The CPS-VO Portal provides extensive support for Communities of Interest. Groups can be formed around a technical topic, event/workshop, or research project.
  • NSF PIRE: Science of Design for Societal Scale Cyber-Physical Systems Workshop
    The closing workshop of the NSF PIRE Science of Design of Societal-Scale CPS project took place June 5-6, 2023 at the Garching campus of Technische Universitat Munchen (Technical University of Munich) in Munich, Germany. This international effort was co-…
  • Formal Methods at Scale
    In Fall 2019 the National Science and Technology Council's Special Cyber Operations Research and Engineering Subcommittee convened two one-day meetings to discuss successes and barriers, opportunities and challenges, in the (accelerating) use…
  • CPS Certification (CERT)
    To  discuss and identify research needs in the certifiable assurance of cyber-physical systems (CPSs), focusing on uncertainties associated with the verification and validation of the complex logic on which these CPSs rely, whether…
  • DARPA iFAB Program
    The manufacture of complex cyber-physical systems is generally limited to two options: large scale manufacturing that is efficient at producing one known product quickly and repeatably, or prototype assembly of a single (or few) test article(s).  …
  • CPS SummerCamp '17
    This summer camp took place at Vanderbilt University July 31st - August 4th.  Invited participants were 15 MLK Jr Magnet School rising HS Seniors and Juniors.  The program will provides summer camp experience in Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS…
  • 2012 Science of Integration Review Meeting
    Welcome to the 2012 NSF CPS Science of Integration Review Meeting! Agenda & PresentationsMain papersYear 1 Report
  • 2020 NSF CISE-SBE VR on Harnessing the Computational and Social Sciences to Solve Critical Societal Problems - PC Group
    The Virtual Roundtable on Harnessing the Computational and Social Sciences to Solve Critical Societal Problems is an invitation-only event jointly convened by the National Science Foundation directorates of Computer and Information Science and…
  • 2024 NSF Aspiring CPS PIs’ Workshop
    Applications for this workshop are now closed.     Applicants invited to the workshop will be contacted by the organizers.  Workshop GoalsThe goal of the workshop is to help aspiring PIs understand what NSF (and…
  • Design Automation for CPS and IoT (DESTION 2020)
    COVID-19 UPDATE: given the situation with the COVID-19 pandemic, the workshop is moving to an entirely digital format. Please check the CPS-IoT Week website for more information.Design Automation for CPS and IoT (DESTION 2020)Co-located with…
  • 2012 National Workshop on the New Clockwork for Time-Critical Cyber-Physical Systems
    The NITRD National Workshop on The New Clockwork for Time-Critical Cyber-Physical Systems workshop was held on October 25-27, 2012 at the Hyatt Regency in Baltimore, Maryland. The general session was on Thursday, October 25 and Friday, October 26 with a…
  • UPenn - Assuring Medical Device CPS Safety and Reliability
    Medical device systems are a prime example of cyber-physical systems, featuring complex and close interaction of sophisticated treatment algorithms with the physical aspects of the system, and especially the patient whose safety is of the utmost concern…