA-2016)
General Scope
International Workshop on Early Reliability Modeling for Aging and Variability in Silicon Systems (ERMAVSS)
Dresden, Germany (co-located with DATE) | Friday March 18th, 2016 |
About the Workshop
NVMSA 2016
The 4th IEEE Non-Volatile Memory Systems and Applications Symposium (NVMSA)
Non-Volatile memory (NVM) technologies have demonstrated great potentials on improving many aspects of present and future memory hierarchy, offering high integration density, larger capacity, zero standby power and good resilience to soft errors. The recent research progress of various NVMs, e.g., NAND flash, PCM, STT-RAM, RRAM, FeRAM, etc., have drawn tremendous attentions from both academy and industry.