The ASEE Engineering Research Council held a meeting in Washington DC on March 5, 2012. There were presentations from OSTP, ASD-R&E, AFOSR, ARO, DOE, NIH, NSF, ONR, USDA about the agencies' research interests, funding levels and new opportunities including CPS. Several of the presentations had information relevant to CPS, including Dr. Reginald Brothers, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering; John P.
NIST Foundations for Innovation for Cyber-Physical Systems | March 13-14, 2012
Home | Background | Committee & Speakers | Agenda | Registration | Hotel/Travel | Downloads | Contacts | Submit Your Ideas
Leap Out of the BoxWe want your ideas!
This is your opportunity, as someone working in the field, to voice your ideas and present innovative solutions to the challenging problems facing the development and use of cyber-physical systems.
Your ideas will be added to the body of knowledge gained at this important CPS workshop, and your name will be included as a contributor in the workshop report (without attribution to specific ideas).
Please select from the following topic areas and prepare a response of 1000 words or less.
- Topic 1. Identify one to five elements that are critical to future CPS systems and why – i.e., what is the vision for future CPS systems? These could be new technologies, higher performance functionalities, or other elements.
- Topic 2. Identify one of the most pressing technology and measurement challenges for CPS – and an innovative approach or solution. Include R&D or other actions that are necessary to your approach.
- Topic 3. Identify collaborative activities, consortia, or other cooperative approaches that could potentially accelerate development and use of CPS.
Click below to submit your ideas on CPS R&D barriers and challenges, promising new solutions, and the breakthrough science and technology R&D needed to make it happen.
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