Hardware architecture and a software framework, where the combination allows software to run.
NIST Cyber-Physical Systems Public Working Group
What are Cyber-Physical Systems or CPS?
Is a CPS any engineered system with a microprocessor?
Do all CPS need to be connected to the internet?
Are there a set of basic functions and architectural elements common to all CPS?
You are invited to join us in answering these questions and charting the path to the future.
CPS Week 2014
The CPSWeek brings together five leading conferences - HSCC, ICCPS, IPSN, HiCoNS, RTAS - as well as several workshops and tutorials on various aspects on the research and development of cyber-physical systems: Embedded Systems, Hybrid Systems, Real-Time and Sensor Networks.

FNC 2020
17th International Conference on Future Networks and Communications (FNC 2020)
Research in networks and communication technologies requires very significant investments of stakeholders for enabling our future networking society. Research in network communication has made several possible innovations having a strong influence on people's lives. Mobile communications and the Internet are two outstanding examples.
CPS&IoT’2019 Summer School on Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet-of-Things
in collaboration with Euromicro, IEEE and MANT
collocated with ECYPS 2019 – 7th EUROMICRO/IEEE Workshop on Embedded and Cyber-Physical Systems and MECO 2019 – 8th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing
4th International Workshop on Requirements Engineering for Self-Adaptive and Cyber-Physical Systems (RESACS 2018)
http://resacs2018.wordpress.com | http://twitter.com/RESACS_WS
20th International Conference on Coordination Models and Languages (COORDINATION 2018)
ARCS 2018
31st International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems (ARC 2018)
April 09 -12, 2018 | Braunschweig, Germany at the Technical University of Braunschweig | http://arcs2018.itec.kit.edu/
ICDCN 2018
19th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking (ICDCN 2018)
ICDCN is a premier international conference dedicated to addressing advances in Distributed Computing and Communication Networks, which over the years, has become a leading forum for disseminating the latest research results in these fields. The 19th edition of this international conference will be organized in India, at Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi. Varanasi is the oldes city and finds place in most of the mythological scriptures of Hinduism as well.
This CPS Frontiers project addresses highly dynamic Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs), understood as systems where a computing delay of a few milliseconds or an incorrectly computed response to a disturbance can lead to catastrophic consequences. Such is the case of cars losing traction when cornering at high speed, unmanned air vehicles performing critical maneuvers such as landing, or disaster and rescue response bipedal robots rushing through the rubble to collect information or save human lives. The preceding examples currently share a common element: the design of their control software is made possible by extensive experience, laborious testing and fine tuning of parameters, and yet, the resulting closed-loop system has no formal guarantees of meeting specifications.
The vision of the project is to provide a methodology that allows for complex and dynamic CPSs to meet real-world requirements in an efficient and robust way through the formal synthesis of control software. The research is developing a formal framework for correct-by-construction control software synthesis for highly dynamic CPSs with broad applications to automotive safety systems, prostheses, exoskeletons, aerospace systems, manufacturing, and legged robotics.
The design methodology developed here will improve the competitiveness of segments of industry that require a tight integration between hardware and highly advanced control software such as: automotive (dynamic stability and control), aerospace (UAVs), medical (prosthetics, orthotics, and exoskeleton design) and robotics (legged locomotion). To enhance the impact of these efforts, the PIs are developing interdisciplinary teaching materials to be made freely available and disseminating their work to a broad audience.
This is a continuing grant of Award # 1562236
Georgia Tech Research Corporation
National Science Foundation