The terms denote technology areas that are part of the CPS technology suite or that are impacted by CPS requirements.
Today's automobiles are increasingly autonomous. The latest Mercedes S-class sedan applies corrective action when its driver strays out of lane or tailgates too closely. Semi-autonomy will soon yield to full autonomy. Nissan has promised a line of self-driving cars by 2020. Maritime craft are likewise moving from rudimentary autopilots to full autonomy, and autonomous aerial vehicles will doubtless play a significant role in the future economy. Current versions of these vehicles are cocooned in an array of sensors, but neither the sensors nor the timing, navigation, and collision avoidance algorithms they feed have been designed for security against malicious attacks. Radar and acoustic sensors transmit predictable, uncoded signals; vehicle-to-vehicle communication protocols are either unauthenticated or critically dependent on insecure civil GPS signals (or both); and vehicle state estimators are designed for robustness but not security. These vulnerabilities are not merely conceptual: GPS spoofing attacks have been demonstrated against a drone and an ocean vessel, causing the drone to crash and the vessel to veer off course; likewise, it appears possible to cause road accidents by fooling a car's radar sensor into thinking a crash is imminent, thus triggering automatic braking. This proposal seeks funding to fix these vulnerabilities by developing sensors and high-level decision-making algorithms that are hardened against such so-called field attacks. The goal of secure control systems is to survive and operate safely despite sensor measurements or control commands being compromised. This proposal focuses on an emergent category of cyber-physical attack that has seen little scrutiny in the secure control literature. Like cyber attacks, these attacks are hard to detect and can be executed from a distance, but unlike cyber attacks, they are effective even against control systems whose software, data, and communications networks are secure, and so can be considered a more menacing long-term threat. These are attacks on the physical fields such as electromagnetic, magnetic, acoustic, etc. measured by system sensors. As specialized sensor attacks, field attacks seek to compromise a system's perception of reality non-invasively from without, not from within. We emphasize field attacks against navigation, collision avoidance, and synchronization sensors, as these are of special importance to the rise of autonomous vehicles and the smart grid. This proposal's goal is to develop a coherent analytical foundation for secure perception in the presence of field attacks and to develop a suite of algorithms and tools to detect such attacks. A key insight behind this proposal's approach is that the physics of field attacks impose fundamental difficulties on the attacker that can be exploited and magnified to enable attack detection. This work will progressively build security into navigation, collision avoidance, and timing perception from the physical sensory layer to the top-level state estimation algorithms. The outcome of this work will be smarter, more skeptical sensor systems for autonomous vehicles and other autonomous systems.
University of Texas at Austin
National Science Foundation
Submitted by Todd Humphries on September 23rd, 2016
As information technology has transformed physical systems such as the power grid, the interface between these systems and their human users has become both richer and much more complex. For example, from the perspective of an electricity consumer, a whole host of devices and technologies are transforming how they interact with the grid: demand response programs; electric vehicles; "smart" thermostats and appliances; etc. These novel technologies are also forcing us to rethink how the grid interacts with its users, because critical objectives such as stability and robustness require effective integration among the many diverse users in the grid. This project studies the complex interweaving of humans and physical systems. Traditionally, a separation principle has been used to isolate humans from physical systems. This principle requires users to have preferences that are well-defined, stable, and quickly discoverable. These assumptions are increasingly violated in practice: users' preferences are often not well-defined; unstable over time; and take time to discover. Our project articulates a new framework for interactions between physical systems and their users, where users' preferences must be repeatedly learned over time while the system continually operates with respect to imperfect preference information. We focus on the area of power systems. Our project has three main thrusts. First, user models are rethought to reflect the fact this new dynamic view of user preferences, where even the users are learning over time. The second thrust focuses on developing a new system model that learns about users, since we cannot understand users in a "single-shot"; rather, repeated interaction with the user is required. We then focus on the integration of these two new models. How do we control and operate a physical system, in the presence of the interacting "learning loops", while mediating between many competing users? We apply ideas from mean field games and optimal power flow to capture, analyze, and transform the interaction between the system and the ongoing preference discovery process. Our methods will yield guidance for market design in power systems where user preferences are constantly evolving. If successful, our project will usher in a fundamental change in interfacing physical systems and users. For example, in the power grid, our project directly impacts how utilities design demand response programs; how smart devices learn from users; and how the smart grid operates. In support of this goal, the PIs intend to develop avenues for knowledge transfer through interactions with industry. The PIs will also change their education programs to reflect a greater entanglement between physical systems and users.
Stanford University
National Science Foundation
Submitted by Ramesh Johari on September 23rd, 2016
Computation is everywhere. Greeting cards have processors that play songs. Fireworks have processors for precisely timing their detonation. Computers are in engines, monitoring combustion and performance. They are in our homes, hospitals, offices, ovens, planes, trains, and automobiles. These computers, when networked, will form the Internet of Things (IoT). The resulting applications and services have the potential to be even more transformative than the World Wide Web. The security implications are enormous. Internet threats today steal credit cards. Internet threats tomorrow will disable home security systems, flood fields, and disrupt hospitals. The root problem is that these applications consist of software on tiny low-power devices and cloud servers, have difficult networking, and collect sensitive data that deserves strong cryptography, but usually written by developers who have expertise in none of these areas. The goal of the research is to make it possible for two developers to build a complete, secure, Internet of Things applications in three months. The research focuses on four important principles. The first is "distributed model view controller." A developer writes an application as a distributed pipeline of model-view-controller systems. A model specifies what data the application generates and stores, while a new abstraction called a transform specifies how data moves from one model to another. The second is "embedded-gateway-cloud." A common architecture dominates Internet of Things applications. Embedded devices communicate with a gateway over low-power wireless. The gateway processes data and communicates with cloud systems in the broader Internet. Focusing distributed model view controller on this dominant architecture constrains the problem sufficiently to make problems, such as system security, tractable. The third is "end-to-end security." Data emerges encrypted from embedded devices and can only be decrypted by end user applications. Servers can compute on encrypted data, and many parties can collaboratively compute results without learning the input. Analysis of the data processing pipeline allows the system and runtime to assert and verify security properties of the whole application. The final principle is "software-defined hardware." Because designing new embedded device hardware is time consuming, developers rely on general, overkill solutions and ignore the resulting security implications. The data processing pipeline can be compiled into a prototype hardware design and supporting software as well as test cases, diagnostics, and a debugging methodology for a developer to bring up the new device. These principles are grounded in Ravel, a software framework that the team collaborates on, jointly contributes to, and integrates into their courses and curricula on cyberphysical systems.
Stanford University
National Science Foundation
Submitted by Philip Levis on September 23rd, 2016
Production as a service (PaaS) defines a new paradigm in manufacturing that will allow designers of new products to query existing manufacturing facilities and receive information about fabrication capabilities and production availability. The access to information such as part cost, part quality, and production time will help new products to be prototyped and scaled-up quickly, while also allowing existing manufacturing facilities to benefit from underutilized equipment and labor. The PaaS framework will include both a front-end query interface for the users and a back-end analysis component. The interface will be designed to connect users with small-, mid-, and large-sized manufacturing facilities, while the scheduling and routing algorithms will provide the flexibility and security protocols needed to guarantee operational and production safety across the range of facilities. Manufacturers that utilize the PaaS framework will reap the potential of meeting customer needs in terms of cost, quality, on-time delivery, while being reactive to changing market forces. With 12 percent of the GDP represented by the manufacturing industry, the manufacturing operational improvements that will result from this EArly-concept Grant for Exploratory Research (EAGER) project have the potential to make a significant impact in the national bottom line. The aim of the PaaS platform is to enable distributed manufacturing plant locations to efficiently coordinate both within one plant location as well as across plant locations to realize a flexible service interface for supporting production management. The intellectual merit of this research lies in the extensions that will be created to the existing science and technology in service-oriented architectures to enable distributed production, while preserving proprietary information of the manufacturing systems. The key software abstraction that enables this innovation comes from the extension to the well-known APIs to capture the sophisticated query logic and diverse production requirements to meet user needs. Routing and scheduling decisions will be optimized by leveraging a global view of the current state of all of the components in the manufacturing facilities. To demonstrate scalability and ensure privacy guarantees across multiple facilities, hierarchical abstraction will be used to hide low-level details and proprietary information. The PaaS framework will transform the way manufacturing companies interact with the emerging high-value market; providing the architecture to drive innovation and enable small-, mid-, and large-scale manufacturing companies across the U.S. to compete for new product business on an even playing field.
University of Michigan Ann Arbor
National Science Foundation
Dawn Tilbury
Kira Barton
Submitted by Zhuoqing Mao on September 23rd, 2016
This project develops advanced cyber-physical sensing, modeling, control, and optimization methods to significantly improve the efficiency of algal biomass production using membrane bioreactor technologies for waste water processing and algal biofuel. Currently, many wastewater treatment plants are discharging treated wastewater containing significant amounts of nutrients, such as nitrogen, ammonium, and phosphate ions, directly into the water system, posing significant threats to the environment. Large-scale algae production represents one of the most promising and attractive solutions for simultaneous wastewater treatment and biofuel production. The critical bottleneck is low algae productivity and high biofuel production cost. The previous work of this research team has successfully developed an algae membrane bioreactor (A-MBR) technology for high-density algae production which doubles the productivity in an indoor bench-scale environment. The goal of this project is to explore advanced cyber-physical sensing, modeling, control, and optimization methods and co-design of the A-MBR system to bring the new algae production technology into the field. The specific goal is to increase the algal biomass productivity in current practice by three times in the field environment while minimizing land, capital, and operating costs. Specifically, the project will (1) adapt the A-MBR design to address unique new challenges for algae cultivation in field environments, (2) develop a multi-modality sensor network for real-time in-situ monitoring of key environmental variables for algae growth, (3) develop data-driven knowledge-based kinetic models for algae growth and automated methods for model calibration and verification using the real-time sensor network data, and (4) deploy the proposed CPS system and technologies in the field for performance evaluations and demonstrate its potentials. This project will demonstrate a new pathway toward green and sustainable algae cultivation and biofuel production using wastewater, addressing two important challenging issues faced by our nation and the world: wastewater treatment and renewable energy. It will provide unique and exciting opportunities for mentoring graduate students with interdisciplinary training opportunities, involving K-12 students, women and minority students. With web-based access and control, this project will convert the bench-scale and pilot scale algae cultivation systems into an exciting interactive online learning platform to educate undergraduate and high-school students about cyber-physical system design, process control, and renewable biofuel production.
University of Maryland College Park
National Science Foundation
Submitted by Piya Pal on September 23rd, 2016
In the recent past the term "Smart Cities" was introduced to mainly characterize the integration into our daily lives of the latest advancements in technology and information. Although there is no standardized definition of Smart Cities, what is certain is that it touches upon many different domains that affect a city's physical and social capital. Smart cities are intertwined with traffic control systems that use advanced infrastructures to mitigate congestion and improve safety. Traffic control management strategies have been largely focused on improving vehicular traffic flows on highways and freeways but arterials have not been used properly and pedestrians are mostly ignored. This work proposes to introduce a novel hierarchical adaptive controls paradigm to urban network traffic control that will adapt to changing movement and interaction behaviors from multiple entities (vehicles, public transport modes, bicyclists, and pedestrians). Such a paradigm will leverage several key ideas of cyber-physical systems to rapidly and automatically pin-point and respond to urban arterial congestion thereby improving travel time and reliability for all modes. Safety will also be improved since advanced warnings actuated by the proposed cyber-physical system will alert drivers to congested areas thereby allowing them to avoid these areas, or to adapt their driving habits. Such findings have a tangible effect on the well-being, productivity, and health of the traveling public. The primary goal is to create a Cyber-Control Network (CCN) that will integrate seamlessly across heterogeneous sensory data in order to create effective control schemes and actuation sequences. Accordingly, this project introduces a Cyber-Physical architecture that will then integrate: (i) a sub-network of heterogeneous sensors, (ii) a decision control substrate, and (iii) a sub-actuation network that carries out the decisions of the control substrate (traffic control signals, changeable message signs). This is a major departure from more prevalent centralized Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA), in that the CCN will use a hierarchical architecture that will dynamically instantiate the sub-networks together to respond rapidly to changing cyber-physical interactions. Such an approach allows the cyber-physical system to adapt in real-time to salient traffic events occurring at different scales of time and space. The work will consequently introduce a ControlWare module to realize such dynamic sub-network reconfiguration and provide decision signal outputs to the actuation network. A secondary, complementary goal is to develop a heterogeneous sensor network to reliably and accurately monitor and identify salient arterial traffic events. Other impacts of the project include the integration of the activities with practitioners (e.g., traffic engineers), annual workshops/tutorials, and outreach to K-12 institutions.
University of Maryland College Park
National Science Foundation
Brian Scott
John Hourdos
Stephen Guy
Mihailo Jovanovic
Submitted by Nikolaos Papanikolopoulos on September 23rd, 2016
Laboratory-on-a-chip (LoC) technology is poised to improve global health through development of low-cost, automated point-of-care testing devices. In countries with few healthcare resources, clinics often have drugs to treat an illness, but lack diagnostic tools to identify patients who need them. To enable low-cost diagnostics with minimal laboratory support, this project will investigate domain-specific LoC programming language and compiler design in conjunction with device fabrication technologies (process flows, sensor integration, etc.). The project will culminate by building a working LoC that controls fluid motion through electronic signals supplied by a host PC; a forensic toxicology immunoassay will be programmed in software and executed on the device. This experiment will demonstrate benefits of programmable LoC technology including miniaturization (reduced reagent consumption), automation (reduced costs and uncertainties associated with human interaction), and general-purpose software-programmability (the device can execute a wide variety of biochemical reactions, all specified in software). Information necessary to reproduce the device, along with all software artifacts developed through this research effort, will be publicly disseminated. This will promote widespread usage of software-programmable LoC technology among researchers in the biological sciences, along with public and industrial sectors including healthcare and public health, biotechnology, water supply management, environmental toxicity monitoring, and many others. This project designs and implements a software-programmable cyber-physical laboratory-on-a-chip (LoC) that can execute a wide variety of biological protocols. By integrating sensors during fabrication, the LoC obtains the capability to send feedback in real-time to the PC controller, which can then make intelligent decisions regarding which biological operations to execute next. To bring this innovative and transformative platform to fruition, the project tackles several formidable research challenges: (1) cyber-physical LoC programming models and compiler design; (2) LoC fabrication, including process flows and cyber-physical sensor integration; and (3) LoC applications that rely on cyber-physical sensory feedback and real-time decision-making. By constructing a working prototype LoC, and programming a representative feedback-driven forensic toxicology immunoassay, the project demonstrates that the proposed system can automatically execute biochemical reactions that require a closed feedback loop. Expected broader impacts of the proposed work include reduced cost and increased reliability of clinical diagnostics, engagement with U.S. companies that use LoC technology, training of graduate and undergraduate students, increased engagement and retention efforts targeting women and underrepresented minorities, student-facilitated peer-instruction at UC Riverside, a summer residential program for underrepresented minority high-school students at the University of Tennessee, collaborations with researchers at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and creation, presentation, and dissemination of tutorial materials to promote the adoption and use of software-programmable LoCs among the wider scientific community.
University of Tennessee - Knoxville
National Science Foundation
Submitted by Philip Rack on September 23rd, 2016
Parking can take up a significant amount of the trip costs (time and money) in urban travel. As such, it can considerably influence travelers' choices of modes, locations, and time of travel. The advent of smart sensors, wireless communications, social media and big data analytics offers a unique opportunity to tap parking's influence on travel to make the transportation system more efficient, cleaner, and more resilient. A cyber-physical social system for parking is proposed to realize parking's potential in achieving the above goals. This cyber-physical system consists of smart parking sensors, a parking and traffic data repository, parking management systems, and dynamic traffic flow control. If successful, the results of the investigation will create a new paradigm for managing parking to reduce traffic congestion, emissions and fuel consumption and to enhance system resilience. These results will be disseminated broadly through publications, workshops and seminars. The research will provide interdisciplinary training to both graduate and undergraduate students. The results of this research also fills a void in our graduate transportation curriculum in which parking management gets little coverage. The investigators will organize an online short training course in Coursera and National Highway Institute to bring results to a broader audience. The investigators will also collaborate with Carnegie Museum of Natural History to develop an online digital map and related educational programs, which will be presented in the museum galleries during public events. Technically, new theories, algorithms and systems for efficient management of transportation infrastructure through parking will be developed in this research, leveraging cutting-edge sensing technology, communication technology, big data analytics and feedback control. The research probes massive individualized and infrastructure based traffic and parking data to gain a deeper understanding of travel and parking behavior, and develops a novel reservoir-based network flow model that lays the foundation for modeling the complex interactions between parking and traffic flow in large-scale transportation networks. The theory will be investigated at different levels of granularity to reveal how parking information and pricing mechanisms affect network flow in a competitive market of private and public parking. In addition, this research proposes closed-loop control mechanisms to enhance mobility and sustainability of urban networks. Prices, access and information of publicly owned on-street and off-street parking are dynamically controlled to: a) change day-to-day behavior of all commuters through day-to-day travel experience and/or online information systems; b) change travel behavior of a fraction of adaptive travelers on the fly who are aware of time-of-day parking information and comply to the recommendations; and c) influence the market prices of privately owned parking areas through a competitive parking market.
Stanford University
National Science Foundation
Submitted by Ram Rajagopal on September 22nd, 2016
Cells, to carry out many important functions, employ an elaborate transport network with bio-molecular components forming roadways as well as vehicles. The transport is achieved with remarkable robustness under a very uncertain environment. The main goal of this proposal is to understand how biology achieves such functionality and leveraging the knowledge toward realizing effective engineered transport mechanisms for micron sized cargo. The realization of a robust infrastructure that enables simultaneous transport of many micron and smaller sized particles will have a transformative impact on a vast range of areas such as medicine, drug development, electronics, and bio-materials. A key challenge here is to probe the mechanisms often at the nanometer scale as the bio-molecular components are at tens of nanometer scale. The main tools for addressing these challenges come from an engineering perspective that is guided by existing insights from biology. The proposal will bring together researchers from engineering and biology and it provides an integrated environment for students. Moreover, it is known that an impaired transport mechanism can underlie many neurodegenerative maladies, and as the research here pertains to studying intracellular transport, discoveries hold the potential for shedding light on what causes the impaired transport. Robust infrastructure that enables simultaneous transport of many micron and smaller sized particles will have a transformative impact on a vast range of areas such as medicine, drug development, electronics, and bio-materials. Daunting challenges from the underlying highly uncertain and complex environments impede enabling robust and efficient transport systems at micro-scale. Motivated by transport in biological cells, this work proposes a robust and efficient engineered infrastructure for transporting micron/molecular scale cargo using biological constructs. For probing and manipulating the transport network, the proposal envisions strategies for coarse and fine resolution objectives at the global and local scales respectively. At the fine scale of monitoring and control, scarce and expensive physical resources such as high resolution sensors have to be shared for interrogation/control of multiple carriers. In this proposal, the principles for joint control, sensor allocation and scheduling of resources to achieve enhanced performance objectives of a high resolution probing tool, will be developed. A modern control perspective forms an essential strategy for managing multiple objectives. At the global scale, entire traffic will be monitored to arrive at real-time and off-line inferences on traffic modalities. Associated principles for dynamically identifying and tracking clusters of carriers and their importance will be built. This categorization of physical elements and their importance will determine the dynamic allocation of computational resources. Associated study of trade-offs will guide a combined strategy for allocation of computational resources and gathering of information on physical elements. Methods based on the reconstruction of graph topologies for reaching inferences that are suited to dynamically related time trajectories for the transportation infrastructure will be developed. The research proposed is transformative as it will enable a new transport paradigm at the cellular scale, which will also provide unique insights into intracellular transport where it will be possible to investigate multiple factors under the same experimental conditions.
University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
National Science Foundation
Tryphon Georgiou
Thomas Hays
Submitted by Anonymous on September 22nd, 2016
The timely and accurate in-service identification of faults in mechanical structures, such as airplanes, can play a vitally important role in avoiding catastrophes. One major challenge, however, is that the sensing system relies on high frequency signals, the coordination of which is difficult to achieve throughout a large structure. To tackle this fundamental issue, the research team will take advantage of 3D printing technology to fabricate integrated sensor-structure components. Specifically, the team plans to innovate a novel printing scheme that can embed piezoelectric transducers (namely, sensor/actuator coupled elements) into layered composites. As the transducers are densely distributed throughout the entire structure, they function like a nerve system embedded into the structure. Such a sensor nerve system, when combined with new control and command systems and advanced data and signal processing capability, can fully unleash the latest computing power to pinpoint the fault location. The new framework of utilizing emerging additive manufacturing technology to produce a structural system with integrated, densely distributed active sensing elements will potentially lead to paradigm-shifting progress in structural self-diagnosis. This advancement may allow the acquisition of high-quality, active interrogation data throughout the entire structure, which can then be used to facilitate highly accurate and robust decision-making. It will lead to intellectual contributions including: 1) development of a new sensing modality with mechanical-electrical dual-field adaptivity, that yields rich and high-quality data throughout the structure; 2) design of an additive manufacturing scheme that inserts piezoelectric micro transducer arrays throughout the structure to enable active interrogation; and 3) formulation of new data analytics and inverse analysis that can accurately identify the fault location/severity and guide the fine-tuning of the sensor system.
University of Connecticut
National Science Foundation
Chengyu Cao
Submitted by Jiong Tang on September 22nd, 2016
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