The terms denote technology areas that are part of the CPS technology suite or that are impacted by CPS requirements.
The 19th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology jointly organized by IEEE IES, the University of Lyon, Ampère and Satie labs IEEE ICIT is one of the flagship yearly conferences of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, devoted to the dissemination of new research ideas and experiments and works in progress within the fields of:
Submitted by Anonymous on July 24th, 2017
1st International Workshop on Human-centered Sensing, Networking, and Systems (HumanSys 2017) Co-located with ACM SenSys 2017
Submitted by Anonymous on July 24th, 2017
Computer systems are increasingly coming to be relied upon to augment or replace human operators in controlling mechanical devices in contexts such as transportation systems, chemical plants, and medical devices, where safety and correctness are critical. A central problem is how to verify that such partially automated or fully autonomous cyber-physical systems (CPS) are worthy of our trust. One promising approach involves synthesis of the computer implementation codes from formal specifications, by software tools. This project contributes to this "correct-by-construction" approach, by developing scalable, automated methods for the synthesis of control protocols with provable correctness guarantees, based on insights from models of human behavior. It targets: (i) the gap between the capabilities of today's hardly autonomous, unmanned systems and the levels of capability at which they can make an impact on our use of monetary, labor, and time resources; and (ii) the lack of computational, automated, scalable tools suitable for the specification, synthesis and verification of such autonomous systems. The research is based on study of modular reinforcement learning-based models of human behavior derived through experiments designed to elicit information on how humans control complex interactive systems in dynamic environments, including automobile driving. Architectural insights and stochastic models from this study are incorporated with a specification language based on linear temporal logic, to guide the synthesis of adaptive autonomous controllers. Motion planning and other dynamic decision-making are by algorithms based on computational engines that represent the underlying physics, with provision for run-time adaptation to account for changing operational and environmental conditions. Tools implementing this methodology are validated through experimentation in a virtual testing facility in the context of autonomous driving in urban environments and multi-vehicle autonomous navigation of micro-air vehicles in dynamic environments. Education and outreach activities include involvement of undergraduate and graduate students in the research, integration of the research into courses, demonstrations for K-12 students, and recruitment of research participants from under-represented demographic groups. Data, code, and teaching materials developed by the project are disseminated publicly on the Web.
University of Washington
National Science Foundation
Submitted by Behcet Acikmese on July 21st, 2017

Dear Colleagues,

Please see below the Call for Papers for ACM SafeThings 2017. We enthusiastically look forward to your submissions on advancements in the safety of the Internet of Things ecosystem.  

1st ACM Workshop on the Internet of Safe Things (SafeThings 2017)
November 5, 2017 at TU Delft, The Netherlands
Co-located with ACM SenSys 2017

As the traditionally segregated systems are brought online for next generation connected applications, we have an opportunity to significantly improve the safety of legacy systems. For instance, insights from data across systems can be exploited to reduce accidents, improve air quality and support disaster events. Cyber-physical systems (CPS) also bring new risks that arise due to the unexpected interaction between systems. These safety risks arise because of information that distracts users while driving, software errors in medical devices, corner cases in data-driven control, compromised sensors in drones or conflicts in societal policies.

Accordingly, the Internet of Safe Things workshop (or SafeThings, for brevity) seeks to bring researchers and practitioners that are actively exploring system design, modeling, verification, authentication approaches to provide safety guarantees in the Internet of Things (IoT). The workshop welcomes contributions that integrate hardware and software systems provided by disparate vendors, particularly those that have humans in the loop. As safety is inherently linked with the security and privacy, we also seek contributions in security and privacy that address safety concerns. With the SafeThings workshop, we seek to develop a community that systematically dissects the vulnerabilities and risks exposed by these emerging CPSes, and create tools, algorithms, frameworks and systems that help in the development of safe systems.

SafeThings workshop covers safety topics as it relates to an individual’s health (physical, mental), the society (air pollution, toxicity, disaster events), or the environment (species preservation, global warming, oil spills). The workshop considers safety from a human perspective, and thus, does not include topics such as thread safety or memory safety in its scope.

Our workshop will cover, but not limit itself to, the following subject categories:
- Verification of safety in IoT platforms
- Privacy preserving data sharing and analysis
- Compliance with legal, health and environmental policies
- Integration of hardware and software systems
- Conflict resolution between IoT applications
- Safety in human-in-the-loop systems
- Support for IoT development - debugging tools, emulators, testbeds
- Usable security and privacy for IoT platforms
- Resiliency against attacks and faults
- Secure connectivity in IoT

Our workshop will cover, but not limit itself to, the following domains: autonomous vehicles and transportation infrastructure; medical CPS and public health; smart buildings, smart grid and smart cities.

Submission Types:
We solicit two types of original submissions:
  * Regular papers for oral presentation (6 pages)
  * Technical posters and demos (1 page)

Important Dates:
Abstract Submission Deadline: July 23, 2017 (11.59 PM AoE)
Paper Submission Deadline: July 30, 2017 (11.59 PM AoE)
Poster and demo submission deadline: July 30, 2017 (11.59 PM AoE)
Acceptance Notification: August 21, 2017
Camera-ready versions: September 10, 2017

Organizing Committee:

General Chairs:
Patrick Tague (Carnegie Mellon University)
Bharathan Balaji (University of California, Los Angeles)

Program Chairs:
Mani Srivastava (University of California, Los Angeles)
Yuan Tian (Carnegie Mellon University)

Poster and Demo Chair:
Houssam Abbas (University of Pennsylvania)
Publication Chair:
Rasit Eskicioglu (University of Manitoba)

SenSys Workshop Chair:
Xiaofan (Fred) Jiang (Columbia University, USA)
Technical Program Committee:
Blase Ur (University of Chicago)
Xiao Feng Wang (Indiana Bloomington)
Xinyu Xing (Penn State)
Paulo Tabuada (University of California, Los Angeles)
Supriyo Chakraborty (IBM Research)
Muhammad Naveed (University of Southern California)
Yasser Shoukry (University of California, Berkeley)
Yuvraj Agarwal (Carnegie Mellon University)
Rajesh Gupta (University of California, San Diego)
Brad Campbell (University of Virginia)
John Stankovic (University of Virginia)
Madhur Behl (University of Virginia)
Houssam Abbas (University of Pennsylvania)
Insup Lee (University of Pennsylvania)
João Vilela (University of Coimbra)
Eric Wustrow (Colorado Boulder)
Richard Han (Colorado Boulder)
Lu Feng (University of Virginia)
Earlence Fernandes (University of Michigan)
Falko Dressler (Paderborn University)
Jie Liu (Microsoft Research)
Kay Roemer (TU Graz)
Nic Lane (University College London)
Fang-Jing Wu (NEC Lab)
Jyotrimoy Deshmukh (Toyota)
Saman Zonouz (Rutgers University)
Haixin Duan (Tsinghua University)
Yutaka Arakawa (Nara Institute of Science and Technology)
Ingrid Verbauwhede (KU Leuven)
Stefano Zanero (Politecnico di Milano)
Thorsten Holz (Ruhr University Bochum)
Amir Rahmati (University of Michigan)
Cong Zheng  (Palo Alto Networks)
Chenguang Shen (Facebook)
​Shaunak Mishra (Yahoo Research)

Steering Committee:
John Stankovic (University of Virginia)
Lorrie Faith Cranor (Carnegie Mellon University)
Srdjan Capkun (ETH Zurich)
Rupak Majumdar (Max Planck Institute for Software Systems)

General Announcement
Not in Slideshow
Submitted by Bharathan Balaji on July 18th, 2017
This research investigates a cyber-physical framework for scalable, long-term monitoring and maintenance of civil infrastructures. With growth of the world economy and its population, there has been an ever increasing dependency on larger and more complex networks of civil infrastructure as evident in the billions of dollars spent by the federal, state and local governments to either upgrade or repair transportation systems or utilities. Despite these large expenditures, the nation continues to suffer staggering consequences from infrastructural decay. Therefore, paramount to the concept of a smart city of the future is the concept of smart civil infrastructure that can self-monitor itself to predict any impending failures and in the cases of extreme events (e.g. earthquakes) identify portions that would require immediate repair, and prioritize areas for emergency response. A goal of this research project is to make significant progress towards this grand vision by investigating a framework of infrastructural Internet-of-Things (i-IoT) using a network of self-powered, embedded health monitoring sensors. The collaborative and interdisciplinary nature of this research would provide opportunities for unique outreach programs involving undergraduate and graduate students in technical areas, e.g., sensors, IoTs and structural health monitoring. The project would also provide avenues for disseminating the results of this research to stakeholders in the state governments and for translating the results of the research into field deployable prototypes. This research addresses different elements of the proposed i-IoT framework by bringing together expertise from three universities in the area of self-powered sensors, energy scavenging processors, structural health monitoring and earthquake engineering. At the fundamental level, the project involves investigating self-powered sensors that will require zero maintenance and can continuously operate over the useful lifespan of the structure without experiencing any downtime. The challenge in this regard is that sensors need to occupy a small enough volume such that an array of these devices could be easily embedded and can provide accurate spatial resolution in structural imaging. This research is also investigates techniques that would enable real time wireless collection of data from an array of self-powered sensors embedded inside a structure, without taking the structure out-of-service. The methods to be explored involve combining the physics of energy scavenging, transduction, rectification and logic computation to improve the system's energy-efficiency and reduce the system latency. At the algorithmic level the project explores novel structural failure prediction and structural forensic algorithms based on historical data collected from self-powered sensors embedded at different spatial locations. This includes kernel algorithms that can exploit the data to quickly identify the most vulnerable part of a structure after a man-made or a natural crisis (for example an earthquake). Finally, the technology translation plan for this research is to validate the proposed i-IoT framework in real-world deployment, which includes buildings, multi-span bridges and highways.
Washington University in St. Louis
National Science Foundation
Xuan Zhang
Submitted by Shantanu Chakrabartty on July 12th, 2017
Seventh Workshop on Design, Modeling and Evaluation of Cyber Physical Systems (CyPhy'17) Held in conjunction with ESWEEK 2017 
Submitted by Anonymous on July 11th, 2017
2017 IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Communications, Computers and Signal Processing Established in 1987, the Pacific Rim Conference on Communications, Computers and Signal Processing (PacRim) is the premier IEEE biennial event in the Pacific Northwest. In 2017, it will be held at the Engineering Computer Science building at the University of Victoria, Victoria, B.C., Canada, from August 21 to August 23.
Submitted by Anonymous on July 11th, 2017
The 31st International Conference on VLSI Design The 17th International Conference on Embedded Systems This joint conference is a forum for researchers and designers to present and discuss current topics in VLSI design, electronic design automation, embedded systems, and emerging technologies. Two days of tutorials will be followed by three days of regular paper sessions, special sessions, and embedded tutorials. Industry presentation sessions along with exhibits, panel discussions, Design Contest, and Education Forum round off the program.
Submitted by Anonymous on July 11th, 2017
SASO 2017
11th IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems (SASO)  SASO is part of FAS*, a common umbrella for two closely related but independent conferences (SASO and ICCAC) with shared events including workshops, tutorials, doctoral symposia, etc.
Submitted by Anonymous on July 11th, 2017
ICPE 2018
9th ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering (ICPE 2018) Sponsored by ACM SIGMETRICS, SIGSOFT, and SPEC RG
Submitted by Anonymous on June 20th, 2017
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