The terms denote engineering domains that have high CPS content.
Additive Manufacturing holds the promise of revolutionizing manufacturing. One important trend is the emergence of cyber additive manufacturing communities for innovative design and fabrication. However, due to variations in materials and processes, design and computational algorithms currently have limited adaptability and scalability across different additive manufacturing systems. This award will establish the scientific foundation and engineering principles needed to achieve adaptability, extensibility, and system scalability in cyber-physical additive manufacturing systems, resulting in high efficiency and accuracy fabrication. The research will facilitate the evolution of existing isolated and loosely-connected additive manufacturing facilities into fully functioning cyber-physical additive manufacturing systems with increased capabilities. The application-based, smart interfacing infrastructure will complement existing cyber additive communities and enhance partnerships between academia, industry, and the general public. The research will contribute to the technology and engineering of Cyber-physical Systems and the economic competitiveness of US manufacturing. This interdisciplinary research will generate new curricular materials and help educate a new generation of cybermanufacturing workforce. The research will establish smart and dynamic system calibration methods and algorithms through deep learning that will enable high-confidence and interoperable cyber-physical additive manufacturing systems. The dynamic calibration and re-calibration algorithms will provide a smart interfacing layer of infrastructure between design models and physical additive manufacturing systems. Specific research tasks include: (1) Establishing smart and fast calibration algorithms to make physical additive manufacturing machines adaptable to design models; (2) Deriving prescriptive compensation algorithms to achieve extensible design models; (3) Dynamic recalibration through deep learning for improved predictive modeling and compensation; and (4) Developing a smart calibration server and APP prototype test bed for scalable additive cyberinfractures.
Purdue University
National Science Foundation
Submitted by Arman Sabbaghi on April 12th, 2016
Strategic decision-making for physical-world infrastructures is rapidly transitioning toward a pervasively cyber-enabled paradigm, in which human stakeholders and automation leverage the cyber-infrastructure at large (including on-line data sources, cloud computing, and handheld devices). This changing paradigm is leading to tight coupling of the cyber- infrastructure with multiple physical- world infrastructures, including air transportation and electric power systems. These management-coupled cyber- and physical- infrastructures (MCCPIs) are subject to complex threats from natural and sentient adversaries, which can enact complex propagative impacts across networked physical-, cyber-, and human elements. We propose here to develop a modeling framework and tool suite for threat assessment for MCCPIs. The proposed modeling framework for MCCPIs has three aspects: 1) a tractable moment-linear modeling paradigm for the hybrid, stochastic, and multi-layer dynamics of MCCPIs; 2) models for sentient and natural adversaries, that capture their measurement and actuation capabilities in the cyber- and physical- worlds, intelligence, and trust-level; and 3) formal definitions for information security and vulnerability. The attendant tool suite will provide situational awareness of the propagative impacts of threats. Specifically, three functionalities termed Target, Feature, and Defend will be developed, which exploit topological characteristics of an MCCPI to evaluate and mitigate threat impacts. We will then pursue analyses that tie special infrastructure-network features to security/vulnerability. As a central case study, the framework and tools will be used for threat assessment and risk analysis of strategic air traffic management. Three canonical types of threats will be addressed: environmental-to-physical threats, cyber-physical co-threats, and human-in-the-loop threats. This case study will include development and deployment of software decision aids for managing man-made disturbances to the air traffic system.
Washington State University
National Science Foundation
Adam Hahn
Hans Van Dongen
Sandip Roy Submitted by Sandip Roy on April 12th, 2016
The project will produce breakthroughs in the science of human-machine interaction and will produce lasting impacts on exercise machine technologies. The proposed Cyber-Enabled Exercise Machines (CEEMs) adapt to their users, seeking to maximize the effectiveness of exercise while guaranteeing safety. CEEMs measure and process biomechanical variables and generate adjustments to its own resistance, and generate cues to be followed by the exerciser. CEEMs are reconfigurable by software, which permits a wide range of exercises with the same hardware. Two prototype machines will be field-tested with the student-athlete population and used to validate project goals. The prototypes will be a valuable instrument for dissemination and outreach, as well as for student engagement. The outcomes of this research have repercussions beyond athletic conditioning: the same foundations and methodologies can be followed to design machines for rehabilitation, exercise countermeasure devices for astronauts, and custom exercise devices for the elderly and persons with disabilities. Thus, the project has the potential to improve health of society members at various levels. This research will contribute to the foundations of cyber-physical system science in the following aspects: biomechanical modeling and real-time musculoskeletal state estimation; estimation theory and unscented H-infinity estimation; control theory and human-machine interaction dynamics, and micro-evolutionary optimization for real-time systems. The proposed Cyber-Enabled Exercise Machines (CEEMs) are highly reconfigurable devices which adapt to the user in pursuit of an optimization objective, namely maximal activation of target muscle groups. Machine adaptation occurs through port impedance modulation, and optimal cues are generated for the exerciser to follow. The goals of the project are threefold: i) development of foundational cyber-physical science and technology in the field of human-machine systems; ii) development of new approaches to modeling, design, control and optimization of advanced exercise machines, and iii) application of the above results to develop two custom-built CEEMs: a rowing ergometer and a 2-degree-of-freedom resistance machine.
Cleveland State University
National Science Foundation
Kenneth Sparks
Antonie van den Bogert
Submitted by Hanz Richter on April 11th, 2016
In the United States, there is still a great disparity in medical care and most profoundly for emergency care, where limited facilities and remote location play a central role. Based on the Wessels Living History Farm report, the doctor to patient ratio in the United States is 30 to 10,000 in large metropolitan areas, only 5 to 10,000 in most rural areas; and the highest death rates are often found in the most rural counties. For emergency patient care, time to definitive treatment is critical. However, deciding the most effective care for an acute patient requires knowledge and experience. Though medical best practice guidelines exist and are in hospital handbooks, they are often lengthy and difficult to apply clinically. The challenges are exaggerated for doctors in rural areas and emergency medical technicians (EMT) during patient transport. This project's solution to transform emergency care at rural hospitals is to use innovative CPS technologies to help hospitals to improve their adherence to medical best practice. The key to assist medical staff with different levels of experience and skills to adhere to medical best practice is to transform required processes described in medical texts to an executable, adaptive, and distributed medical best practice guidance (EMBG) system. Compared to the computerized sepsis best practice protocol, the EMBG system faces a much bigger challenge as it has to adapt the best practice across rural hospitals, ambulances and center hospitals with different levels of staff expertise and equipment capabilities. Using a Global Positioning System analogy, a GPS leads drivers with different route familiarity to their destination through an optimal route based on the drivers' preferences, the EMBG system leads medical personnel to follow the best medical guideline path to provide emergency care and minimize the time to definitive treatment for acute patients. The project makes the following contributions: 1) The codification of complex medical knowledge is an important advancement in knowledge capture and representation; 2) Pathophysiological model driven communication in high speed ambulance advances life critical communication technology; and 3) Reduced complexity software architectures designed for formal verification bridges the gap between formal method research and system engineering.
Illinois Institute of Technology
National Science Foundation
Shangping Ren Submitted by Shangping Ren on April 11th, 2016
Parking can take up a significant amount of the trip costs (time and money) in urban travel. As such, it can considerably influence travelers' choices of modes, locations, and time of travel. The advent of smart sensors, wireless communications, social media and big data analytics offers a unique opportunity to tap parking's influence on travel to make the transportation system more efficient, cleaner, and more resilient. A cyber-physical social system for parking is proposed to realize parking's potential in achieving the above goals. This cyber-physical system consists of smart parking sensors, a parking and traffic data repository, parking management systems, and dynamic traffic flow control. If successful, the results of the investigation will create a new paradigm for managing parking to reduce traffic congestion, emissions and fuel consumption and to enhance system resilience. These results will be disseminated broadly through publications, workshops and seminars. The research will provide interdisciplinary training to both graduate and undergraduate students. The results of this research also fills a void in our graduate transportation curriculum in which parking management gets little coverage. The investigators will organize an online short training course in Coursera and National Highway Institute to bring results to a broader audience. The investigators will also collaborate with Carnegie Museum of Natural History to develop an online digital map and related educational programs, which will be presented in the museum galleries during public events. Technically, new theories, algorithms and systems for efficient management of transportation infrastructure through parking will be developed in this research, leveraging cutting-edge sensing technology, communication technology, big data analytics and feedback control. The research probes massive individualized and infrastructure based traffic and parking data to gain a deeper understanding of travel and parking behavior, and develops a novel reservoir-based network flow model that lays the foundation for modeling the complex interactions between parking and traffic flow in large-scale transportation networks. The theory will be investigated at different levels of granularity to reveal how parking information and pricing mechanisms affect network flow in a competitive market of private and public parking. In addition, this research proposes closed-loop control mechanisms to enhance mobility and sustainability of urban networks. Prices, access and information of publicly owned on-street and off-street parking are dynamically controlled to: a) change day-to-day behavior of all commuters through day-to-day travel experience and/or online information systems; b) change travel behavior of a fraction of adaptive travelers on the fly who are aware of time-of-day parking information and comply to the recommendations; and c) influence the market prices of privately owned parking areas through a competitive parking market.
Carnegie Mellon University
National Science Foundation
Submitted by Zhen Qian on April 11th, 2016
Cities provide ready and efficient access to facilities and amenities through shared civil infrastructures such as transportation and healthcare. Making such critical infrastructures resilient to sudden changes, e.g., caused by large-scale disasters, requires careful management of limited and varying resources. The rapidly growing big data from both physical sensors and social media in real-time suggest an unprecedented opportunity for information technology to enable increasing efficiency and effectiveness of adaptive resource management techniques in response to sharp changes in supply and/or demand on critical infrastructures. Within the general areas of resilient infrastructures and big data, this project will focus on the integration of heterogeneous Big Data and real-time analytics that will improve the adaptive management of resources when critical infrastructures are under stress. The integration of heterogeneous data sources is essential because many kinds of physical sensors and social media provide useful information on various critical infrastructures, particularly when they are under stress. This Research Coordination Network (RCN) will promote meetings and activities that stimulate and enable new research on integration of heterogeneous physical sensor data and social media for real-time big data analytics in support of resilient critical infrastructures such as transportation and healthcare in smart cities. As first example, the RCN will support participation from young faculty attending the Early Career Investigators' Workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems in Smart Cities (ECI-CPS) at CPSweek (April of each year) and young faculty attending the Workshop on Big Data Analytics for Cyber-physical Systems (BDACPS). As a second example, the RCN will support contributions to a Special Track on Big Data Analytics for Resilient Infrastructures at the IEEE Big Data Congress. As a third example, the RCN will support participation in International meetings organized by other countries, e.g., Japan's Big Data program by Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST). The project will also maintain a repository of research resources. Concretely, the RCN will actively collect and make readily available public data sets (e.g., physical and social sensor data) and software tools (e.g., to support real-time big data analytics). The technologies and tools that arise from RCN-enabled research will be applied to socially and economically impactful areas such as reducing congestion and personalized healthcare in smart cities.
Georgia Institute of Technology
National Science Foundation
Submitted by Calton Pu on April 11th, 2016
This project aims to accelerate the deployment of security measures for cyber-physical systems (CPSs). A framework is proposed that combines anomaly identification approaches, which emphasizes on the development of decentralized cyber-attack monitoring and diagnostic-like components, with robust control countermeasure to improve reliability and maintain system functionality. Within this framework, the investigators will (1) implement hybrid observers and active attack detection methods exploiting system vulnerabilities; and (2) develop and integrate cyber-attack control countermeasure at the physical system level to guarantee functionality and resiliency in the presence of identified and unidentified threats. Specifically, this project focuses on applications to connected vehicle (CV) systems where vehicles are capable of sharing information via dedicated short range communication network, with the goal of improving fuel efficiency and avoiding collision. The project's final objective would be to create a cyber-secure vehicle connectivity paradigm that incorporates cyber-attack detection algorithms and executes integrated fault-tolerant countermeasures at the vehicle level to support vehicle system resiliency and accelerate the future commercialization of automated vehicles. The research solutions of this project will impact safety, security and reliability of networked CPSs by helping accelerate the adoption of threat identification and attack resilient control countermeasures at the system and network level. The specific application to connected and automated vehicles should lead to a future market acceptance of these vehicle technologies with a potential improvement in traffic conditions, vehicle and personal safety, and energy consumption. This project involves interdisciplinary research in cyber security for the development of more secure, scalable and reliable future networked CPSs. It proposes to conduct fundamental research on a model-based computational strategy that includes: 1) implement advanced threat models in a hybrid systems framework; 2) identify system and communication vulnerabilities especially in the dedicated short range communication network (DSRC) for CVs; 3) derive hybrid observer based cyber-attack detection algorithms based on stochastic quantized models and event triggered estimation; 4) establish active attack detection methods based on system vulnerabilities; 5) develop control counter measures for each CPS based on game theory and robust control methods; 6) derive control algorithms against malicious agents in the CV to avoid vehicle collisions; 7) develop computationally fast and distributed algorithms for the above six objectives; and 8) evaluate through simulation and experimental validation the capabilities and impact on the vehicle of the proposed strategies.
Clemson University
National Science Foundation
James Martin
Submitted by Pierluigi Pisu on April 11th, 2016
Security and privacy concerns in the increasingly interconnected world are receiving much attention from the research community, policymakers, and general public. However, much of the recent and on-going efforts concentrate on security of general-purpose computation and on privacy in communication and social interactions. The advent of cyber-physical systems (e.g., safety-critical IoT), which aim at tight integration between distributed computational intelligence, communication networks, physical world, and human actors, opens new horizons for intelligent systems with advanced capabilities. These systems may reduce number of accidents and increase throughput of transportation networks, improve patient safety, mitigate caregiver errors, enable personalized treatments, and allow older adults to age in their places. At the same time, cyber-physical systems introduce new challenges and concerns about safety, security, and privacy. The proposed project will lead to safer, more secure and privacy preserving CPS. As our lives depend more and more on these systems, specifically in automotive, medical, and Internet-of-Things domains, results obtained in this project will have a direct impact on the society at large. The study of emerging legal and ethical aspects of large-scale CPS deployments will inform future policy decision-making. The educational and outreach aspects of this project will help us build a workforce that is better prepared to address the security and privacy needs of the ever-more connected and technologically oriented society. Cyber-physical systems (CPS) involve tight integration of computational nodes, connected by one or more communication networks, the physical environment of these nodes, and human users of the system, who interact with both the computational part of the system and the physical environment. Attacks on a CPS system may affect all of its components: computational nodes and communication networks are subject to malicious intrusions, and physical environment may be maliciously altered. CPS-specific security challenges arise from two perspectives. On the one hand, conventional information security approaches can be used to prevent intrusions, but attackers can still affect the system via the physical environment. Resource constraints, inherent in many CPS domains, may prevent heavy-duty security approaches from being deployed. This proposal will develop a framework in which the mix of prevention, detection and recovery, and robust techniques work together to improve the security and privacy of CPS. Specific research products will include techniques providing: 1) accountability-based detection and bounded-time recovery from malicious attacks to CPS, complemented by novel preventive techniques based on lightweight cryptography; 2) security-aware control design based on attack resilient state estimator and sensor fusions; 3) privacy of data collected and used by CPS based on differential privacy; and, 4) evidence-based framework for CPS security and privacy assurance, taking into account the operating context of the system and human factors. Case studies will be performed in applications with autonomous features of vehicles, internal and external vehicle networks, medical device interoperability, and smart connected medical home.
Duke University
National Science Foundation
Submitted by Miroslav Pajic on April 11th, 2016
Power systems have seen many changes over the last decade including the increased penetration of renewable generation, electric vehicles and new technologies for sensing, communication and control of a Smart Grid. The most significant impact of these changes are being felt at the consumer level. The ability for consumers and end devices to buy and sell energy and related services in a dynamic and interactive manner is expected to create a transactive energy market as highlighted in the Dec 2014 report of GridWise Alliance. Modeling and preparing the physical system to respond to the somewhat unpredictable behavior of active consumers over a cyber-infrastructure will be critical for maintaining grid reliability. Understanding the impact of such active consumers on the operational and business policies of the distribution utility requires advances in core system science that spans the areas of power engineering, economics, statistical signal processing, game theory, distributed control, multi-agent systems and cyber security. In conjunction with industrial partners, Westar Energy (the largest electric company in Kansas) and Kansas City Power and Light, the PIs plan to develop an architecture that requires little change to the existing investment in power distribution systems while allowing for the dynamic, adaptive control required to integrate active consumers with current and future combinations of high-variability distributed power sources, such as Photo-voltaic (PV) generators and storage batteries. In contrast to prior related efforts that primarily focus on demand response and distributed generation management with a single home/user centric approach, the proposed approach takes a holistic system perspective that includes cumulative modeling of multiple stochastic active consumers and the cyber infrastructure over which they may interact. Specific research thrusts include: (1) a general, extensible, and secure cyber architecture based on holonic multi-agent principles that provides a pathway to the emerging area of transactive energy market in power distribution systems, but also provides foundation for other engineered systems with active consumers; (2) new analytical insights into generalized stochastic modeling of consumer response to real]time price of electricity and the impact of such active consumers on grid reliability and security, and (3) novel methodology for comprehensive distributed control and management of power distribution systems with active consumers and high penetration of distributed renewable resources. Active consumers are an integral part of the Smart City vision where cyber systems are integrated into the transportation, energy, healthcare and biomedical, and critical infrastructure systems. Successful completion of this project will result in modeling, control, analysis and simulation architectures for all such active consumer driven CPS domains. The resulting gains in operating efficiency, economics, reliability and security will result in overall welfare for the society.
Kansas State University
National Science Foundation
Anil  Pahwa Submitted by Anil Pahwa on April 11th, 2016
Part 1: Upper-limb motor impairments arise from a wide range of clinical conditions including amputations, spinal cord injury, or stroke. Addressing lost hand function, therefore, is a major focus of rehabilitation interventions; and research in robotic hands and hand exoskeletons aimed at restoring fine motor control functions gained significant speed recently. Integration of these robots with neural control mechanisms is also an ongoing research direction. We will develop prosthetic and wearable hands controlled via nested control that seamlessly blends neural control based on human brain activity and dynamic control based on sensors on robots. These Hand Augmentation using Nested Decision (HAND) systems will also provide rudimentary tactile feedback to the user. The HAND design framework will contribute to the assistive and augmentative robotics field. The resulting technology will improve the quality of life for individuals with lost limb function. The project will help train engineers skilled in addressing multidisciplinary challenges. Through outreach activities, STEM careers will be promoted at the K-12 level, individuals from underrepresented groups in engineering will be recruited to engage in this research project, which will contribute to the diversity of the STEM workforce. Part 2: The team previously introduced the concept of human-in-the-loop cyber-physical systems (HILCPS). Using the HILCPS hardware-software co-design and automatic synthesis infrastructure, we will develop prosthetic and wearable HAND systems that are robust to uncertainty in human intent inference from physiological signals. One challenge arises from the fact that the human and the cyber system jointly operate on the same physical element. Synthesis of networked real-time applications from algorithm design environments poses a framework challenge. These will be addressed by a tightly coupled optimal nested control strategy that relies on EEG-EMG-context fusion for human intent inference. Custom distributed embedded computational and robotic platforms will be built and iteratively refined. This work will enhance the HILCPS design framework, while simultaneously making novel contributions to body/brain interface technology and assistive/augmentative robot technology. Specifically we will (1) develop a theoretical EEG-EMG-context fusion framework for agile HILCPS application domains; (2) develop theory for and design novel control theoretic solutions to handle uncertainty, blend motion/force planning with high-level human intent and ambient intelligence to robustly execute daily manipulation activities; (3) further develop and refine the HILCPS domain-specific design framework to enable rapid deployment of HILCPS algorithms onto distributed embedded systems, empowering a new class of real-time algorithms that achieve distributed embedded sensing, analysis, and decision making; (4) develop new paradigms to replace, retrain or augment hand function via the prosthetic/wearable HAND by optimizing performance on a subject-by-subject basis.
National Science Foundation
Cagdas Onal
Taskin Padir Submitted by Taskin Padir on April 6th, 2016
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