The objective of this research is to design a semi-automated, efficient, and secure emergency response system to reduce the time it takes emergency vehicles to reach their destinations, while increasing the safety of non-emergency vehicles and emergency vehicles alike. Providing route and maneuver guidance to emergency vehicles and non-emergency vehicles will make emergency travel safer and enable police and other first responders to reach and transport those in need, in less time. This should reduce the number of crashes involving emergency vehicles and associated litigation costs while improving medical outcomes, reducing property damage, and instilling greater public confidence in emergency services. At the same time, non-emergency vehicles will also be offered increased safety and, with the reduction of long delays attributed to emergency vehicles, experience reduced incident-related travel time, which will increase productivity and quality of life for drivers. Incorporating connected vehicles into the emergency response system will also provide synergistic opportunities for non-emergency vehicles, including live updates on accident sites, areas to avoid, and information on emergency routes that can be incorporated into navigation software so drivers can avoid potential delays. While the proposed system will naturally advance the quality of transportation in smart cities, it will also provide a platform for future techniques to build upon. For example, the proposed system could be connected with emergency care facilities to balance the load of emergency patients at hospitals, and act as a catalyst toward the realization of a fully-automated emergency response system. New courses and course modules will be developed to recruit and better prepare a future workforce that is well versed in multi-disciplinary collaborations. Video demos and a testbed will be used to showcase the research to the public. The key research component will be the design of an emergency response system that (1) dynamically determines EV routes, (2) coordinates actions by non-emergency vehicles using connected vehicle technology to efficiently and effectively clear paths for emergency vehicles, (3) is able to adapt to uncertain traffic and network conditions, and (4) is difficult to abuse or compromise. The project will result in (1) algorithms that dynamically select EV routes based on uncertain or limited traffic data, (2) emergency protocols that exploit connected vehicle technology to facilitate emergency vehicles maneuvers, (3) an automation module to assist with decision making and maneuvers, and (4) an infrastructure and vehicle hardening framework that prevents cyber abuse. Experiments will be performed on a testbed and a real test track to validate the proposed research.
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
National Science Foundation
Submitted by Tam Chantem on September 11th, 2017
ICESS 2017
14th IEEE International Conference on Embedded Software and Systems  (ICESS 2017) Sydney, Australia | August 1-4, 2017 | Co-Located with IEEE TrustCom and IEEE BigDataSE IMPORTANT DATES Paper submission deadline:  April 15, 2017 Notification of acceptance:  May 15, 2017 Final paper submission: June 1, 2017 As the fastest growing industry, embedded systems have great societal and environmental impacts. 
Submitted by Anonymous on March 6th, 2017
Smart Cities Week Smart Cities Week® is the first major smart cities event in North America to bring together public and private sector visionaries, including officials from all levels of government and leading companies actively deploying smart technologies in cities around the globe.  This premier event, hosted by the Smart Cities Council, will showcase leading-edge companies and cutting-edge solutions in fresh and exciting ways. Contact us today to learn about Diamond, Gold and Platinum sponsorship opportunities.
Submitted by Anonymous on May 19th, 2016
The objective of this research is to design a semi-automated, efficient, and secure emergency response system to reduce the time it takes emergency vehicles to reach their destinations, while increasing the safety of non-emergency vehicles and emergency vehicles alike. Providing route and maneuver guidance to emergency vehicles and non-emergency vehicles will make emergency travel safer and enable police and other first responders to reach and transport those in need, in less time. This should reduce the number of crashes involving emergency vehicles and associated litigation costs while improving medical outcomes, reducing property damage, and instilling greater public confidence in emergency services. At the same time, non-emergency vehicles will also be offered increased safety and, with the reduction of long delays attributed to emergency vehicles, experience reduced incident-related travel time, which will increase productivity and quality of life for drivers. Incorporating connected vehicles into the emergency response system will also provide synergistic opportunities for non-emergency vehicles, including live updates on accident sites, areas to avoid, and information on emergency routes that can be incorporated into navigation software so drivers can avoid potential delays. While the proposed system will naturally advance the quality of transportation in smart cities, it will also provide a platform for future techniques to build upon. For example, the proposed system could be connected with emergency care facilities to balance the load of emergency patients at hospitals, and act as a catalyst toward the realization of a fully-automated emergency response system. New courses and course modules will be developed to recruit and better prepare a future workforce that is well versed in multi-disciplinary collaborations. Video demos and a testbed will be used to showcase the research to the public. The key research component will be the design of an emergency response system that (1) dynamically determines EV routes, (2) coordinates actions by non-emergency vehicles using connected vehicle technology to efficiently and effectively clear paths for emergency vehicles, (3) is able to adapt to uncertain traffic and network conditions, and (4) is difficult to abuse or compromise. The project will result in (1) algorithms that dynamically select EV routes based on uncertain or limited traffic data, (2) emergency protocols that exploit connected vehicle technology to facilitate emergency vehicles maneuvers, (3) an automation module to assist with decision making and maneuvers, and (4) an infrastructure and vehicle hardening framework that prevents cyber abuse. Experiments will be performed on a testbed and a real test track to validate the proposed research.
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
National Science Foundation
Submitted by Pamela Murray-Tuite on April 6th, 2016
The objective of this research is to design a semi-automated, efficient, and secure emergency response system to reduce the time it takes emergency vehicles to reach their destinations, while increasing the safety of non-emergency vehicles and emergency vehicles alike. Providing route and maneuver guidance to emergency vehicles and non-emergency vehicles will make emergency travel safer and enable police and other first responders to reach and transport those in need, in less time. This should reduce the number of crashes involving emergency vehicles and associated litigation costs while improving medical outcomes, reducing property damage, and instilling greater public confidence in emergency services. At the same time, non-emergency vehicles will also be offered increased safety and, with the reduction of long delays attributed to emergency vehicles, experience reduced incident-related travel time, which will increase productivity and quality of life for drivers. Incorporating connected vehicles into the emergency response system will also provide synergistic opportunities for non-emergency vehicles, including live updates on accident sites, areas to avoid, and information on emergency routes that can be incorporated into navigation software so drivers can avoid potential delays. While the proposed system will naturally advance the quality of transportation in smart cities, it will also provide a platform for future techniques to build upon. For example, the proposed system could be connected with emergency care facilities to balance the load of emergency patients at hospitals, and act as a catalyst toward the realization of a fully-automated emergency response system. New courses and course modules will be developed to recruit and better prepare a future workforce that is well versed in multi-disciplinary collaborations. Video demos and a testbed will be used to showcase the research to the public. The key research component will be the design of an emergency response system that (1) dynamically determines EV routes, (2) coordinates actions by non-emergency vehicles using connected vehicle technology to efficiently and effectively clear paths for emergency vehicles, (3) is able to adapt to uncertain traffic and network conditions, and (4) is difficult to abuse or compromise. The project will result in (1) algorithms that dynamically select EV routes based on uncertain or limited traffic data, (2) emergency protocols that exploit connected vehicle technology to facilitate emergency vehicles maneuvers, (3) an automation module to assist with decision making and maneuvers, and (4) an infrastructure and vehicle hardening framework that prevents cyber abuse. Experiments will be performed on a testbed and a real test track to validate the proposed research.
Utah State University
National Science Foundation
Ryan Gerdes
Submitted by Tam Chantem on March 10th, 2016
Smart Cities are complex cyber-physical systems with large human populations adding additional complexity. Instrumentation and modeling are components of a smart city. Regardless, however, of the ubiquity of instrumentation and precision of models, in the end, humans and human teams will make decisions about citywide operations and management, especially in crisis. We contend that the hierarchical nature of contemporary command and control systems can create virtual blind spots in which opportunities or dangers may be invisible to the hierarchy because the necessary information is obscured as it moves between levels of abstraction in the hierarchy. This project will involve teaming with crisis management experts and researchers to develop intelligent agents designed to minimize cognitive load on decision makers, exploit semantic relationships in reports and sensor data to advise of otherwise invisible occurrences, and sequence the actions of ground-level assets to refine causal relationship models to better reflect ongoing developments during crisis and/or event management. This project addresses the following technology gap(s) as it translates from research discovery toward commercial application - a) demonstration of the effectiveness of information presentation and transparency in situations where agents can support and enhance human decision-making without increasing the cognitive workload of the human; b) transfer state-of-the-art foundational research in semantic data and information integration to the complex disaster scenario; c) development of model consistency maintenance tools for automatic update of causal models of various disaster and/or emergency situations. In addition, personnel involved in this project, e.g., graduate students, will receive innovation experiences through the design, development and testing of the model developed. This project will explore transferability of the research results into tools in other application areas such as Pararescuer training, AFRL disaster response system RIPPLE, and Clark County Emergency Management Agency. This project will also have outreach efforts with mentoring high school and undergraduate students at Discovery Lab, Tec^Edge through the Summer at the Edge/Year at the Edge Programs (SATE/YATE).
Wright State University
National Science Foundation
Michelle Cheatham
Submitted by Subhashini Ganapathy on December 22nd, 2015
This project exploits an early concept of a flexible, low-cost, and drone-carried broadband long-distance communication infrastructure and investigates its capability for immediate smart-city application in emergency response. This effort is to support the Smart Emergency Response System (SERS) cluster to participate in the Global City Teams Challenge. This project will have an immediate impact in firefighting and other smart-city emergency response applications by quickly deploying a broadband communication infrastructure, thus improving the efficiency of first responders and saving lives. This communication infrastructure expands the capability of individual drones and enables broad new multi-drone applications for smart cities and has the potential to create new businesses and job markets. This interdisciplinary project addresses the following technology issues: 1) development of cyber-physical systems (CPS) technology that enables robust long-range drone-to-drone communication infrastructure; 2) practical drone system design and performance evaluation for WiFi provision; and 3) a systematic investigation of its capability to address smart-city emergency response needs, through both analysis and participation in fire-fighting exercises, as a case study. The project team includes an academic institution, technology companies and government planners, each of whom provides complementary expertise and perspectives that are crucial to the success of the project. The project also provides exciting interdisciplinary training opportunities for students and the community to learn CPS technologies and the Global City Teams Challenge efforts.
University of North Texas
National Science Foundation
Submitted by Shengli Fu on December 22nd, 2015
The objective of this project is to improve the performance of autonomous systems in dynamic environments, such as disaster recovery, by integrating perception, planning paradigms, learning, and databases. For the next generation of autonomous systems to be truly effective in terms of tangible performance improvements (e.g., long-term operations, complex and rapidly changing environments), a new level of intelligence must be attained. This project improves the state of robotic systems by enhancing their ability to coordinate activities (such as searching a disaster zone), recognize objects or people, account for uncertainty, and "most important" learn, so the system's performance is continuously improving. To do this, the project takes an interdisciplinary approach to developing techniques in core areas and at the interface of perception, planning, learning, and databases to achieve robustness. This project seeks to significantly improve the performance of cyber-physical systems for time-critical applications such as disaster monitoring, search and rescue, autonomous navigation, and security and surveillance. It enables the development of techniques and tools to augment all decision making processes and applications which are characterized by continuously changing operating conditions, missions and environments. The project contributes to education and a diverse engineering workforce by training students at the University of California, Riverside, one of the most diverse research institutions in US and an accredited Hispanic Serving Institution. Instruction and research opportunities cross traditional disciplinary boundaries, and the project serves as the basis for undergraduate capstone design projects and a new graduate course. The software and testbeds from this project will be shared with the cyber-physical system research community, industry, and end users. The project plans to present focused workshops/tutorials at major IEEE and ACM conferences. The results will be broadly disseminated through the project website. For further information see the project website at:
University of California at Riverside
National Science Foundation
Amit Roy
Submitted by Bir Bhanu on December 21st, 2015
This project will develop architecture and supporting enabling technologies to avert imminent loss of life or property in fast changing environments. The selected application is resuscitation in an intensive care unit (ICU) because it is life critical, time critical, human-centric and includes complex devices and software. For example, heart attack can be obscured in a trauma patient hemorrhaging from a broken leg in the presence of a collapsed lung. The challenge lies in solving the overarching difficulties of safe execution while maintaining complex and dynamic workflows. The availability and skill levels of medical staff, patient conditions, and medical device configurations all change rapidly. The core contribution is design and verification of reduced complexity situation awareness architecture for Emergency Cyber Physical Human systems (ECPH), supported by enabling technologies such as workflow adaptation protocols, managing data uncertainty and safe device plug and play. The ECPH workflow adaptation protocols are not only a function of the tasks and environment at hand, but must also be aware of the capabilities and training of the medical staff. In addition, risk mitigation driven safety interlock protocols will keep the actions of medical staff and CPS in synchrony with dynamically selected workflows. This is a cooperative effort of UIUC engineering and the ICU department of Carle Foundation Hospital. An ECPH team operates to accomplish a mission under rapidly changing circumstances. The stressful, rushed, and often unfriendly environment of an ECPH system means that errors, uncertainty, and failures will arise. This research will offer safety and resilience in the face of such disruptions. Effective and immediate intervention enabled by an optimized ECPH system will dramatically reduce preventable errors. The societal impact of effective collaboration under high stress will be enormous in terms of human lives and health care costs. According to CDC in 2010, the estimated direct & indirect costs of heart attacks and strokes alone in the U.S. were $503.2 billion; a significant percent of such patients during emergency care suffer complications and harm which are preventable. This project will develop educational material for training the next generation of researchers and engineers. The technology to be developed will also be adapted to other similar ECPH environments such as fighting a raging building fire.
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
National Science Foundation
Submitted by Lui Sha on December 21st, 2015
VECoS 2015
9th International Workshop on Verification and Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems (VECoS 2015) Important dates Paper submission: May 15, 2015 Decision notification: July 12, 2015 Camera-ready submission: July 23, 2015 Workshop: September 10-11, 2015 Aims and scope
Submitted by Anonymous on March 10th, 2015
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