The terms denote educational areas that are part of the CPS technology.
The objective of this research is to apply grammatical inference models recently developed in the field of linguistics and phonology, as a basis for abstraction, composition, symbolic control, and learning in distributed multi-agent cyber-physical systems. The approach is to map the system dynamics, specifications, and task interdependences to finite abstract models, and then describe the desired behavior of the system in an appropriate grammar that can be decomposed into local agent specifications. In this framework, the agents can learn the behavior of their environment by observing its dynamics, and update their specifications accordingly. The proposed approach to learning in cyber-physical systems, which is based on grammatical inference at a purely discrete level, is a significant departure from current works. Following this approach, one can reason about large-scale processes resulting from event interdependencies between agents, without having to construct large product systems. To realize this plan, specific technical advances on modeling, abstraction, and control synthesis are proposed. Questions related to formally factoring and composing heterogeneous systems are pervasive in the fields of formal languages and computational learning. There are also applications of commercial significance in the area of discovering new azeotropic mixtures based on documented pairs of compounds that are known to have the particular property. Proposed dissemination and outreach activities include the involvement of middle and high school students and teachers, integrated in existing NSF-sponsored programs at the University of Delaware and Boston University.
Trustees of Boston University
National Science Foundation
Belta, Calin
Calin Belta Submitted by Calin Belta on April 7th, 2011
The objective of this research is to apply grammatical inference models recently developed in the field of linguistics and phonology, as a basis for abstraction, composition, symbolic control, and learning in distributed multi-agent cyber-physical systems. The approach is to map the system dynamics, specifications, and task interdependences to finite abstract models, and then describe the desired behavior of the system in an appropriate grammar that can be decomposed into local agent specifications. In this framework, the agents can learn the behavior of their environment by observing its dynamics, and update their specifications accordingly. The proposed approach to learning in cyber-physical systems, which is based on grammatical inference at a purely discrete level, is a significant departure from current works. Following this approach, one can reason about large-scale processes resulting from event interdependencies between agents, without having to construct large product systems. To realize this plan, specific technical advances on modeling, abstraction, and control synthesis are proposed. Questions related to formally factoring and composing heterogeneous systems are pervasive in the fields of formal languages and computational learning. There are also applications of commercial significance in the area of discovering new azeotropic mixtures based on documented pairs of compounds that are known to have the particular property. Proposed dissemination and outreach activities include the involvement of middle and high school students and teachers, integrated in existing NSF-sponsored programs at the University of Delaware and Boston University.
University of Delaware
National Science Foundation
Tanner, Herbert
Herbert Tanner Submitted by Herbert Tanner on April 7th, 2011
The objective of this research is to develop advanced distributed monitoring and control systems for civil infrastructure. The approach uses a cyber-physical co-design of wireless sensor-actuator networks and structural monitoring and control algorithms. The unified cyber-physical system architecture and abstractions employ reusable middleware services to develop hierarchical structural monitoring and control systems. The intellectual merit of this multi-disciplinary research includes (1) a unified middleware architecture and abstractions for hierarchical sensing and control; (2) a reusable middleware service library for hierarchical structural monitoring and control; (3) customizable time synchronization and synchronized sensing routines; (4) a holistic energy management scheme that maps structural monitoring and control onto a distributed wireless sensor-actuator architecture; (5) dynamic sensor and actuator activation strategies to optimize for the requirements of monitoring, computing, and control; and (6) deployment and empirical validation of structural health monitoring and control systems on representative lab structures and in-service multi-span bridges. While the system constitutes a case study, it will enable the development of general principles that would be applicable to a broad range of engineering cyber-physical systems. This research will result in a reduction in the lifecycle costs and risks related to our civil infrastructure. The multi-disciplinary team will disseminate results throughout the international research community through open-source software and sensor board hardware. Education and outreach activities will be held in conjunction with the Asia-Pacific Summer School in Smart Structures Technology jointly hosted by the US, Japan, China, and Korea.
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
National Science Foundation
Agha, Gul
Gul  Agha Submitted by Gul Agha on April 7th, 2011
The objective of this research is to study such properties of classes of cooperative multi-agent systems as stability, performance, and robustness. Multi-agent systems such as vehicle platoons and coupled oscillators can display emergent behavior that is difficult to predict from the behavior of individual subsystems. The approach is to develop and extend the theory of fundamental design limitations to cover multi-agent systems that communicate over both physical and virtual communication links. The theory will further describe known phenomena, such as string instability, and extend the analysis to other systems, such as harmonic oscillators. The theory will be tested and validated in the Michigan Embedded Control Systems Laboratory. The intellectual merit of the proposed research will be the development of tools that delineate tradeoffs between performance and feedback properties for control systems involving mixes of human and computer agents and classes of hardware dynamics, controllers, and network topology. The contribution to system behavior of each agent's realization in hardware (constrained by Newton's laws) and realization in software and communications (subject to the constraints discovered by Shannon and Bode) will be assessed. The broader impacts of the proposed research will be a significant impact on teaching, both at the University of Michigan and at ETH Zurich. At each school, popular teaching laboratories allow over 100 students per year, from diverse backgrounds, to learn concepts from the field of embedded networked distributed control systems. New families of haptic devices will enable the research to be transferred into these teaching laboratories.
University of Michigan Ann Arbor
National Science Foundation
Richard Gillespie
Freudenberg, James
James Freudenberg Submitted by James Freudenberg on April 7th, 2011
Abstract The objective of this proposal is to hold a grantees meeting on July 8-9, 2009 focused on the potential of cyber-physical systems and their impact on our lives. The event, "Cyber-Physical Systems" Leading the Way to a Smarter, Safer Future for Anyone, Anywhere, Anytime?, This is a two-day event: the first day will take place at the National Science Foundation and will be dedicated to a dry-run session; the second day of the CPS event will take place at Capitol Hill and will include a luncheon with the members of the Senate followed by demonstrations and poster presentations of research work related to CPS. The invited audience includes 25 members of the Senate Commerce Committee and their staffs. Intellectual merit: The demonstration and posters will showcase state-of-the-art and innovative research projects describing the potential benefits of CPS to the society, while highlighting the research challenges that need to be address in order to realize the CPS vision. Broader Impact: The Grantees meeting will provide an opportunity to showcase the current accomplishments in the CPS to some of the senior senators, members of the Senate Commerce Committee and their staffs and to the NSF staff. The workshop will have participation from 12 institutions and their post Docs, graduate students and undergraduate students. It also includes participation and demonstration by the High school students. This will be a great opportunity for them to interact with other participants and learn about many exciting opportunities in the CPS area.
University of Alabama Tuscaloosa
National Science Foundation
Anderson, Monica
Submitted by Monica Anderson on April 7th, 2011
The objective of this research is to develop the theoretical foundations for understanding implicit and explicit communication within cyber-physical systems. The approach is two-fold: (a) developing new information-theoretic tools to reveal the essential nature of implicit communication in a manner analogous to (and compatible with) classical network information theory; (b) viewing the wireless ecosystem itself as a cyber-physical system in which spectrum is the physical substrate that is manipulated by heterogeneous interacting cyber-systems that must be certified to meet safety and performance objectives. The intellectual merit of this project comes from the transformative technical approaches being developed. The key to understanding implicit communication is a conceptual breakthrough in attacking the unsolved 40-year-old Witsenhausen counterexample by using an approximate-optimality paradigm combined with new ideas from sphere-packing and cognitive radio channels. These techniques open up radically new mathematical avenues to attack distributed-control problems that have long been considered fundamentally intractable. They guide the development of nonlinear control strategies that are provably orders-of-magnitude better than the best linear strategies. The keys to understanding explicit communication in cyber-physical systems are new approaches to active learning, detection, and estimation in distributed environments that combine worst-case and probabilistic elements. Beyond the many diverse applications (the Internet, the smart grid, intelligent transportation, etc.) of heterogeneous cyber-physical systems themselves, this research reaches out to wireless policy: allowing the principled formulation of government regulations for next-generation networks. Graduate students (including female ones) and postdoctoral scholars will be trained and research results incorporated into both the undergraduate and graduate curricula.
University of California-Berkeley
National Science Foundation
Sahai, Anant
Anant Sahai Submitted by Anant Sahai on April 7th, 2011
The objective of this research is to address a fundamental question in cyber-physical systems: What is the ideal structure of systems that detect critical events such as earthquakes by using data from large numbers of sensors held and managed by ordinary people in the community? The approach is to develop theory about widely-distributed sense and respond systems, using dynamic and possibly unreliable networks using sensors and responders installed and managed by ordinary citizens, and to apply the theory to problems important to society, such as responding to earthquakes. Intellectual Merit: This research develops theory and prototype implementations of community-based sense-and-respond systems that enable people help one another in societal crises. The number of participants in such systems may change rapidly; some participants may be unreliable and some may even deliberately attack systems; and the structures of networks change as crises unfold. Such systems must function in rare critical situations; so designs, analyses and tests of these systems must give confidence that they will function when the crisis hits. The proposed research will show how to design systems with organic growth, unreliable components and connections, security against rogue components, and methods of demonstrating reliability. Broader Impact: People want to help one another in a crisis. Cheap sensors, mobile phones, and laptops enable people to use information technology to help. This research empowers ordinary citizens collaborate to overcome crises. The researchers collaborate with the US Geological Service, Southern California Edison, and Microsoft, and will host 3,000 students at a seismic facility
California Institute of Technology
National Science Foundation
Robert Clayton
Thomas Heaton
Krause, Andreas
Andreas Krause Submitted by Andreas Krause on April 7th, 2011
The objective of this research is to develop a real-time operating system for a virtual humanoid avatar that will model human behaviors such as visual tracking and other sensori-motor tasks in natural environments. This approach has become possible to test because of the development of theoretical tools in inverse reinforcement learning (IRL) that allow the acquisition of reward functions from detailed measurements of human behavior, together with technical developments in virtual environments and behavioral monitoring that allow such measurements to be obtained. The central idea is that complex behaviors can be decomposed into sub-tasks that can be considered more or less independently. An embodied agent learns a policy for actions required by each sub-task, given the state information from sensori-motor measurements, in order to maximize total reward. The reward functions implied by human data can be computed and compared to those of an avatar model using the newly-developed IRL technique, constituting an exacting test of the system. The broadest impact of the project would provide a formal template for further investigations of human mental function. Modular RL models of human behavior would allow realistic humanoid avatars to be used in training for emergency situations, conversation, computer games, and classroom tutoring. Monitoring behavior in patients with diseases that exhibit unusual eye movements (e.g., Tourettes, Schizophrenia, ADHD) and unusual body movement patterns (e.g., Parkinsons), should lead to new diagnostic methods. In addition the regular use of the laboratory in undergraduate courses and outreach programs promotes diversity.
University of Texas at Austin
National Science Foundation
Ballard, Dana
Submitted by Dana Ballard on April 7th, 2011
The objective of this research is to develop an intuitive user interface for functional electrical stimulation (FES), which uses surgically-implanted electrodes to stimulate muscles in spinal cord-injured (SCI) patients. The challenge is to enable high-level tetraplegic patients to regain the use of their own arm. The approach is to develop a multi-modal Bayesian user-intent decoder; use natural muscle synergies to generate appropriate low-dimensional muscle activation signals in a feedforward controller; develop a feedback controller to enhance the performance of the feedforward controller; and test the system with SCI patients on daily living tasks, such as reaching, grasping, and eating. The challenge problem of restoring arm use to SCI patients will lead to new design principles for cyber-physical systems interfacing neural and biological systems with engineered computation and electrical power systems. The tight integration of the proposed user interface and controller with the users own control system requires a deep understanding of biological design principles such as nested feedback loops at different time and length scales, noisy signals, parallel processing, and highly coupled neuromechanical systems. This work will lead to new technology that dramatically improves the lives of spinal cord-injured patients. These patients often have no cognitive impairment and have long life spans after injury. The goal is to enable these patients to eat, reach, and grasp nearby objects. These tasks are critical for independent living and quality of life. This work will also help train a new generation of students in human-machine interfaces at the undergraduate, graduate, and postdoctoral levels.
Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago
National Science Foundation
Perreault, Eric
Eric Perreault Submitted by Eric Perreault on April 7th, 2011
The objective of this research is to address fundamental challenges in the verification and analysis of reconfigurable distributed hybrid control systems. These occur frequently whenever control decisions for a continuous plant depend on the actions and state of other participants. They are not supported by verification technology today. The approach advocated here is to develop strictly compositional proof-based verification techniques to close this analytic gap in cyber-physical system design and to overcome scalability issues. This project develops techniques using symbolic invariants for differential equations to address the analytic gap between nonlinear applications and present verification techniques for linear dynamics. This project aims at transformative research changing the scope of systems that can be analyzed. The proposed research develops a compositional proof-based approach to hybrid systems verification in contrast to the dominant automata-based verification approaches. It represents a major improvement addressing the challenges of composition, reconfiguration, and nonlinearity in system models The proposed research has significant applications in the verification of safety-critical properties in next generation cyber-physical systems. This includes distributed car control, robotic swarms, and unmanned aerial vehicle cooperation schemes to full collision avoidance protocols for multiple aircraft. Analysis tools for distributed hybrid systems have a broad range of applications of varying degrees of safety-criticality, validation cost, and operative risk. Analytic techniques that find bugs or ensure correct functioning can save lives and money, and therefore are likely to have substantial economic and societal impact.
Carnegie-Mellon University
National Science Foundation
Platzer, Andre
Andre Platzer Submitted by Andre Platzer on April 7th, 2011
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