The terms denote technology areas that are part of the CPS technology suite or that are impacted by CPS requirements.
13th ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA 2016)  The ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA) is the premier conference covering all contemporary areas in computer systems and applications and hence it is an international forum for leading researchers and practitioners in this important and rapidly changing disciplines. AICCSA 2016, to be held in the lovely and highly vibrant city of Agadir in Morocco.  
Submitted by Anonymous on April 26th, 2016
FIT 2016
The Third  International Workshop on the Future of the Internet of Things (FIT 2016) in conjunction with The 11th International Conference on Future Networks and Communications August 15-18, 2016 | Montreal, Quebec, Canada | 
Submitted by Anonymous on April 26th, 2016


International Conference on Hardware/Software Codesign and System Synthesis (CODES+ISSS 2016)

October 2-7, 2016 | Pittsburgh, PA, US |

Researchers both from academia and industry are invited to submit proposals for special sessions to be held during the CODES+ISSS 2016 conference. The special sessions should aim at providing a complementary experience compared to the regular sessions and hence should include hot topics of interest to the Embedded Systems community that may also go beyond disciplines traditionally represented at CODES+ISSS. The special session could constitute either a thematic session containing individual presentations or a panel.

CODES+ISSS Program Chairs:

  • Andreas Gerstlauer, University of Texas at Austin, US
  • Andy Pimentel, University of Amsterdam, NL


  • Proposal submission:  May 1, 2016
  • Notification of acceptance:   June 10, 2016
  • Camera-ready version:  July 15, 2016

Submission Information

The special session proposal should include:

  • Title of the special session
  • Rationale of the need for the special session at CODES+ISSS. The rationale should stress the novelty of the topic and /or its multidisciplinary flavor, and must explain how it is different from the subjects covered by the regular sessions
  • Short biography of the organizers
  • List of 3-4 contributed presentations (including titles, presenters, contact information of the corresponding presenter, and an abstract of each contribution). For panel proposals, list three to five panelists and their area of expertise.

Proposals are due on or before May 1, 2016 and should be sent via e-mail (PDF or ASCII) to the Program Chairs, Andreas Gerstlauer ( and Andy Pimentel ( Proposals will be evaluated based on the timeliness of the topic and the qualification of presenters involved in the session. Participants of each accepted special session will have the opportunity to submit a single overview paper covering the main aspects of the session (the presenters will co-author this paper). Alternatively, each presenter will have the option of submitting an extended abstract of their presentation.

General Announcement
Not in Slideshow
Submitted by Anonymous on April 26th, 2016
EUC 2016
14th IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC 2016)  Paris, France | August 24-26, 2016 | In conjunction with DCABES 2016 and CSE 2016 by MINES ParisTech - Research University, CentraleSupelec and UFC/FEMTO-ST Institute Introduction
Submitted by Anonymous on April 26th, 2016
FISP 2016
The Second  International Workshop on Future Information Security, Privacy and Forensics for Complex systems (FISP 2016) In Conjunction with the 11th International Conference on Future Networks and Communications (FNC'16)  Topics of Interest: 
Submitted by Anonymous on April 26th, 2016
The Second International Workshop on Internet of Things: Networking Applications and Technologies (IOTNAT 2016) In Conjunction with the 11th International Conference on Future Networks and Communications (FNC'16) Topics of Interests:
Submitted by Anonymous on April 26th, 2016
Manufacturing and production have been big contributors to improved quality and sustainability of human life. Current market trends, such as consumer demand for variety, short product life cycles, high product quality and low cost, have resulted in the need for efficient, responsive, robust and sustainable manufacturing and production paradigm. 3D printing technologies hold the merit of affordability and customizability, while the key challenge in applying 3D printing for mass customization in real life is how to reduce the lead time per unit. The lead time of 3D printing a product unit comes from two sources, i.e., the pre-fabrication computation and manufacturing process. The pre-fabrication computation is increasingly significant and becomes the bottleneck in the manufacturing flow of mass customization in 3D Printing. This EArly-concept Grant for Exploratory Research (EAGER) project looks to address this problem through new computational methods with potential for two orders of magnitude reduction in time for pre-facbrication computation. This project aims to develop a transformative computational paradigm of 3D printing in mass customization. The project will pursue two novel and complementary objectives: 1) design a suite of quality-guaranteed geometric algorithms for the scalable and time-efficient pre-fabrication computation framework.; and 2) develop a low-complexity and efficient computing system to facilitate and accelerate the use of these methods and algorithms in Objective1. This new computer system focuses on domain-specific computing platforms as the next disruptive technology for power-performance-runtime efficiency improvement. Specifically, the team will develop accelerator-based architectures for computing primitives of geometric algorithms. This new hardware architecture will exploit the parallelism and customization to improve the efficiency of the new computational paradigm in 3D printing with less delay, lower complexity and higher computing power.
SUNY at Buffalo
National Science Foundation
Jinhui Xu
Chi Zhou
Submitted by Wenyao Xu on April 25th, 2016
Legged robots have captured the imagination of society at large, through entertainment and through the dissemination of research findings. Yet, today's reality of what (bipedal) legged robots can do falls short of society's vision. A big part of the reason is that legged robots are viewed as surrogates for humans, able to go wherever humans can as aids or as assistants where it might also be too dangerous or risky. It is in the expectation of robustness and walking facility that today's research hits its limits, especially when the terrain has granular properties. Impeding progress is the lack of a holistic approach to the cyber-physical modeling and control of legged robots. The vision of this work is to unite experts in granular mechanics, optimal control, and learning theory in order to define a methodology for advancing cyber-physical systems (CPS) involving a tight coupling of the physical with the cyber through dynamic interactions that must be learned online. The proposed work will advance the science of cyber-physical systems by more explicitly tying sensing, perception, and computing to the optimization and control of physical systems whose properties are variable and uncertain. Achieving reliable, adaptive legged locomotion over terrain with arbitrary granular properties would transform several application domain areas of robotics; e.g., disaster response, agricultural and industrial robotics, and planetary robotics. More broadly, the same tools would apply to related CPS with regards to terrain aware exoskeleton and rehabilitation prosthetics for persons with missing, non-functional, or injured legs, as well as to energy networks with time-varying, nonlinear dynamics models. The CPS platform to be studied is that of a bipedal robot locomoting over granular ground material with uncertain physical properties (sand, gravel, dirt, etc.). The proposed work seeks to overcome current impediments to reliable legged locomotion over uncertain terrain type, which fundamentally relies on the controlled interaction of the robot's feet with the physical environment. The research goal is to improve the perception and control of legged locomotion over granular media for the express purpose of achieving robust, adaptive, terrain-aware locomotion. It revolves around the hypothesis that simple models with decent predictive performance and low computational overhead are sufficient for the optimal control formulations as the compute-constrained adaptive subsystem will both learn and classify the peculiarities of the terrain online. The main research objectives will involve: [1] a validated co-simulation platform for legged robot movement over granular media; [2] terrain-dependent, stable gait generation and gait transition strategies via optimal control; [3] online, compute-constrained learning of granular interactions for adaptation and terrain classification; and [4] validated contributions using experimental testbeds involving variable and unknown (to the robot) granular media. Given the high value of the robotic platforms and the research with regards to outreach and participation, they will be used as outreach tools and to create new educational modules for promotion of STEM fields. Further, the multi-disciplinary nature of the work will be highlighted in order to emphasize its importance.
Georgia Institute of Technology
National Science Foundation
Daniel Goldman
Erik Verriest
Submitted by Patricio Vela on April 25th, 2016
Security and privacy concerns in the increasingly interconnected world are receiving much attention from the research community, policymakers, and general public. However, much of the recent and on-going efforts concentrate on security of general-purpose computation and on privacy in communication and social interactions. The advent of cyber-physical systems (e.g., safety-critical IoT), which aim at tight integration between distributed computational intelligence, communication networks, physical world, and human actors, opens new horizons for intelligent systems with advanced capabilities. These systems may reduce number of accidents and increase throughput of transportation networks, improve patient safety, mitigate caregiver errors, enable personalized treatments, and allow older adults to age in their places. At the same time, cyber-physical systems introduce new challenges and concerns about safety, security, and privacy. The proposed project will lead to safer, more secure and privacy preserving CPS. As our lives depend more and more on these systems, specifically in automotive, medical, and Internet-of-Things domains, results obtained in this project will have a direct impact on the society at large. The study of emerging legal and ethical aspects of large-scale CPS deployments will inform future policy decision-making. The educational and outreach aspects of this project will help us build a workforce that is better prepared to address the security and privacy needs of the ever-more connected and technologically oriented society. Cyber-physical systems (CPS) involve tight integration of computational nodes, connected by one or more communication networks, the physical environment of these nodes, and human users of the system, who interact with both the computational part of the system and the physical environment. Attacks on a CPS system may affect all of its components: computational nodes and communication networks are subject to malicious intrusions, and physical environment may be maliciously altered. CPS-specific security challenges arise from two perspectives. On the one hand, conventional information security approaches can be used to prevent intrusions, but attackers can still affect the system via the physical environment. Resource constraints, inherent in many CPS domains, may prevent heavy-duty security approaches from being deployed. This proposal will develop a framework in which the mix of prevention, detection and recovery, and robust techniques work together to improve the security and privacy of CPS. Specific research products will include techniques providing: 1) accountability-based detection and bounded-time recovery from malicious attacks to CPS, complemented by novel preventive techniques based on lightweight cryptography; 2) security-aware control design based on attack resilient state estimator and sensor fusions; 3) privacy of data collected and used by CPS based on differential privacy; and, 4) evidence-based framework for CPS security and privacy assurance, taking into account the operating context of the system and human factors. Case studies will be performed in applications with autonomous features of vehicles, internal and external vehicle networks, medical device interoperability, and smart connected medical home.
University of Michigan Ann Arbor
National Science Foundation
Kang Shin Submitted by Kang Shin on April 25th, 2016
In the United States, there is still a great disparity in medical care and most profoundly for emergency care, where limited facilities and remote location play a central role. Based on the Wessels Living History Farm report, the doctor to patient ratio in the United States is 30 to 10,000 in large metropolitan areas, only 5 to 10,000 in most rural areas; and the highest death rates are often found in the most rural counties. For emergency patient care, time to definitive treatment is critical. However, deciding the most effective care for an acute patient requires knowledge and experience. Though medical best practice guidelines exist and are in hospital handbooks, they are often lengthy and difficult to apply clinically. The challenges are exaggerated for doctors in rural areas and emergency medical technicians (EMT) during patient transport. This project's solution to transform emergency care at rural hospitals is to use innovative CPS technologies to help hospitals to improve their adherence to medical best practice. The key to assist medical staff with different levels of experience and skills to adhere to medical best practice is to transform required processes described in medical texts to an executable, adaptive, and distributed medical best practice guidance (EMBG) system. Compared to the computerized sepsis best practice protocol, the EMBG system faces a much bigger challenge as it has to adapt the best practice across rural hospitals, ambulances and center hospitals with different levels of staff expertise and equipment capabilities. Using a Global Positioning System analogy, a GPS leads drivers with different route familiarity to their destination through an optimal route based on the drivers' preferences, the EMBG system leads medical personnel to follow the best medical guideline path to provide emergency care and minimize the time to definitive treatment for acute patients. The project makes the following contributions: 1) The codification of complex medical knowledge is an important advancement in knowledge capture and representation; 2) Pathophysiological model driven communication in high speed ambulance advances life critical communication technology; and 3) Reduced complexity software architectures designed for formal verification bridges the gap between formal method research and system engineering.
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
National Science Foundation
Submitted by Lui Sha on April 12th, 2016
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