The terms denote educational areas that are part of the CPS technology.
Submitted by William Martin on May 2nd, 2011
Manfred Broy Submitted by Manfred Broy on April 20th, 2011
The goal of this project is to develop a semantic foundation, cross-layer system architecture and adaptation services to improve dependability in instrumented cyberphysical spaces (ICPS) based on the principles of "computation reflection". ICPSs integrate a variety of sensing devices to create a digital representation of the evolving physical world and its processes for use by applications such as critical infrastructure monitoring, surveillance and incident-site emergency response. This requires the underlying systems to be dependable despite disruptions caused by failures in sensing, communications, and computation. The digital state representation guides a range of adaptations at different layers of the ICPS (i.e. networking, sensing, applications, cross-layer) to achieve end-to-end dependability at both the infrastructure and information levels. Examples of techniques explored include mechanisms for reliable information delivery over multi-networks, quality aware data collection, semantic sensing and reconfiguration using overlapping capabilities of heterogeneous sensors. Such adaptations are driven by a formal-methods based runtime analysis of system components, resource availability and application dependability needs. Responsphere, a real-world ICPS infrastructure on the University of California at Irvine campus, will serve as a testbed for development and validation of the overall ?reflective? approach and the cross-layer adaptation techniques to achieve dependability. Students at different levels (graduate, undergraduate, K-12) will be given opportunities to gain experience with using and designing real-world applications in the Responsphere ICPS via courses, independent study projects and demonstration sessions. Students will benefit tremendously from exposure to new software development paradigms for the ICPSs that will be a part of the future living environments.
University of California-Irvine
National Science Foundation
Venkatasubramanian, Nalini
Nalini Venkatasubramanian Submitted by Nalini Venkatasubramanian on April 7th, 2011
This Rapid Response Research (RAPID) project is developing technology for ubiquitous event reporting and data gathering on the 2010 oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and its ecological impacts. Traditional applications for monitoring disasters have relied on specialized, tightly-coupled, and expensive hardware and software platforms to capture, aggregate, and disseminate information on affected areas. We lack science and technology for rapid and dependable integration of computing and communication technology into natural and engineered physical systems, cyber-physical systems (CPS). The tragic Gulf oil spill of 2010 presents both a compelling need to fill this gap in research and a critical opportunity to help in relief efforts by deploying cutting-edge CPS research in the field. In particular, this CPS research is developing a cloud-supported mobile CPS application enabling community members to contribute as citizen scientists through sensor deployments and direct recording of events and ecological impacts of the Gulf oil spill, such as fish and bird kills. The project exploits the availability of smartphones (with sophisticated sensor packages, high-level programming APIs, and multiple network connectivity options) and cloud computing infrastructures that enable collecting and aggregating data from mobile applications. The goal is to develop a scientific basis for managing the quality-of-service (QoS), user coordination, sensor data dissemination, and validation issues that arise in mobile CPS disaster monitoring applications. The research will have many important broader impacts related to the Gulf oil spill disaster relief efforts, including providing help for the affected Gulf communities as they field and evaluate next-generation CPS research and build a sustained capability for capturing large snapshots of the ecological impact of the Gulf oil spill. The resulting environmental data will have lasting value for evaluating the consequences of the spill in multiple research fields, but especially in Marine Biology. The project is collaborating with Gulf area K-12 schools to integrate disaster and ecology monitoring activities into their curricula. The technologies developed (resource optimization techniques, data reporting protocol trade-off analysis, and empirical evaluation of social network coordination strategies for an open data environment) will provide a resource for the CPS research community. It is expected that project results will enable future efforts to create and validate CPS disaster response systems that can scale to hundreds of thousands of users and operate effectively in life-critical situations with scarce network and computing resources.
Vanderbilt University
National Science Foundation
Schmidt, Douglas
Submitted by Douglas Schmidt on April 7th, 2011
This Rapid Response Research (RAPID) project is developing technology for ubiquitous event reporting and data gathering on the 2010 oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and its ecological impacts. Traditional applications for monitoring disasters have relied on specialized, tightly-coupled, and expensive hardware and software platforms to capture, aggregate, and disseminate information on affected areas. We lack science and technology for rapid and dependable integration of computing and communication technology into natural and engineered physical systems, cyber-physical systems (CPS). The tragic Gulf oil spill of 2010 presents both a compelling need to fill this gap in research and a critical opportunity to help in relief efforts by deploying cutting-edge CPS research in the field. In particular, this CPS research is developing a cloud-supported mobile CPS application enabling community members to contribute as citizen scientists through sensor deployments and direct recording of events and ecological impacts of the Gulf oil spill, such as fish and bird kills. The project exploits the availability of smartphones (with sophisticated sensor packages, high-level programming APIs, and multiple network connectivity options) and cloud computing infrastructures that enable collecting and aggregating data from mobile applications. The goal is to develop a scientific basis for managing the quality-of-service (QoS), user coordination, sensor data dissemination, and validation issues that arise in mobile CPS disaster monitoring applications. The research will have many important broader impacts related to the Gulf oil spill disaster relief efforts, including providing help for the affected Gulf communities as they field and evaluate next-generation CPS research and build a sustained capability for capturing large snapshots of the ecological impact of the Gulf oil spill. The resulting environmental data will have lasting value for evaluating the consequences of the spill in multiple research fields, but especially in Marine Biology. The project is collaborating with Gulf area K-12 schools to integrate disaster and ecology monitoring activities into their curricula. The technologies developed (resource optimization techniques, data reporting protocol trade-off analysis, and empirical evaluation of social network coordination strategies for an open data environment) will provide a resource for the CPS research community. It is expected that project results will enable future efforts to create and validate CPS disaster response systems that can scale to hundreds of thousands of users and operate effectively in life-critical situations with scarce network and computing resources.
University of Alabama Tuscaloosa
National Science Foundation
Gray, Jeffrey
Submitted by Jeffrey Gray on April 7th, 2011
This Rapid Response Research (RAPID) project is developing technology for ubiquitous event reporting and data gathering on the 2010 oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and its ecological impacts. Traditional applications for monitoring disasters have relied on specialized, tightly-coupled, and expensive hardware and software platforms to capture, aggregate, and disseminate information on affected areas. We lack science and technology for rapid and dependable integration of computing and communication technology into natural and engineered physical systems, cyber-physical systems (CPS). The tragic Gulf oil spill of 2010 presents both a compelling need to fill this gap in research and a critical opportunity to help in relief efforts by deploying cutting-edge CPS research in the field. In particular, this CPS research is developing a cloud-supported mobile CPS application enabling community members to contribute as citizen scientists through sensor deployments and direct recording of events and ecological impacts of the Gulf oil spill, such as fish and bird kills. The project exploits the availability of smartphones (with sophisticated sensor packages, high-level programming APIs, and multiple network connectivity options) and cloud computing infrastructures that enable collecting and aggregating data from mobile applications. The goal is to develop a scientific basis for managing the quality-of-service (QoS), user coordination, sensor data dissemination, and validation issues that arise in mobile CPS disaster monitoring applications. The research will have many important broader impacts related to the Gulf oil spill disaster relief efforts, including providing help for the affected Gulf communities as they field and evaluate next-generation CPS research and build a sustained capability for capturing large snapshots of the ecological impact of the Gulf oil spill. The resulting environmental data will have lasting value for evaluating the consequences of the spill in multiple research fields, but especially in Marine Biology. The project is collaborating with Gulf area K-12 schools to integrate disaster and ecology monitoring activities into their curricula. The technologies developed (resource optimization techniques, data reporting protocol trade-off analysis, and empirical evaluation of social network coordination strategies for an open data environment) will provide a resource for the CPS research community. It is expected that project results will enable future efforts to create and validate CPS disaster response systems that can scale to hundreds of thousands of users and operate effectively in life-critical situations with scarce network and computing resources.
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
National Science Foundation
White, Christopher
Submitted by Christopher White on April 7th, 2011
The objective of this proposal is to bring together faculty and students from the U.S. Southwest area through a workshop on theoretical and applied topics pertaining to cyber-physical systems (CPS). The target U.S. Southwest area, which comprises the states of Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Nevada, and Utah, has numerous active research projects of interest to the global CPS community. Through this single-track workshop, which will take place during the Fall of 2010 at the University of Arizona, Tucson, participants will have an opportunity to present new results and explore new venues to contribute to CPS. Additionally, invited speakers from academia and government agencies will deliver technical and informative talks on open problems, opportunities, and future directions of CPS research. The workshop will provide funds to graduate students, faculty, and invitees to attend the meeting. Intellectual merit: The proposed workshop will promote the exchange and discussion of creative ideas across the multidisciplinary fields bridged by CPS. This workshop is a key step in materializing the collaborative vision of CPS, regionally within the Southwest as well as nationally as a potential model activity across the U.S. Broader impacts: The proposed workshop will strengthen collaboration between universities in the Southwest region on topics of national interests. It will provide an ideal venue for dissemination of research results of the participants. The involvement of participants from EPSCOR states will promote new research collaborative activities enlarging their research capabilities. The workshop will provide graduate students a unique opportunity to present and discuss their research with peers and experienced researchers in a semiformal environment. It will consist of the first workshop on CPS in the region, the goal being to have it organized yearly by participants from other institutions within the region. Dissemination of workshop information will be primarily through the workshop website supplemented by e-mail.
University of Arizona
National Science Foundation
Sanfelice, Ricardo
Ricardo Sanfelice Submitted by Ricardo Sanfelice on April 7th, 2011
Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) are ones that integrate computation, communication and storage capabilities with the monitoring and/or control of the physical and engineering systems. Such systems must be operated safely, dependably, securely, efficiently and in real-time. CPS research is expected to have significant technical, economic and societal impacts in the near future in multiple sectors including transportation systems, smart grids, energy-aware buildings, agriculture, water/sewage treatment, environmental management and manufacturing systems. A core aspect of CPS is its multidisciplinary nature requiring the teamwork, cooperation and collaboration of experts including computer scientists, hardware engineers, control experts, software engineers, network specialists, computer architects, sensor experts, electrical engineers, material engineers, and structural engineers. The award is for support for student travel to CPS Week 2010 and the First International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems (ICCPS) to be held April 12-16, 2010 in Stockholm, SWEDEN and some start-up activities for the inaugural ICCPS. More specifically, the goals are three-fold: 1. Encourage attendance at CPS Week 2010 by students based in the US to listen to and learn from the keynote speeches, presentations, posters and demos on cutting-edge topics on cyber-physical systems. 2. Promote the robust growth of a research community in the nascent area of cyber-physical systems. 3. Support activities of the inaugural ACM/IEEE International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems, whose aim is to become a main forum for hosting original research which targets the inter-disciplinary nature of cyber-physical systems. The specific areas of interactions across embedded systems, hybrid systems, real-time systems and sensor networks are of interest in this forum.
Carnegie-Mellon University
National Science Foundation
Rajkumar, Ragunathan
Ragunathan  Rajkumar Submitted by Ragunathan Rajkumar on April 7th, 2011
The objective of this research is to develop formal verification tools for human-computer interfaces to cyber-physical systems. The approach is incorporating realistic assumptions about the behavior of humans into the verification process through mathematically constructed "mistake models" for common types of mistakes committed by the operator during an interactive task. Exhaustive verification techniques are used to expose combinations of human mistakes that can lead to system-wide failures. The techniques are evaluated using case studies involving medical device interfaces. The problem of verifying human-machine interfaces requires new approaches that combine rigorous formal verification techniques with the empirical human-centered approach to user-interface evaluation. The research addresses challenges of integrating empirical user-study data into formal game-based models that describe common types of operator mistakes. Using these models to detect subtle flaws in user-interface design is also a challenge. It is well-known that a poorly designed interface will enable harmful operator errors, which remain a major cause of failures in a wide variety of safety-critical cyber-physical systems. This project will automate user-interface verification by detecting likely defects, early in the design process. Open source verification tools will be made freely available to the community at large. The ongoing research will be integrated into a set of graduate-level computer science courses focused on the theme of "Safety in Human Computer Interfaces". Results from the project will also be integrated into educational materials for the ongoing eCSite GK12 project with the goal of promoting awareness of user-interface design issues amongst high school students.
University of Colorado at Boulder
National Science Foundation
Sankaranarayanan, Sriram
Sriram Sankaranarayanan Submitted by Sriram Sankaranarayanan on April 7th, 2011
The objective of this research is to develop a new approach for composition of safety-critical cyber-physical systems from a small code base of verified components and a large code base of unverified commercial off-the-shelf components. The approach is novel in that it does not require generating the entire code base from formal languages, specifications, or models and does not require verification to be applied to all code. Instead, an explicit goal is to accommodate large amounts of legacy code that is typically too complex to verify. The project introduces a set of verified component wrappers around existing unverified code, such that specified global system properties hold. The intellectual merit of the project lies in its innovative approach for managing component interactions. Unexpected interactions are the primary source of failure in cyber-physical systems. A fundamental conceptual challenge is to understand the different interaction spaces of cyber-physical system components and determine a set of trigger conditions when certain interactions must be restricted to prevent failure. The project develops analysis techniques that help understand the different interaction types and provides component wrappers to restrict them when necessary. Broader impact lies in significantly reducing the design and composition effort for the next generation of safety-critical embedded systems. A variety of student projects are being offered to undergraduates and graduate students. The researchers especially encourage women and minorities to participate. Outreach activity, such as hosting K-12 students on school field/science days, further strengthen the educational component. Technology transfer to John Deere is expected.
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
National Science Foundation
Tarek Abdelzaher
Tarek Abdelzaher Submitted by Tarek Abdelzaher on April 7th, 2011
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