Monitoring and control of cyber-physical systems.
The objective of this research is to develop the theoretical foundations for understanding implicit and explicit communication within cyber-physical systems. The approach is two-fold: (a) developing new information-theoretic tools to reveal the essential nature of implicit communication in a manner analogous to (and compatible with) classical network information theory; (b) viewing the wireless ecosystem itself as a cyber-physical system in which spectrum is the physical substrate that is manipulated by heterogeneous interacting cyber-systems that must be certified to meet safety and performance objectives. The intellectual merit of this project comes from the transformative technical approaches being developed. The key to understanding implicit communication is a conceptual breakthrough in attacking the unsolved 40-year-old Witsenhausen counterexample by using an approximate-optimality paradigm combined with new ideas from sphere-packing and cognitive radio channels. These techniques open up radically new mathematical avenues to attack distributed-control problems that have long been considered fundamentally intractable. They guide the development of nonlinear control strategies that are provably orders-of-magnitude better than the best linear strategies. The keys to understanding explicit communication in cyber-physical systems are new approaches to active learning, detection, and estimation in distributed environments that combine worst-case and probabilistic elements. Beyond the many diverse applications (the Internet, the smart grid, intelligent transportation, etc.) of heterogeneous cyber-physical systems themselves, this research reaches out to wireless policy: allowing the principled formulation of government regulations for next-generation networks. Graduate students (including female ones) and postdoctoral scholars will be trained and research results incorporated into both the undergraduate and graduate curricula.
University of California-Berkeley
National Science Foundation
Sahai, Anant
Anant Sahai Submitted by Anant Sahai on April 7th, 2011
The objective of this research is to integrate user control with automated reflexes in the human-machine interface. The approach, taking inspiration from biology, analyzes control-switching issues in brain-computer interfaces. A nonhuman primate will perform a manual task while movement- and touch-related brain signals are recorded. While a robotic hand replays the movements, electronic signals will be recorded from touch sensors on the robot?s fingers, then mapped to touch-based brain signals, and used to give the subject tactile sensation via direct cortical stimulation. Context-dependent transfers of authority between the subject and reflex-like controls will be developed based on relationships between sensor signals and command signals. Issues of mixed authority and context awareness have general applicability in human-machine systems. This research advances methods for providing tactile feedback from a remote manipulator, dividing control appropriate to human and machine capabilities, and transferring authority in a smooth, context-dependent manner. These principles are essential to any cyber-physical system requiring robustness in the face of uncertainty, control delays, or limited information flow. The resulting transformative methods of human-machine communication and control will have applications for robotics (space, underwater, military, rescue, surgery, assistive, prosthetic), haptics, biomechanics, and neuroscience. Underrepresented undergraduates will be recruited from competitive university programs at Arizona State University and Mexico's Tec de Monterrey University. Outreach projects will engage the public and underrepresented school-aged children through interactive lab tours, instructional modules, and public lectures on robotics, human-machine systems, and social and ethical implications of neuroprostheses.
Arizona State University
National Science Foundation
Santos, Veronica J.
Veronica Santos Submitted by Veronica Santos on April 7th, 2011
The objective of this research is to develop models, methods and tools for capturing and processing of events and actions in cyber-physical systems (CPS) in a manner that does not violate the underlying physics or computational logic. The project approach uses a novel notion of cyber-physical objects (CPO) to capture the mobility and localization of computation in cyber-physical systems using recent advances in geolocation and the Internet infrastructure and supports novel methods for spatiotemporal resource discovery. Project innovations include a model for computing spatiotemporal relationships among events of interests in the physical and logical parts of a CPS, and its use in a novel cyberspatial reference model. Using this model the project builds a framework for locating cyber-physical application services and an operating environment for these services. The project plan includes an experimental platform to demonstrate capabilities for building new OS services for CPS applications including collaborative control applications drawn from the intermodal transportation system. The project will enable design and analysis of societal scale applications such as the transportation and electrical power grid that also include a governance structure. It will directly contribute to educating an engineering talent pool by offering curricular training that range from degree programs in embedded systems to seminars and technology transfer opportunities coordinated through the CalIT2 institute at UCSD and the Institute for Sensing Systems (ISS) at OSU. The team will collaborate with the non-profit Milwaukee Institute to explore policies and mechanisms for enterprise governance systems.
University of California-San Diego
National Science Foundation
Gupta, Rajesh
Rajesh Gupta Submitted by Rajesh Gupta on April 7th, 2011
The goal of this project is to develop a novel cyber-physical system (CPS) for performing multimodal image-guided robot-assisted minimally invasive surgeries (MIS). The approach is based on: (1) novel quantitative analysis of multi-contrast data, (2) control that uses this information to maneuver conformable robotic manipulators, while adjusting on-the-fly scanning parameters to acquire additional information, and (3) human-information/machine-interfacing for comprehensive appreciation of the physical environment. The intellectual merit arises from the development of: (1) a CPS that relies on "real" and "real-time" data, minimizing parametric and abstracted assumptions, extracts and matures information from a dynamic physical system (patient and robot) by combining management of data collection (at the physical sensor site) and data analysis (at the cyber site), (2) "smart sensing", to control data acquisition based on disruptive or situation altering events, (3) control coordination by interlacing sensing, control and perception, and the incorporation of steerable tools. The societal impact arises from contributions to a leap in MIS: from "keyhole" visualization (i.e., laparoscopy) to in-situ real-time image guidance, thereby enabling a wider range of MIS. This will directly benefit patients and their families (faster recovery/reduced trauma). Economic impact arises from the cost-effectiveness of MIS to the health care system, faster patient return to the workplace, and technology commercialization. The project will integrate research and education, diversity and outreach, by enhancing current and introducing new research-intensive courses in Cyber-physical Systems, Medical Imaging and Medical Robotics, and dissemination via trans-institutional collaborations, a comprehensive web site, multimedia web-seminars, and distribution to high schools.
University of Houston
National Science Foundation
Tsekos, Nikolaos
Nikolaos Tsekos Submitted by Nikolaos Tsekos on April 7th, 2011
The objective of this research is to develop an intuitive user interface for functional electrical stimulation (FES), which uses surgically-implanted electrodes to stimulate muscles in spinal cord-injured (SCI) patients. The challenge is to enable high-level tetraplegic patients to regain the use of their own arm. The approach is to develop a multi-modal Bayesian user-intent decoder; use natural muscle synergies to generate appropriate low-dimensional muscle activation signals in a feedforward controller; develop a feedback controller to enhance the performance of the feedforward controller; and test the system with SCI patients on daily living tasks, such as reaching, grasping, and eating. The challenge problem of restoring arm use to SCI patients will lead to new design principles for cyber-physical systems interfacing neural and biological systems with engineered computation and electrical power systems. The tight integration of the proposed user interface and controller with the users own control system requires a deep understanding of biological design principles such as nested feedback loops at different time and length scales, noisy signals, parallel processing, and highly coupled neuromechanical systems. This work will lead to new technology that dramatically improves the lives of spinal cord-injured patients. These patients often have no cognitive impairment and have long life spans after injury. The goal is to enable these patients to eat, reach, and grasp nearby objects. These tasks are critical for independent living and quality of life. This work will also help train a new generation of students in human-machine interfaces at the undergraduate, graduate, and postdoctoral levels.
Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago
National Science Foundation
Perreault, Eric
Eric Perreault Submitted by Eric Perreault on April 7th, 2011
CPS: Small: Collaborative Research: Localization and System Services for SpatioTemporal Actions in Cyber-Physical Systems The objective of this research is to develop models, methods and tools for capturing and processing of events and actions in cyber-physical systems (CPS) in a manner that does not violate the underlying physics or computational logic. The project approach uses a novel notion of cyber-physical objects (CPO) to capture the mobility and localization of computation in cyber-physical systems using recent advances in geolocation and the Internet infrastructure and supports novel methods for spatiotemporal resource discovery. Project innovations include a model for computing spatiotemporal relationships among events of interests in the physical and logical parts of a CPS, and its use in a novel cyberspatial reference model. Using this model the project builds a framework for locating cyber-physical application services and an operating environment for these services. The project plan includes an experimental platform to demonstrate capabilities for building new OS services for CPS applications including collaborative control applications drawn from the intermodal transportation system. The project will enable design and analysis of societal scale applications such as the transportation and electrical power grid that also include a governance structure. It will directly contribute to educating an engineering talent pool by offering curricular training that range from degree programs in embedded systems to seminars and technology transfer opportunities coordinated through the CalIT2 institute at UCSD and the Institute for Sensing Systems (ISS) at OSU. The team will collaborate with the non-profit Milwaukee Institute to explore policies and mechanisms for enterprise governance systems.
Ohio State University Research Foundation
National Science Foundation
Arora, Anish
Anish Arora Submitted by Anish Arora on April 7th, 2011
Objectives and approaches. The objective of this research is to create a novel Cyber-Physical System, a self-reconfiguring ?second skin orthotic sleeve? consisting of programmable materials. The orthotic sleeve, worn over one or more limbs of brain-injured individuals, may restore brain function by promoting enriched exploration of self-produced limb movements. The approach consists of three steps (1) micro-fabricating sheets with embedded sensors and muscle-like collections of force-producing actuators, (2) conducting longitudinal recordings of kicking by typically developing and preterm brain-injured infants who wear a sensing, but not actuated micro-fabricated second skin, and (3) developing biologically-inspired programming techniques to help determine an algorithm with which the second skin embedded actuators may adaptively assist the ever-changing developmental pattern of infant kicking. The technology can be applied to many mobility-impaired populations,including children and adults with brain injury, the ageing population, and injured soldiers. The project will inform basic scientific and engineering research in areas such as formation of architectural structures by large-scale multi-agent robotic systems, and self-organization of swarming small-scale agents that act autonomously in cooperation with biological systems. The multi-institutional effort of this research endeavor will positively impact undergraduate and graduate science education via explorations of the intersection of biology and computation in cyber-physical systems. Innovation, teamwork, and the value of communication are encouraged. These efforts will promote education of an American work force that is technically expert, scientifically comprehensive, and socially aware to sustain national excellence in a future increasingly based on technologically complex systems.
Children's Hospital Corporation
National Science Foundation
Goldfield, Eugene
Eugene Goldfield Submitted by Eugene Goldfield on April 7th, 2011
The objective of this research is to discover new fundamental principles, design methods, and technologies for realizing distributed networks of sub-cm3, ant-sized mobile micro-robots that self-organize into cooperative configurations. The approach is intrinsically interdisciplinary and organized along four main thrusts: (1) Algorithms for distributed coordination and control under severe power, communication, and mobility constraints. (2) Electronics for robot control using event-based communication and computation, ultra-low-power radio, and adaptive analog-digital integrated circuits. (3) Locomotion devices and efficient actuators using rapid-prototyping and MEMS technologies that can operate robustly under real-world conditions. (4) Integration of the algorithms, electronics, and actuators into a fleet of ant-size micro-robots. No robots at the sub-cm3 scale exist because their development faces a number of open challenges. This research will identify and determine means for solving these challenges. In addition, it will provide new solutions to outstanding questions about resource-constrained algorithms, architectures, and actuators that can be widely leveraged in other applications. The PIs will adopt a co-design philosophy that promotes cross-disciplinary research and tight collaboration. Networks of ant-sized robots are expected to be useful in disaster relief, manufacturing, warehouse management, and ecological monitoring, as well as in new unforeseen applications. In addition, the new methods and principles proposed here can be transitioned to other highly-distributed and resource-constrained engineering problems, such as air-traffic control systems. This research program will train Ph.D. students with unique skills in the design of hybrid distributed networks and it will involve undergraduate students, particularly underrepresented minorities and women.
University of Maryland College Park
National Science Foundation
Elisabeth Smela
Pamela Abshire
Martins, Nuno Miguel
Nuno Martins Submitted by Nuno Martins on April 7th, 2011
The objective of this research is to develop principles and tools for the design of control systems using highly distributed, but slow, computational elements. The approach of this research is to build an architecture that uses highly parallelized, simple computational elements incorporating nonlinearities, time delay and asynchronous computation as integral design elements. Tools for the design of non-deterministic protocols will be developed and demonstrated using an existing multi-vehicle testbed at Caltech. The motivation for using "slow computing" is to develop new feedback control architectures for applications where computational power is extremely limited. Examples of such systems are those where the energy usage of the system must remain small, either due to the source of power available (e.g. batteries or solar cells) or the physical size of the device (e.g. microscale and nanoscale robots). A longer term application area is in the design of control systems using novel computing substrates, such as biological circuits. A critical element in both cases is the tight coupling between the dynamics of the underlying process and the temporal properties of the algorithm that is controlling it. The implementation plan for this project involves students from multiple disciplines (including bioengineering, computer science, electrical engineering and mechanical engineering) as well as at multiple experience levels (sophomores through PhD students) working together on a set of interlinked research problems. The project is centered in the Control and Dynamical Systems department at Caltech, which has a strong record of recruiting women and underrepresented minority students into its programs.
California Institute of Technology
National Science Foundation
Murray, Richard
Richard Murray Submitted by Richard Murray on April 7th, 2011
The objective of this research is to develop an integrated methodology for control system design in situations where disturbances primarily result from routine human behavior, as, for example, in future artificial pancreas systems where meals and exercise are the main disturbances affecting blood glucose concentration. The approach is to recognize that human behavioral disturbances (i) are generally random but cannot be treated as zero-mean white noise processes and (ii) occur with statistical regularity but cannot be treated as periodic due to natural variation in human behavior. This emerging class of problems requires (i) the derivation of new mathematical representations of disturbances for specific applications and (ii) the formulation of new stochastic control models and algorithms that exploit statistical regularity in the disturbance process. The intellectual merit of the proposed research stems from the fact that it explicitly recognizes a new class of disturbances, human behavioral disturbances, seeking to develop an integrated approach to statistically characterizing and responding to future perturbations, adapting gracefully to uncertainty about the future. The anticipated research outcomes will be relevant in diverse fields, including stochastic hybrid control and human automation interaction. As a broader implication, the proposed research will enable the design of future field deployable artificial pancreas systems, potentially improving the lives of 1.5 million Americans suffering from Type 1 diabetes. With help from the two graduate students funded by the project, the principle investigator will supervise a Capstone design course, exposing undergraduates to various aspects of control under human behavioral disturbances.
University of Virginia Main Campus
National Science Foundation
Patek, Stephen
Stephen Patek Submitted by Stephen Patek on April 7th, 2011
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