Software & systems engineering and their applications.
Title: CPS: Breakthrough: Development of Novel Architectures for Control and Diagnosis of Safety-Critical Complex Cyber-Physical Systems This project is developing novel architectures for control and diagnosis of complex cyber-physical systems subject to stringent performance requirements in terms of safety, resilience, and adaptivity. These ever-increasing demands necessitate the use of formal model-based approaches to synthesize provably-correct feedback controllers. The intellectual merit of this research lies in a novel combination of techniques from the fields of dynamical systems, discrete event systems, reactive synthesis, and graph theory, together with new advancements in terms of abstraction techniques, computationally efficient synthesis of control and diagnosis strategies that support distributed implementations, and synthesis of acquisition of information and communication strategies. The project's broader significance and importance are demonstrated by the expected improvement of the safety, resilience, and performance of complex cyber-physical systems in critical infrastructures as well as the efficiency with which they are designed and certified. The original approach being developed is based on the combination of multi-resolution abstraction graphs for building discrete models of the underlying cyber-physical system with reactive synthesis techniques that exploit a representation of the solution space in terms of a finite structure called a decentralized bipartite transition system. The concepts of abstraction graph and decentralized bipartite transition system are novel and open new avenues of investigation with significant potential to the formal synthesis of safe, resilient, and adaptive controllers. This methodology naturally results in a set of decentralized and asynchronous controllers and diagnosers, which ensures greater resilience and adaptivity. Overall, this research will significantly impact the Science of Cyber-Physical Systems and the Engineering of Cyber-Physical Systems.
University of Michigan Ann Arbor
National Science Foundation
Stephane Lafortune Submitted by Stephane Lafortune on December 21st, 2015
Large battery systems with 100s/1000s cells are being used to power various physical platforms. For example, automobiles are transitioning from conventional powertrains to (plug-in) hybrid and electric vehicles (EVs). To achieve the desired efficiency of EVs, significant improvements are needed in the architecture and algorithms of battery management. This project will develop a new comprehensive battery management architecture, called Smart Battery Management System (SBMS). The research is expected to bridge the wide gap existing between cyber-physical system (CPS) research and electrification industry communities, provide environment-friendly solutions, increase the awareness of CPS, and develop skilled human resources. This project will incorporate and enhance a battery management system (BMS) by including battery state-of-charge (SoC) and state-of-health (SoH) algorithms as well as power management strategies on both pack and cell levels. Specifically, it consists of five main research tasks: (i) design a dynamically reconfigurable energy storage system to tolerate harsh internal and external stresses; (ii) develop cell-level thermal management algorithms; (iii) develop efficient, dependable charge and discharge scheduling algorithms in hybrid energy storage systems; (iv) develop a comprehensive, diagnostic/prognostic (P/D) algorithm with system parameters adjusted for making optimal decisions; and (v) build a testbed and evaluate the proposed architecture and algorithms on the testbed. This research will advance the state-of-the-art in the management of large-scale energy storage systems, extending their life and operation-time significantly, which is key to a wide range of battery-powered physical platforms. That is, SBMS will enable batteries to withstand excessive stresses and power physical platforms for a much longer time, all at low costs. SBMS will also serve as a basic framework for various aspects of CPS research, integrating (cyber) dynamic control and P/D mechanisms, and (physical) energy storage system dynamics.
University of Michigan Ann Arbor
National Science Foundation
Kang Shin Submitted by Kang Shin on December 21st, 2015
Many of the ideas that drive modern cloud computing, such as server virtualization, network slicing, and robust distributed storage, arose from the research community. But because today's clouds have particular, non-malleable implementations of these ideas "baked in," they are unsuitable as facilities in which to conduct research on future cloud architectures. This project creates CloudLab, a facility that will enable fundamental advances in cloud architecture. CloudLab will not be a cloud; CloudLab will be large-scale, distributed scientific infrastructure on top of which many different clouds can be built. It will support thousands of researchers and run hundreds of different, experimental clouds simultaneously. The Phase I CloudLab deployment will provide data centers at Clemson (with Dell equipment), Utah (HP), and Wisconsin (Cisco), with each industrial partner collaborating to explore next-generation ideas for cloud architectures CloudLab will be a place where researchers can try out ideas using any cloud software stack they can imagine. It will accomplish this by running at a layer below cloud infrastructure: it will provide isolated, bare-metal access to a set of resources that researchers can use to bring up their own clouds. These clouds may run instances of today's popular stacks, modest modifications to them, or something entirely new. CloudLab will not be tied to any particular particular cloud stack, and will support experimentation on multiple in parallel. The impact of cloud computing outside the field of computer science has been substantial: it has enabled a new generation of applications and services with direct impacts on society at large. CloudLab is positioned to have an immediate and substantial impact on the research community by providing access to the resources it needs to shape the future of clouds. Cloud architecture research, enabled by CloudLab, will empower a new generation of applications and services which will bring direct benefit to the public in areas of national priority such as medicine, smart grids, and natural disaster early warning and response.
University of Utah
National Science Foundation
Brig 'Chip' Elliott
Kuang-Ching Wang
Submitted by Robert Ricci on December 21st, 2015
The goal of this project is to demonstrate new cyber-physical architectures that allow the sharing of closed-loop sensor networks among multiple applications through the dynamic allocation of sensing, networking, and computing resources. The sharing of sensor network infrastructures makes the provision of data more cost efficient and leads to virtual private sensor network (VPSN) architectures that can dramatically increase the number of sensor networks available for public use. These cyber infrastructures support a paradigm, called Sensing as a Service, in which users can obtain sensing and computational resources to generate the required data for their sensing applications. The challenge in sharing closed-loop sensor networks is that one application's actuation request might interfere with another's request. To address this challenge the VPSN architectures are comprised of three components: 1) a sensor virtualization layer that ensures that users obtain timely access to sensor data when requested and isolates their requests from others' through the creation of appropriate scheduling algorithms; 2) a computation virtualization layer that enables the allocation of computational resources for real-time data intensive applications which is closely tied to the sensor virtualization layer; 3) a virtualization toolkit that supports application developers in their efforts to build applications for virtualized, closed-loop sensor networks. The sharing of closed-loop sensor networks leads to substantial savings on infrastructure and maintenance costs. The proposed VPSN architectures enable users to create their own applications without having detailed knowledge of sensing technologies and allows them to focus on the development of applications. VPSNs will contribute to the creation of a nationwide, shared sensing cyber infrastructure, which will provide critical information for public safety and security. VPSNs will also help to revolutionize the way undergraduate and graduate students from many disciplines perform research. Students will be shielded from some of the complexities of sensor networks and allowed to focus on their core research. To prepare students from the Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) department at the University of Massachusetts to perform this kind of research, new classes in the area of Integrative Systems Engineering and Sensor Network Virtualization will be offered.
University of Massachusetts Amherst
National Science Foundation
Submitted by Michael Zink on December 21st, 2015
The objective of this project is to improve the performance of autonomous systems in dynamic environments, such as disaster recovery, by integrating perception, planning paradigms, learning, and databases. For the next generation of autonomous systems to be truly effective in terms of tangible performance improvements (e.g., long-term operations, complex and rapidly changing environments), a new level of intelligence must be attained. This project improves the state of robotic systems by enhancing their ability to coordinate activities (such as searching a disaster zone), recognize objects or people, account for uncertainty, and "most important" learn, so the system's performance is continuously improving. To do this, the project takes an interdisciplinary approach to developing techniques in core areas and at the interface of perception, planning, learning, and databases to achieve robustness. This project seeks to significantly improve the performance of cyber-physical systems for time-critical applications such as disaster monitoring, search and rescue, autonomous navigation, and security and surveillance. It enables the development of techniques and tools to augment all decision making processes and applications which are characterized by continuously changing operating conditions, missions and environments. The project contributes to education and a diverse engineering workforce by training students at the University of California, Riverside, one of the most diverse research institutions in US and an accredited Hispanic Serving Institution. Instruction and research opportunities cross traditional disciplinary boundaries, and the project serves as the basis for undergraduate capstone design projects and a new graduate course. The software and testbeds from this project will be shared with the cyber-physical system research community, industry, and end users. The project plans to present focused workshops/tutorials at major IEEE and ACM conferences. The results will be broadly disseminated through the project website. For further information see the project website at:
University of California at Riverside
National Science Foundation
Amit Roy
Submitted by Bir Bhanu on December 21st, 2015
This cross-disciplinary project brings together a team of engineering and computer science researchers to create, validate, and demonstrate the value of new techniques for ensuring that systems composed of combinations of hardware, software, and humans are designed to operate in a truly synergistic and safe fashion. One notable and increasingly common feature of these "Cyber-Physical-Human" (CPH) systems is that the responsibility for safe operation and performance is typically shared by increasingly sophisticated automation in the form of hardware and software, and humans who direct and oversee the behavior of automation yet may need to intervene to take over manual or shared system control when unexpected environmental situations or hardware or software failures occur. The ultimate goal is to achieve levels of safety and performance in system operation that exceed the levels attainable by either skilled human operators or completely autonomous systems acting alone. To do so, the research team will draw upon their expertise in the design of robust, fault-tolerant control systems, in the design of complexity-reduction architectures for software verification, and in human factors techniques for cognitive modeling to assure high levels of human situation awareness through effective interface design. By doing so, the safety, cost and performance benefits of increasingly sophisticated automation can be achieved without the frequently observed safety risks caused by automation creating greater distance between human operators and system operation. The techniques will be iteratively created and empirically evaluated using experimentation in human-in-the-loop simulations, including a medium-fidelity aircraft and flight simulator and a simulation of assistive automation in a medical context. More broadly, this research is expected to impact and inform the engineering of future CPH systems generally, for all industries and systems characterized by an increasing use of hardware and software automation directed and overseen by humans who provide an additional layer of safety in expected situations, Examples include highway and automotive automation, aerospace and air traffic control automation, semi-automated process control systems, and the many forms of automated systems and devices increasingly being used in medical contexts, such as the ICU and operating room. This research is also expected to inform government and industry efforts to provide safety certification criteria for the technologies used in CPH systems, and to educate a next generation of students trained in the cross-disciplinary skills and abilities needed to engineer the CPH systems of the future. The investigators will organize industry, academic, and government workshops to disseminate results and mentor students who are members of underrepresented groups through the course of this research project.
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
National Science Foundation
Submitted by Alex Kirlik on December 21st, 2015
To ensure operational safety of complex cyber-physical systems such as automobiles, aircraft, and medical devices, new models, analyses, platforms, and development techniques are needed that can predict, possible interactions between features, detect them in the features' concrete implementations, and either eliminate or mitigate such interactions through precise modeling and enforcement of mixed-criticality cyber-physical system semantics. This project is taking a novel approach to reasoning about and managing feature interactions in cyber-physical systems, which encompasses interactions within software, interactions through the physical dynamics of the system, and interactions via shared computational resources. The proposed approach consists of three tightly coupled research thrusts: (1) a novel way of modeling features as automata equipped with both physical dynamics of the feature environment, and an assigned criticality level in each state of an automaton, (2) new automata-theoretic and control-theoretic analysis techniques, enabled by the modeling approach, and (3) new algorithms for adaptive sharing of computational resources between individual features that are guaranteed to satisfy the assumptions made during analysis, realized within a novel mixed-criticality cyber-physical platform architecture. The modeling approach will introduce a new model for mixed-criticality cyber-physical components and will support modern development standards, such as AUTOSAR in the automotive industry, for assigning criticality levels to features. Component interfaces in this model will capture control modes and the associated physical dynamics, operating modes and the associated resource requirements and criticality level, as well as relationships between control modes and operating modes. Analysis of features expressed in the proposed model will include detection of interactions and exploration of their effect on safety properties of the composite system. The broader impacts of the proposed work are twofold. One impact lies in the pervasive use of cyber-physical systems in our society. If the developed results are adopted in industry, it may help to promote improved safety of such systems. Results of the proposed research will be used in courses offered at both University of Pennsylvania and Washington University at the graduate and undergraduate levels. The project will also provide students with opportunities to get involved in cutting edge research within their fields of study.
University of Pennsylvania
National Science Foundation
Oleg Sokolsky Submitted by Oleg Sokolsky on December 21st, 2015
This project will develop architecture and supporting enabling technologies to avert imminent loss of life or property in fast changing environments. The selected application is resuscitation in an intensive care unit (ICU) because it is life critical, time critical, human-centric and includes complex devices and software. For example, heart attack can be obscured in a trauma patient hemorrhaging from a broken leg in the presence of a collapsed lung. The challenge lies in solving the overarching difficulties of safe execution while maintaining complex and dynamic workflows. The availability and skill levels of medical staff, patient conditions, and medical device configurations all change rapidly. The core contribution is design and verification of reduced complexity situation awareness architecture for Emergency Cyber Physical Human systems (ECPH), supported by enabling technologies such as workflow adaptation protocols, managing data uncertainty and safe device plug and play. The ECPH workflow adaptation protocols are not only a function of the tasks and environment at hand, but must also be aware of the capabilities and training of the medical staff. In addition, risk mitigation driven safety interlock protocols will keep the actions of medical staff and CPS in synchrony with dynamically selected workflows. This is a cooperative effort of UIUC engineering and the ICU department of Carle Foundation Hospital. An ECPH team operates to accomplish a mission under rapidly changing circumstances. The stressful, rushed, and often unfriendly environment of an ECPH system means that errors, uncertainty, and failures will arise. This research will offer safety and resilience in the face of such disruptions. Effective and immediate intervention enabled by an optimized ECPH system will dramatically reduce preventable errors. The societal impact of effective collaboration under high stress will be enormous in terms of human lives and health care costs. According to CDC in 2010, the estimated direct & indirect costs of heart attacks and strokes alone in the U.S. were $503.2 billion; a significant percent of such patients during emergency care suffer complications and harm which are preventable. This project will develop educational material for training the next generation of researchers and engineers. The technology to be developed will also be adapted to other similar ECPH environments such as fighting a raging building fire.
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
National Science Foundation
Submitted by Lui Sha on December 21st, 2015
This cross-disciplinary project brings together a team of engineering and computer science researchers to create, validate, and demonstrate the value of new techniques for ensuring that systems composed of combinations of hardware, software, and humans are designed to operate in a truly synergistic and safe fashion. One notable and increasingly common feature of these "Cyber-Physical-Human" (CPH) systems is that the responsibility for safe operation and performance is typically shared by increasingly sophisticated automation in the form of hardware and software, and humans who direct and oversee the behavior of automation yet may need to intervene to take over manual or shared system control when unexpected environmental situations or hardware or software failures occur. The ultimate goal is to achieve levels of safety and performance in system operation that exceed the levels attainable by either skilled human operators or completely autonomous systems acting alone. To do so, the research team will draw upon their expertise in the design of robust, fault-tolerant control systems, in the design of complexity-reduction architectures for software verification, and in human factors techniques for cognitive modeling to assure high levels of human situation awareness through effective interface design. By doing so, the safety, cost and performance benefits of increasingly sophisticated automation can be achieved without the frequently observed safety risks caused by automation creating greater distance between human operators and system operation. The techniques will be iteratively created and empirically evaluated using experimentation in human-in-the-loop simulations, including a medium-fidelity aircraft and flight simulator and a simulation of assistive automation in a medical context. More broadly, this research is expected to impact and inform the engineering of future CPH systems generally, for all industries and systems characterized by an increasing use of hardware and software automation directed and overseen by humans who provide an additional layer of safety in expected situations, Examples include highway and automotive automation, aerospace and air traffic control automation, semi-automated process control systems, and the many forms of automated systems and devices increasingly being used in medical contexts, such as the ICU and operating room. This research is also expected to inform government and industry efforts to provide safety certification criteria for the technologies used in CPH systems, and to educate a next generation of students trained in the cross-disciplinary skills and abilities needed to engineer the CPH systems of the future. The investigators will organize industry, academic, and government workshops to disseminate results and mentor students who are members of underrepresented groups through the course of this research project.
University of South Carolina at Columbia
National Science Foundation
Submitted by Xiaofeng Wang on December 21st, 2015
The objective of this proposal is to develop a distributed algorithmic framework, supported by a highly fault-tolerant software system, for executing critical transmission-level operations of the North American power grid using gigantic volumes of Synchrophasor data. As the number of Phasor Measurement Units (PMU) increases to more than thousands in the next 4-5 years, it is rather intuitive that the current state-of-the-art centralized communication and information processing architecture of Wide-Area Measurement System (WAMS) will no longer be sustainable under such data-explosion, and a completely distributed cyber-physical architecture will need to be developed. The North American Synchrophasor Initiative (NASPI) is currently addressing this architectural aspect by developing new communication and computing protocols through NASPI-net and Phasor Gateway. However, very little attention has been paid so far to perhaps the most critical consequence of this envisioned distributed architecture "namely", distributed algorithms, and their relevant middleware. Our primary task, therefore, will be to develop parallel computational methods for solving real-time wide-area monitoring and control problems with analytical investigation of their stability, convergence and robustness properties, followed by their implementation and testing against extraneous malicious attacks using our WAMS-RTDS testbed at NC State. In particular, we will address three critical research problems "namely" distributed wide-area oscillation monitoring, transient stability assessment, and voltage stability monitoring. The intellectual merit of this research will be in establishing an extremely timely application area of the PMU technology through its integration with distributed computing and optimal control. It will illustrate how ideas from advanced ideas from numerical methods and distributed optimization can be combined into power system monitoring and control applications, and how they can be implemented via fault-tolerant computing to maintain grid stability in face of catastrophic cyber and physical disturbances. The broader impact of this project will be in providing a much-needed application of CPS engineering to advance emerging research on PMU-integrated next-generation smart grids. Research results will be broadcast through journal publications, jointly organized graduate courses between NC State and University of Illinois Urbana Champagne, conference tutorials and workshops. Undergraduate research for minority engineering students will be promoted via the FREEDM Systems Center, summer internships via Information Trust Institute (UIUC) and RENCI, and middle/high-school student mentoring through the NCSU Science House program.
North Carolina State University
National Science Foundation
Aranya Chakrabortty Submitted by Aranya Chakrabortty on December 21st, 2015
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