The CPS-VO Portal provides extensive support for Communities of Interest. Groups can be formed around a technical topic, event/workshop, or research project.
  • 2023 NSF Workshop on Silent Data Corruption
    In today's climate, hyperscalers are reporting frequent silent data corruptions (SDCs)—i.e, silent errors or corrupt execution errors (CEEs)—in their cloud fleets caused by silicon manufacturing defects. Remarkably, SDCs at-scale are exhibiting error…
  • Music City BEST Robotics
    BEST Robotics is a national non-profit organization providing middle and high school students with a FREE STEM Education program and competition for career and workforce development. BEST is an acronym for Boosting Engineering, Science and…
  • 2014 National Workshop on Transportation Cyber-Physical Systems
    The National Workshop on Transportation Cyber-Physical Systems was held January 23-24, 2014 in Arlington, Virginia. The workshop gathered leaders from industry, research laboratories, academic institutions, and government agencies to assess the current…
  • Foundations Of Resilient CybEr-physical Systems (FORCES)
    FORCES is designed to help protect the nation's critical infrastructure from attack and to ensure its robust, secure and efficient operation. Specifically, FORCES aims to increase the resilience of large-scale networked cyber-physical systems (CPS) in…
  • Workshop on Assured CPS Autonomy for 3D Urban Transportation: Drones, Flying Cars and Beyond
    NSF-PIRE Workshop: US-Germany CPS Collaborations      Assured CPS Autonomy for 3D Urban Transportation: Drones, Flying Cars and BeyondVirtual | June 9-10, 2021View Program Agenda There has been a tremendous amount…
  • NSF PIRE: Science of Design for Societal Scale Cyber-Physical Systems Workshop
    The closing workshop of the NSF PIRE Science of Design of Societal-Scale CPS project took place June 5-6, 2023 at the Garching campus of Technische Universitat Munchen (Technical University of Munich) in Munich, Germany. This international effort was co-…
  • 2021 Virtual CPS Summer Camp
    The summer cybercamp will offer a hands-on curriculum that teaches cybersecurity, programming, and robotics. Students will work in teams utilizing virtual robots in a shared 3D world. Participants will create computer programs to control the robots using…
  • London CPS Workshop
    Workshop on the Control of Cyber-Physical Systems 20-21, 2012University of Notre Dame London Centreorganized byUniversity of Notre Dame, USAKTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden…
  • 2014 NSF CPS Reference Architectures Workshop
    The Cyber Physical Systems Virtual Organization (CPS-VO) will be conducting a one day workshop on CPS Reference Architectures. The workshop will be held at NSF on 26 March.Topics will include:What is a CPS reference architectureGeneral CPS architecture…
  • DARPA META Program
    The goal of the META program is to substantially improve upon the existing systems engineering, integration, and testing process for defense systems. META is not predicated on one particular alternative approach, metric, technique, or tool. Broadly…
  • 2020 National Robotics Initiative (NRI) Principal Investigators' Meeting
    The 2020 NSF NRI PI Meeting was held Thursday, February 27 starting at 8:30 a.m. through 5:00 p.m. Friday, February 28, 2020 at the Renaissance Arlington Capital View, located at 2800 South Potomac Ave., Arlington, Virginia 22202. There was a…
  • 2024 CPS-IoT Week Tutorial: Enhancing CPS Data Reproducibility
    Enhancing CPS Data ReproducibilityBrief descriptionThrough this interactive tutorial, participants will be taken through the process of taking their existing validation set, and producing both static and active ways for individuals to explore it onto the…
  • Design Automation for CPS and IoT (DESTION 2022)
    The relentless growth of complexity and heterogeneity of CPS and IoT systems imposes major challenges on and offers new opportunities for design automation methods and tools. Intrinsic heterogeneity—the large span in size from small CPS appliances to…
  • Formal Methods at Scale
    In Fall 2019 the National Science and Technology Council's Special Cyber Operations Research and Engineering Subcommittee convened two one-day meetings to discuss successes and barriers, opportunities and challenges, in the (accelerating) use…
  • 2014 NSF Workshop for Aspiring PIs in Cyber-Physical Systems
    This invitation-only workshop was held 18-19 February 2014, and was sponsored by the National Science Foundation under award CNS-1419419, under the direction of Jonathan Sprinkle of the University of Arizona. Invitations were issued to researchers with…
  • Formal Methods at Scale - East
    As an active and contributing member of the formal methods community the National Science and Technology Council's Special Cyber Operations Research and Engineering Subcommittee would like to invite you to attend a one-day meeting to discuss…
  • Next Big Research Challenges in Cyber-Physical Systems Workshop
    The National Science Foundation (NSF) initiated its Cyber-physical systems (CPS) program more than a decade ago. As a result, there have been many foundational solutions developed to address various research challenges in modeling, design and analysis of…
  • Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace Principal Investigators' Meeting (2012)
    The Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace (SaTC) program of the National Science Foundation held a two-and-a-half-day conference of its principal investigators' from Tuesday morning, November 27,  to Thursday noon, November 29, 2012 at the Gaylord…