Applications of CPS technologies used in the planning, functional design, operation and management of facilities for any mode of transportation in order to provide for the safe, efficient, rapid, comfortable, convenient, economical, and environmentally compatible movement of people and goods.

Dear Colleague,

We would like to cordially invite you to contribute a book chapter to a forthcoming book entitled " Security and Privacy in Cyber-Physical Systems: Foundations and Applications", which will be published by Wiley (

Cyber-physical systems (CPS) are engineered systems that are built from, and depend upon, the seamless integration of computational algorithms and physical components. Advances in CPS will enable capability, adaptability, scalability, resiliency, safety, security, and usability that will far exceed the simple embedded systems of today. CPS are subject to threats stemming from increasing reliance on computer and communication technologies. Security threats exploit the increased complexity and connectivity of critical infrastructure systems, placing the Nation’s security, economy, public safety, and health at risk. CPS blur the lines between infrastructural and personal spaces when they provide convenient access to public services or bridge the gap between personal property and public infrastructure. This blurring is being engineered into the Internet of Things (IoT), an important exponent of CPS. With IoT, personal CPS (like phones, appliances, and automobiles) bearing personal data can reach up into public infrastructures to access services. This connectivity can result in leakage of personal data with attendant privacy concerns. 

    The purpose of the book is to refine an understanding of the key technical, social and legal issues at stake, to understand the range of technical issues affecting hardware and software in infrastructure components, as well as the blending of such systems with personal CPS. This book will present the state of the art and the state of the practice of how to address the following unique security and privacy challenges facing CPS.

Call for Book Chapter Proposals
Chapter Proposal Submission by September 27, 2015.

Submission Procedure:
Please email your abstract (max. 500 words) by September 27, 2015 to

Tentative Table of Contents – additions to the topics listed below are much welcome!


Part I: Foundations and Principles

Chapter 1. Cybersecurity and Privacy: Past, Present and Future

Chapter 2. The interplay of Cyber, Physical, and Human elements in CPS

Chapter 3. Adaptive attack mitigation for CPS

Chapter 4. Authentication and access control for CPS

Chapter 5. Availability, recovery and auditing for CPS

Chapter 6. Data security and privacy for CPS

Chapter 7. Intrusion detection for CPS

Chapter 8. Key management in CPS

Chapter 9. Legacy CPS system protection

Chapter 10. Lightweight crypto and security

Chapter 11. Threat modeling for CPS

Chapter 12. Vulnerability analysis for CPS


Part II: Application Domains 

Chapter 13.            Energy

Chapter 14.            Medical

Chapter 15.            Transportation

Chapter 16.            Physical Infrastructure

Chapter 17.            Manufacturing

Chapter 18.            Building

Chapter 19.            Agriculture

Chapter 20.            Robotics

Chapter 21.            Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

Chapter 22.            Smart Cities

Please provide the following points in your proposals/abstracts:
1. Title of the contribution,
2. Title of the chapter (of the tentative TOC) if the contribution refers to one of them,
3. Name of author, co-authors, institution, email-address,
4. Content/mission of the proposed article.

Authors of accepted proposals will be notified by the given deadline about the status of their proposals and sent chapter guidelines.

Full Book Chapter:
Complete chapters are required to be submitted to Author could use LaTex or any word processing tools (MS Word, OpenDocument, etc.) while preparing the chapters. A book chapter is required to be 18 to 25 pages (8,000 to 10,000 words).

Please provide the following points in your contribution:
1. Chapter title
2. Author information (of all authors: title, first name, last name, organization, address, city, zip code, country, email address)
3. Abstract
4. 5-10 keywords
5. Text body
6. Bibliography

Important Dates:

·         Chapter Proposal Submission by: September 27, 2015

·         Author Notification by: October 11, 2015

·         Full Chapter Submission by: November 30, 2015

·         Review Results Returned by: December 31, 2015

·         Final Chapter Submission by: February 15, 2016

·         Anticipated Publication Date: Summer, 2016 


Houbing Song, West Virginia University, USA. <>

Glenn A. Fink, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA. <>

Gilad L. Rosner, Internet of Things Privacy Forum, UK. <>

Sabina Jeschke, RWTH Aachen University, Germany. <>

General Announcement
Not in Slideshow
Houbing Song Submitted by Houbing Song on September 11th, 2015
As self-driving cars are introduced into road networks, the overall safety and efficiency of the resulting traffic system must be established and guaranteed. Numerous critical software-related recalls of existing automotive systems indicate that current design practices are not yet up to this challenge. This project seeks to address this problem, by developing methods to analyze and coordinate networks of fully and partially self-driving vehicles that interact with conventional human-driven vehicles on roads. The outcomes of the research are expected to also contribute to the safety of other cyber-physical systems with scalable configurable hierarchical structures, by developing a mathematical framework and corresponding software tools that analyze the safety and reliability of a class of systems that combine physical, mechanical and biological components with purely computational ones. The project research spans four technical areas: autonomous and human-controlled collaborative driving; scheduling computations over heterogeneous distributed computing systems; security and trust in V2X (Vehicle-to-Vehicle and Vehicle-to-Infrastructure) networks; and Verification & Validation of V2X systems through semi-virtual environments and scenarios. The integrating aspect of this research is the development of a distributed system calculus for Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) that enables modeling, simulation and analysis of collaborative vehicular systems. The development of a comprehensive framework to model, analyze and test reconfiguration, hierarchical control, security and trust differentiates this research from previous attempts to address the same problem. Educational and outreach activities include integration of project research in undergraduate and graduate courses, and a summer camp at Ohio State University for high-school students through the Women in Engineering program.
National Science Foundation
Georgios Fainekos
Georgios Fainekos Submitted by Georgios Fainekos on August 27th, 2015
The goal of this research is to develop fundamental theory, efficient algorithms, and realistic experiments for the analysis and design of safety-critical cyber-physical transportation systems with human operators. The research focuses on preventing crashes between automobiles at road intersections, since these account for about 40% of overall vehicle crashes. Specifically, the main objective of this work is to design provably safe driver-assist systems that understand driver?s intentions and provide warnings/overrides to prevent collisions. In order to pursue this goal, hybrid automata models for the driver-vehicles-intersection system, incorporating driver behavior and performance as an integral part, are derived from human-factors experiments. A partial order of these hybrid automata models is constructed, according to confidence levels on the model parameters. The driver-assist design problem is then formulated as a set of partially ordered hybrid differential games with imperfect information, in which games are ordered according to parameter confidence levels. The resulting designs are validated experimentally in a driving simulator and in large-scale computer simulations. This research leverages the potential of embedded control and communication technologies to prevent crashes at traffic intersections, by enabling networks of smart vehicles to cooperate with each other, with the surrounding infrastructure, and with their drivers to make transportation safer, more enjoyable, and more efficient. The work is based on a collaboration among researchers in formal methods, autonomous control, and human factors who are studying realistic and provably correct warning/override algorithms that can be readily transitioned to production vehicles.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
National Science Foundation
Domitilla Del Vecchio
Domitilla Del Vecchio Submitted by Domitilla Del Vecchio on August 27th, 2015
Until now, the cyber component of automobiles has consisted of control algorithms and associated software for vehicular subsystems designed to achieve one or more performance, efficiency, reliability, comfort, or safety goals, primarily based on short-term intrinsic vehicle sensor data. However, there exist many extrinsic factors that can affect the degree to which these goals can be achieved. These factors can be determined from: longer-term traces of in-built sensor data that can be abstracted as triplines, socialized versions of these that are shared amongst vehicle users, and online databases. These three sources of information collectively constitute the automotive infoverse. This project harnesses this automotive infoverse to achieve these goals through high-confidence vehicle tuning and driver feedback decisions. Specifically, the project develops software called Headlight that permits the rapid development of apps that use the infoverse to achieve one or more goals. Advisory apps can provide feedback to the driver in order to ensure better fuel efficiency, while auto-tuning goals can set car parameters to promote safety. Allowing vehicles and such apps to share vehicle data with others and to use extrinsic information results in novel information processing, assurance, and privacy challenges. The project develops methods, algorithms and models to address these challenges. Broader Impact - This project can have significant societal impact by reducing carbon emissions and improving vehicular safety, can spur innovation in tuning methods and encourage researchers to experiment with this class of cyber-physical systems. The active participation of General Motors will strongly facilitate technology transfer. The program has outreach through internships, course material, high school and undergraduate involvement, and through creating an open infrastructure usable by diverse developers.
National Science Foundation
Ramesh Govindan
Submitted by Ramesh Govindan on August 27th, 2015
The objective of this project is to research tools to manage uncertainty in the design and certification process of safety-critical aviation systems. The research focuses on three innovative ideas to support this objective. First, probabilistic techniques will be introduced to specify system-level requirements and bound the performance of dynamical components. These will reduce the design costs associated with complex aviation systems consisting of tightly integrated components produced by many independent engineering organizations. Second, a framework will be created for developing software components that use probabilistic execution to model and manage the risk of software failure. These techniques will make software more robust, lower the cost of validating code changes, and allow software quality to be integrated smoothly into overall system-level analysis. Third, techniques from Extreme Value Theory will be applied to develop adaptive verification and validation procedures. This will enable early introduction of new and advanced aviation systems. These systems will initially have restricted capabilities, but these restrictions will be gradually relaxed as justified by continual logging of data from in-service products. The three main research aims will lead to a significant reduction in the costs and time required for fielding new aviation systems. This will enable, for example, the safe and rapid implementation of next generation air traffic control systems that have the potential of tripling airspace capacity with no reduction in safety. The proposed methods are also applicable to other complex systems including smart power grids and automated highways. Integrated into the research is an education plan for developing a highly skilled workforce capable of designing safety critical systems. This plan centers around two main activities: (a) creation of undergraduate labs focusing on safety-critical systems, and (b) integration of safety-critical concepts into a national robotic snowplow competition. These activities will provide inspirational, real-world applications to motivate student learning.
Tufts University
National Science Foundation
Jason Rife
Submitted by Samuel Guyer on August 27th, 2015
This project focuses on the formal design of semi-autonomous automotive Cyber Physical Systems (CPS). Rather than disconnecting the driver from the vehicle, the goal is to obtain a vehicle where the degree of autonomy is continuously changed in real-time as a function of certified uncertainty ranges for driver behavior and environment reconstruction. The highly integrated research plan will advance the science and engineering for CPS by developing methods for (1) reconstructing 3D scenes which incorporate high-level topological and low-level metric information, (2) extracting driver behavioral models from large datasets using geometry, reasoning and inferences, (3) designing provably-safe control schemes which trade-off real-time feasibility and conservatism by using the evidence collected during actual driving. Assisting humans in controlling complex and safety-critical systems is a global challenge. In order to improve the safety of human-operated CPS we need to provide guarantees in the reconstruction of the environment where the humans and the CPS operate, and to develop control systems that use predictive cognitive models of the human when interacting with the CPS. A successful and integrated research in both areas will impact not only the automotive sector but many other human-operated systems. These include telesurgery, homeland security, assisted rehabilitation, power networks, environmental monitoring, and all transportation CPS. Graduate, undergraduate and underrepresented engineering students will benefit through classroom instruction, involvement in the research and a continuous interaction with industrial partners who are leaders in the field of assisted driving.
University of California at Berkeley
National Science Foundation
Francesco Borrelli
Francesco Borrelli Submitted by Francesco Borrelli on August 27th, 2015
The objective of this research is to prove that cyber-physical systems are safe before they are deployed. The approaches the research investigates are extensions of approaches used to test communications protocols. The problems with cyber-physical systems are that 1) they are much more complicated than communications protocols, 2) time is a more critical component of these systems, and 3) in a competitive environment there are likely to be many implementations that must interoperate. The complexity of communications protocols is reduced by using a layered architecture. Each layer provides a well defined service to the next layer. This research is developing multi-dimensional architectures that reflect the different ways that the cyber-physical system interacts with the physical world. The techniques are evaluated on a driver-assisted merge protocol. An architecture for the merge protocol has four dimensions organized as stacks for communications, external sensors, vehicle monitoring and control, and timing. This architecture will also be useful during standardization. Timing increases verification complexity by increasing the number of potential execution paths. The research conducted in this project explores how to reduce the number of paths by synchronizing clocks and using simultaneous operations. This approach is reasonable because of the timing accuracy now available with GPS. A two step verification process is used that creates an unambiguous model of the cyber-physical system, first proving that the model is safe, then checking that each implementation conforms to the model. This reduces the number and cost of tests for a three-party merge protocol. Specifically, assuming there are N implementation versions for different manufacturers and models, this approach reduces the number of necessary interaction tests, which would be cubic in N, to a single model verification and N conformance tests.
Columbia University
National Science Foundation
Nicholas Maxemchuk
Nicholas Maxemchuk Submitted by Nicholas Maxemchuk on August 27th, 2015

The objective of this research is an injection of new modeling techniques into the area of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs). The approach is to design new architectures for domain-specific modeling tools in order to permit feedback from analysis, validation, and verification engines to influence how CPSs are designed. This project involves new research into the integration of existing, heterogeneous modeling languages in order to address problems in CPS design, rather than a single language for all CPS. Since many tools for analysis, validation, and verification focus on at most two of the three major components of CPS (communication, computation, and control), new paradigms in modeling are used to integrate tools early in the design process. The algorithms and software developed in this project run validation and verification tools on models, and then close the loop by using the tool outputs to automatically modify the system models. The satisfaction of design requirements in CPSs is critical for tomorrow's societal technologies such as smart buildings, home healthcare, and water management. Among the most compelling design requirements are those of safety, and CPSs for autonomous vehicles exemplify this well. By involving a full-sized autonomous vehicle in this project, the validation and verification of safety requirements is tied to a concrete platform that is broadly understood. By involving students in the design of behaviors of the vehicle, the project exposes scientists and engineers of tomorrow to societal-scale problems, and tools to address them.

National Science Foundation
Jonathan Sprinkle (Former PI)
Jonathan Sprinkle
Submitted by Loukas Lazos on August 27th, 2015
As Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) employing mobile nodes continue to integrate into the physical world, ensuring their safety and security become crucial goals. Due to their mobility, real-time, energy and safety constraints, coupled by their reliance on communication mediums that are subject to interference and intentional jamming, the projected complexities in Mobile CPSs will far exceed those of traditional computing systems. Such increase in complexity widens the malicious opportunities for adversaries and with many components interacting together, distinguishing between normal and abnormal behaviors becomes quite challenging. The research work in this project falls along two main thrusts: (1) identifying stealthy attacks and (2) developing defense mechanisms. Along the first thrust, a unifying theoretical framework is developed to uncover attacks in a systematic manner whereby an adversary solves Markovian Decision Processes problems to identify optimal and suboptimal attack policies. The effects of the attacks are assessed through different instantiations of damage and cost metrics. Along the second thrust, novel randomization controllers and randomization-aware anomaly detection mechanisms are developed to prevent, detect and mitigate stealthy attacks. The outcomes of this CAREER project will ultimately provide concrete foundations to build more secure systems in the areas of robotics, autonomous vehicles, and intelligent transportation systems. The educational activities--as in curriculum development and hands-on laboratory experiences--will provide students with the essential skills to build dependable and trustworthy systems, while ensuring the participation of undergraduates, women and underrepresented minorities. The outreach activities will expose high school students to Computer Science education and scientific research.
Texas State University - San Marcos
National Science Foundation
Mina Guirguis
Submitted by Mina Guirguis on August 27th, 2015


Cyber-Physical Systems Week (CPS Week)

April 11-14, 2016 | Vienna, Austria |

CPS Week is the premier event on Cyber-Physical Systems. It brings together four top conferences, HSCC, ICCPS, IPSN, and RTAS, 10-15 workshops, a localization competition, tutorials, and various exhibitions from both industry and academia. Altogether the CPS Week program covers a multitude of complementary aspects of CPS, and reunites the leading researchers in this dynamic field. CPS Week 2016 in Vienna, Austria, will host 10-15 workshops (subject to room availability) and 2-3 tutorials on Monday April 11 and is soliciting proposals for new and recurring workshops as well as for tutorials. CPS Week workshops are excellent opportunities to bring together researchers and practitioners from different  communities to share their experiences in an interactive atmosphere and to foster collaboration for new and innovative projects. We invite you to  submit workshop proposals on any topic related to the broad set of research, education, and application areas in cyber-physical systems.

Guidelines for workshop proposals:

Proposals should be submitted at the latest by *** October 1, 2015 ***

A workshop proposal consists of a 2-page maximum PDF file, including the following information:

  • A concise title of the workshop
  • Description of the topics and specific issues that the workshop will address, how the workshop complements CPS Week conferences and why the workshop theme is relevant
  • Expected format of the workshop (regular paper presentations, poster presentations, invited talks, panel discussions, demo sessions, or other ideas to promote active exchange of ideas)
  • Organizers with short bio, affiliation, and their expertise in the proposed topic(s)
  • In case the workshop has been previously held, provide information to show that the previous edition(s) were successful in terms of paper submissions and/or attendance. Links to past workshop editions would be very helpful too.
  • Length of the workshop (half-day/one-day) and the expected number of participants
  • Follow-up plans (if any) to disseminate the ideas from the workshop, for example through proceedings or journal special issue

Please submit your workshop proposal by email to the workshop and tutorial chairsChristoph Kirsch ( and Ana Sokolova ( Please write “[CPSWeek 2016] Workshop Proposal" in the e-mail subject line.

Guidelines for tutorial proposals:
Proposals should be submitted at the latest by *** October 1, 2015 ***

A proposal consists of a 2-page maximum PDF file, including the following  information on the tutorial program:

  • The title and abstract of the tutorial
  • An outline of tutorial content and objectives
  • Prerequisite knowledge
  • Organizers/Speakers with short bio, affiliation, and their expertise in the proposed topic(s)
  • In case the tutorial has been previously held, include information on the last tutorial of the same topic held within CPS Week or other conferences such as the year it was held and the number of attendees. A link to past tutorial would be very helpful too.
  • We envision tutorials to last for 3 hours.

Please submit your tutorial proposal by email to the workshop and tutorial chairs, Christoph Kirsch ( and Ana Sokolova ( Please write “[CPSWeek 2016] Tutorial Proposal" in the e-mail subject line.
Notification of acceptance  *** October 15, 2015 ***

General Announcement
Not in Slideshow
Submitted by Anonymous on August 25th, 2015
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