Applications of CPS technologies dealing with automated machines that can take the place of humans in dangerous environments or manufacturing processes, or resemble humans in appearance, behavior, and/or cognition.
This project is to develop a dynamical systems model of distributed computation motivated from recent work on the distributed computation of averages. The key idea is that static optimization problems (particularly convex optimization problems) can be solved by designing a dynamic system that stabilizes around the optimal solution of the problem. Moreover, when the optimization problem is separable, then the designed dynamic system decomposes into a set of locally-interacting dynamic systems. This is expected to open a door to a host of new computational approaches that take advantage of recent developments in control engineering including robust control (providing a mechanism for errors introduced by discretization), Markovian Jump Linear Systems (providing a mechanism for random discretization time), event-driven control (providing a mechanism for assured asynchronous execution), control over networks (providing a mechanism for improved performance of distributed computational systems in general). The new approach is essential in emerging applications, where the optimization runs on physically separated agents, operating in a noisy environment and communicating over unreliable channels. As a test bed, the project will make use of a two-vehicle robotic system developed by the PI designed to monitor a crop of corn plants, where the dynamic systems perspective of this grant will, for example, allow for distributed optimal estimation toward the goal of optimal station-keeping. By studying how natural systems can collectively compute and optimize, this research has potential to impact many disciplines involving networked systems, from controlling the electric power grid, to modeling the behavior of social, biological or economic systems. It is directly applicable to cooperative networked multi-agent systems like robotic search and rescue missions and disaster-relief operations, distributed machine learning problems, and intelligent systems. An intriguing mix of motivating applications and theoretical problems offer a unique multidisciplinary educational opportunity to students who will be involved in the project, and provide exciting innovative material for courses and labs. Software developed will be distributed as open source via the CPS Virtual Organization.
Iowa State University
National Science Foundation
Nicola Elia
Submitted by Nicola Elia on December 11th, 2012

Flying robot quadrotors perform the James Bond Theme by playing various instruments including the keyboard, drums and maracas, a cymbal, and the debut of an adapted guitar built from a couch frame. The quadrotors play this "couch guitar" by flying over guitar strings stretched across a couch frame; plucking the strings with a stiff wire attached to the base of the quadrotor. A special microphone attached to the frame records the notes made by the "couch guitar".

These flying quadrotors are completely autonomous, meaning humans are not controlling them; rather they are controlled by a computer programed with instructions to play the instruments.

Penn's School of Engineering and Applied Science is home to some of the most innovative robotics research on the planet, much of it coming out of the General Robotics, Automation, Sensing and Perception (GRASP) Lab.

This video premiered at the TED2012 Conference in Long Beach, California on February 29, 2012. Deputy Dean for Education and GRASP lab member Vijay Kumar presented some of this groundbreaking work at the TED2012 conference, an international gathering of people and ideas from technology, entertainment, and design.

The engineers from Penn, Daniel Mellinger and Alex Kushleyev, have formed a company called KMel Robotics that will design and market these quadrotors.

More information:

Video Produced and Directed by Kurtis Sensenig
Quadrotors and Instruments by Daniel Mellinger, Alex Kushleyev and Vijay Kumar

University of Pennsylvania
Daniel Mellinger
Alex Kushleyev
Vijay Kumar
Submitted by Anonymous on November 15th, 2012
Autonomous navigation in unknown and dynamic environments has been a major challenge for synthetic mobile robotic agents. On the other hand, insects can easily solve such complex navigational problems and demonstrate remarkably stable and optimized locomotion skills in almost any environment. This project aims to develop a mobile sensor network where insects are used as mobile biological-robotic (biobotic) nodes. Insects, in fact, build a "natural" sensor network through the use of their biological sensing organs and release of chemical, mechanical and optical cues to communicate the information to the rest of the group. In the scope of this project, a novel cyber-physical communication network will be established among the individual insect in addition to the aforementioned natural one. For this, insects will be equipped with synthetic electronic sensors to sense additional cues, neuromuscular stimulation systems to direct the control of the insect and microcontrollers with radios to establish an RF link between the insects. This novel network will enable operation of insect biobots in complicated and uncertain dynamic environments for applications such as environmental sensing and search-and-rescue operations after natural disasters. The unique interdisciplinary nature of this project will help engineers to reach to younger generations and train them to be able to look at engineering problems from a cyberphysical systems point of view. Planned activities include development of lab modules and demos by undergraduate and graduate students to teach K-12 students and their teachers through our on-going collaborations with educational partners. These demos will also be instrumental during nation level efforts to promote graduate education to underrepresented minority students.
North Carolina State University
National Science Foundation
Alper Bozkurt
Alper Bozkurt Submitted by Alper Bozkurt on October 4th, 2012
Symposia dedicated to promising research in resilient systems that will protect cyber-physical infrastructures from unexpected and malicious threats--securing our way of life.
Craig Rieger Submitted by Craig Rieger on September 18th, 2012
Veronica Santos Submitted by Veronica Santos on September 4th, 2012
Katie Dey Submitted by Katie Dey on April 16th, 2012
The major purpose of this symposium is to extend and endorse particular concepts that will generate novel research and codify resilience in next generation control system designs.
Craig Rieger Submitted by Craig Rieger on April 16th, 2012
The goal of this two-day, single-track event is to expose researchers to control and modeling challenges in cyber-physical systems (CPS) with the aim of exchanging knowledge and fostering collaborations between academia, industry, and government agencies. The proposed symposium will cover several applications of cyber-physical systems such as networked systems of unmanned vehicles, power grids, green buildings, transportation systems and health-care systems via invited talks, poster presentations and a panel discussion.
Submitted by Quanyan Zhu on April 16th, 2012
CPS refers to the deep and seamless integration of computational and physical resources to realize engineered systems that far exceed today's systems in autonomy, functionality, efficiency, usability, safety, and reliability. Examples of such systems and applications include future transportation systems, the intelligent power grid, and nano-scale precision manufacturing systems. The goals of research in CPS are to understand the fundamental science and to develop rapid, reliable design and integration techniques applicable to a wide variety of application domains.
Submitted by Anonymous on April 16th, 2012
"Robotics and Cyber-Physical Systems" Sessions
Submitted by Anonymous on April 16th, 2012
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