Design, development and manufacture of motor vehicles, towed vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds.

Please forward this e-mail to anyone (government, industry or academia, national or international) whom you believe would be interested in identifying: (1) any public roads that are instrumented for connected vehicle research as in a living laboratory; or, (2) their laboratory as one that can contribute to the state-of-the-art in transportation operations research and development. FHWA has posted a formal Request For Information (RFI) at Merely type-in DTFH61-11-I-00046 in the Keyword/Solicitation # box to access the RFI, entitled, "Information to Assist in the Establishment of the Transportation Operations Laboratory (TOL) and Identification of Potential Research Partners." A copy is attached. Responses are due by May 13, 2011.

Information gained from responses will assist FHWA in further design and operations of its Transportation Operations Laboratory, including 3 nascent testbeds: (1) Data Resources; (2) Concepts and Analysis; and, (3) Cooperative Vehicle-Highway Systems. It will also identify potential stakeholders who may wish to join in collaborative efforts to conduct research of mutual interest in the primary area of transportation operations. [Please Note: This is not a solicitation for proposals or proposal abstracts] Of special interest is the capability to test cooperative traveler-vehicle-highway systems, especially using multiple vehicles in a communications rich environment that allows for 2-way communications among: the infrastructure (e.g., traffic signals, roadside equipment, etc); travelers (e.g., drivers, passengers, cyclists, and pedestrians); and vehicles (e.g., buses, trucks, cars). Attached is a list of data items drawn from the RFI that if provided would be very helpful in compiling a directory.

Please direct any questions to Bob Ferlis,, or to me,

Thanks for your help in this important effort.

Joe Peters Joseph I. Peters, Ph.D. Director, Office of Operations R&D Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center 6300 Georgetown Pike (HRDO-1) McLean, VA 22101

General Announcement
Not in Slideshow
1 1 Submitted by 1 1 on April 18th, 2011
The objective of this research is to study, develop and implement a comprehensive set of techniques that will eventually enable automobiles to be driven autonomously. The approach taken is to (a) address cyber-physical challenges of reliable, safe and timely operations inside the automobile, (b) tackle a range of physical conditions and uncertainties in the external environment, (c) enable real-time communications to and from the automobile to other vehicles and the infrastructure, and (d) study verification and validation technologies to ensure correct implementations. Intellectual Merits: The project seeks to make basic research contributions in the domains of safety-critical real-time fault-tolerant distributed cyber-physical platforms, end-to-end resource management, cooperative vehicular networks, cyber-physical system modeling and analysis tools, dynamic object detection/recognition, hybrid systems verification, safe dynamic behaviors under constantly changing operating conditions, and real-time perception and planning algorithms. Multiple intermediate capabilities in the form of active safety features will also be enabled. Broader Impacts: Automotive accidents result in about 40,000 fatalities and 3 million injuries every year in the USA. The global annual cost of road injuries is $518 billion. Many accidents are due to humans being distracted. Autonomous vehicles controlled by ever-vigilant cyber-physical systems can lead to significant declines in accidents, deaths and injuries. Autonomous vehicles can also offload driving chores from humans, and make time spent in automobiles more productive. Vehicular networks can help find the best possible routes to a destination in real-time. Broader impacts in this area are amplified by the project's partnerships with companies in the transportation and agricultural technology industries, and in information technology. Broader impacts are also sought through demonstrations and outreach to attract students into science and technology, and in particular to cyber-physical systems research.
Carnegie-Mellon University
National Science Foundation
Rajkumar, Ragunathan
Ragunathan  Rajkumar Submitted by Ragunathan Rajkumar on April 7th, 2011
This project has two closely related objectives. The first is to design and evaluate new Cyber Transportation Systems (CTS) applications for improved traffic safety and traffic operations. The second is to design and develop an integrated traffic-driving-networking simulator. The project takes a multi-disciplinary approach that combines cyber technologies, transportation engineering and human factors. While transportation serves indispensible functions to society, it does have its own negative impacts in terms of accidents, congestion, pollution, and energy consumption. To improve traffic safety, the project will develop and evaluate novel algorithms and protocols for prioritization, delivery and fusion of various warning messages so as to reduce drivers? response time and workload, prevent conflicting warnings, and minimize false alarms. To improve traffic operations, the project will focus on the design of next generation traffic management and control algorithms for both normal and emergency operations (e.g. during inclement weather and evacuation scenarios). Both human performance modeling methods and human subjects? experimental methods will be used to address the human element in this research. As the design and evaluation of CTS applications requires an effective development and testing platform linking the human, transportation and cyber elements, the project will also design and develop a simulator that combines the main features of a traffic simulator, a networking simulator and a driving simulator. The integrated simulator will allow a human driver to control a subject vehicle in a virtual environment with realistic background traffic, which is capable of communicating with the driver and other vehicles with CTS messages. Background traffic will be controlled by a realistic driver model based on our human factors research that accounts for CTS messages? impact on driver behavior. Intellectual Merits: The project explicitly considers human factors in the design and evaluation of CTS safety and operations applications, a topic which has not received adequate attention. Moreover, the proposed integrated simulator represents a first-of-a-kind simulator with unique features that can reduce the design and evaluation costs of new CTS applications. Broader Impacts: The proposed research can improve the safety, efficiency and environmental-friendless of transportation systems, which serve as the very foundation of modern societies and directly affects the quality of life. The integrated simulator will be used as a tool for teenage and elderly driver education and training, and to inspire minority, middle and high school students to pursue careers in math, science, and computer-related fields
SUNY at Buffalo
National Science Foundation
Changxu Wu
Qiao, Chunming
Submitted by Chunming Qiao on April 7th, 2011
The objective of this research is to develop new foundations of composition in heterogeneous systems, to apply these foundations in a new generation of tools for system integration, and to validate the results in experiments using automotive and avionics System-of-Systems experimental platforms. The approach exploits simplification strategies: develop theories, methods, and tools to assist in inter-layer decoupling. The research program has three focus areas: (1) theory of compositionality in heterogeneous systems, (2) tools and tool architectures for system integration, and (3) systems/experimental research. The project develops and deploys theories and methods for inter-layer decoupling that prevent or decrease the formation of intractable system-wide interdependences and maintain compositionality at each layer for carefully selected, essential system properties. Compositionality in tools is sought by exploring semantic foundations for model-based design. Systems/experimental research is conducted in collaboration with General Motors Global R&D (GM) and focuses on electric car platforms. The project is contributing to the cost effective development and deployment of many safety and security-critical cyber-physical systems, ranging from medical devices to transportation, to defense and avionics. The participating institutions seek to complement the conventional curriculum in systems science with one that admits computation as a primary concept. The curriculum changes will be aggressively promoted through a process of workshops and textbook preparation.
Vanderbilt University
National Science Foundation
Sztipanovits, Janos
Janos Sztipanovits Submitted by Janos Sztipanovits on April 7th, 2011
The objective of this research is to address fundamental challenges in the verification and analysis of reconfigurable distributed hybrid control systems. These occur frequently whenever control decisions for a continuous plant depend on the actions and state of other participants. They are not supported by verification technology today. The approach advocated here is to develop strictly compositional proof-based verification techniques to close this analytic gap in cyber-physical system design and to overcome scalability issues. This project develops techniques using symbolic invariants for differential equations to address the analytic gap between nonlinear applications and present verification techniques for linear dynamics. This project aims at transformative research changing the scope of systems that can be analyzed. The proposed research develops a compositional proof-based approach to hybrid systems verification in contrast to the dominant automata-based verification approaches. It represents a major improvement addressing the challenges of composition, reconfiguration, and nonlinearity in system models The proposed research has significant applications in the verification of safety-critical properties in next generation cyber-physical systems. This includes distributed car control, robotic swarms, and unmanned aerial vehicle cooperation schemes to full collision avoidance protocols for multiple aircraft. Analysis tools for distributed hybrid systems have a broad range of applications of varying degrees of safety-criticality, validation cost, and operative risk. Analytic techniques that find bugs or ensure correct functioning can save lives and money, and therefore are likely to have substantial economic and societal impact.
Carnegie-Mellon University
National Science Foundation
Platzer, Andre
Andre Platzer Submitted by Andre Platzer on April 7th, 2011
The objective of this research is to develop numerical techniques for solving partial differential equations (PDE) that govern information flow in dense wireless networks. Despite the analogy of information flow in these networks to physical phenomena such as thermodynamics and fluid mechanics, many physical and protocol imposed constraints make information flow PDEs unique and different from the observed PDEs in physical phenomena. The approach is to develop a systematic method where a unified framework is capable of optimizing a broad class of objective functions on the information flow in a network of a massive number of nodes. The objective function is defined depending on desired property of the geometric paths of information. This leads to PDEs whose form varies depending on the optimization objective. Finally, numerical techniques will be developed to solve the PDEs in a network setting and in a distributed manner. The intellectual merits of this project are: developing mathematical tools that address a broad range of design objectives in large scale wireless sensor networks under a unified framework; initiating a new field on numerical analysis of information flow in dense wireless networks; and developing design tools for networking problems such as transport capacity, routing, and load balancing. The broader impacts of this research are: helping the development of next generation wireless networks; encouraging involvement of undergraduate students and underrepresented groups, and incorporating the research results into graduate level courses. Additionally, the research is interdisciplinary, bringing together sensor networking, theoretical physics, partial differential equations, and numerical optimization.
University of Maryland College Park
National Science Foundation
Khandani, Mehdi
Mehdi Khandani Submitted by Mehdi Khandani on April 7th, 2011
The objectives of this research are to design a heterogeneous network of embedded systems so that faults can be quickly detected and isolated and to develop on-line and off-line fault diagnosis and prognosis methods. Our approach is to develop functional dependency models between the failure modes and the concomitant monitoring mechanisms, which form the basis for failure modes, effects and criticality analysis, design for testability, diagnostic inference, and the remaining useful life estimation of (hardware) components. Over the last few years, the electronic explosion in automotive vehicles and other application domains has significantly increased the complexity, heterogeneity, and interconnectedness of embedded systems. To address the cross-subsystem malfunction phenomena in such networked systems, it is essential to develop a common methodology that: (i) identifies the potential failure modes associated with software, hardware, and hardware-software interfaces; (ii) generates functional dependencies between the failure modes and tests; (iii) provides an on-line/off-line diagnosis system; (iv) computes the remaining useful life estimates of components based on the diagnosis; and (iv) validates the diagnostic and prognostic inference methods via fault injection prior to deployment in the field. The development of functional dependency models and diagnostic inference from these models to aid in online and remote diagnosis and prognosis of embedded systems is a potentially novel aspect of this effort. This project seeks to improve the competitiveness of the U.S. automotive industry by enhancing vehicle reliability, performance and safety, and by improving customer satisfaction. Other representative applications include aerospace systems, electrification of transportation, medical equipment, and communication and power networks, to name a few.
University of Connecticut
National Science Foundation
Swapna Gokhale
Mark Howell
Yilu Zhang
Pattipati, Krishna
Krishna Pattipati Submitted by Krishna Pattipati on April 7th, 2011
The objective of this research is to bring high levels of system reliability and integrity to application domains that cannot afford the cost, power, weight, and size associated with physical redundancy. The approach is to develop complementary monitoring algorithms and novel computing architectures that enable the detection of faults. In particular, there is a significant opportunity to reduce the reliance on physical redundancy by combining model-based and data-driven monitoring techniques. Implementing this approach to fault detection would be difficult with existing software and computing architectures. This motivates the development of a general purpose monitoring framework through monitoring-aware compilers coupled with enhancements to multi-core architectures. The intellectual merit of the project is twofold. First, it has the potential to lead to a novel fault detection approach that blends complementary monitoring algorithms. Second, advances in multi-core processors are leveraged to enable implementation of these fault detection approaches. This addresses key themes in cyber-physical systems by investigating the fundamental issue of fault detection for physical systems and by developing a generic processor architecture for monitoring. With respect to broader impact, project offers the potential for positive influences on industrial practice and education. If successful, the design ideas from this project can be incorporated into low-cost multi-core architectures suitable for embedded systems. The potentially transformative performance improvement offered by this framework could also impact current research in run-time verification and on-line monitoring. The research is to be incorporated into the course "Design, Build, Simulate, Test and Fly Small Uninhabited Aerial Vehicles" for senior undergraduate and first-year graduate students.
University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
National Science Foundation
Jaideep Srivastava
Antonia Zhai
Balas, Gary
Gary Balas Submitted by Gary Balas on April 7th, 2011
The objective of this research is to develop technologies to improve the efficiency and safety of the road transportation infrastructure. The approach is to develop location-based vehicular services combining on-board automotive computers, in-car devices, mobile phones, and roadside monitoring/surveillance systems. The resulting vehicular Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) can reduce travel times with smart routing, save fuel and reduce carbon emissions by determining greener routes and commute times, improve safety by detecting road hazards, change driving behavior using smart tolling, and enable measurement-based insurance plans that incentivize good driving. This research develops distributed algorithms for predictive travel delay modeling, feedback-based routing, and road hazard assessment. It develops privacy-preserving protocols for capturing and analyzing data and using it for tasks such as congestion-aware tolling. It also develops a secure macro-tasking software run-time substrate to ensure that algorithms can be programmed centrally without explicitly programming each node separately, while ensuring that it is safe to run third-party code. The research focuses on re-usable methods that can benefit multiple vehicular services, and investigates which lessons learned from this vehicular CPS effort generalize to other situations. Road transportation is a grand challenge problem for modern society, which this research can help overcome. Automobile vendors, component developers, and municipal authorities have all shown interest in deployment. The education plan includes outreach to local K-12 students and a new undergraduate course on transportation from a CPS perspective, which will involve term projects using the data collected in the project
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
National Science Foundation
Samuel Madden
Daniela Rus
Balakrishnan, Hari
Hari Balakrishnan Submitted by Hari Balakrishnan on April 7th, 2011
The objective of this research is to study the formal design and verification of advanced vehicle dynamics control systems. The approach is to consider the vehicle-driver-road system as a cyber-physical system (CPS) by focusing on three critical components: (i) the tire-road interaction; (ii) the driver-vehicle interaction; and (iii) the controller design and validation. Methods for quantifying and estimating the uncertainty of the road friction coefficient by using self-powered wireless sensors embedded in the tire are developed for considering tire-road interaction. Tools for real-time identification of nominal driver behavior and uncertainty bounds by using in-vehicle cameras and body wireless sensors are developed for considering driver-vehicle interaction. A predictive hybrid supervisory control scheme will guarantee that the vehicle performs safely for all possible uncertainty levels. In particular, for controller design and validation, the CPS autonomy level is continuously adapted as a function of human and environment conditions and their uncertainty bounds quantified by considering tire-road and driver-vehicle interaction. High confidence is critical in all human operated and supervised cyber-physical systems. These include environmental monitoring, telesurgery, power networks, and any transportation CPS. When human and environment uncertainty bounds can be predicted, safety can be robustly guaranteed by a proper controller design and validation. This avoids lengthy and expensive trial and error design procedures and drastically increases their confidence level. Graduate, undergraduate and underrepresented engineering students benefit from this project through classroom instruction, involvement in the research and substantial interaction with industrial partners from the fields of tires, vehicle active safety, and wireless sensors.
University of California-Berkeley
National Science Foundation
Borrelli, Francesco
Francesco Borrelli Submitted by Francesco Borrelli on April 7th, 2011
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