The terms denote engineering domains that have high CPS content.
ARC 2018
14th International Symposium on Applied Reconfigurable Computing (ARC 2018) Reconfigurable computing technologies offer the promise of substantial performance gains over traditional architectures via customizing, even at runtime, the topology of the underlying architecture to match the specific needs of a given application. Contemporary configurable architectures allow for the definition of architectures with functional and storage units that match in function, bit-width and control structures the specific needs of a given computation.
Submitted by Anonymous on September 19th, 2017
ISORC 2018
IEEE 21st International Symposium on Real-Time Distributed Computing (ISORC 2018)  IEEE ISORC was founded in 1998 (with its first meeting in Kyoto, Japan) to address research into the application of real-time object-oriented distributed technology. Since then, ISORC has continually evolved to meet the latest challenges faced by researchers and practitioners in the real-time domain, with an emphasis on object-, component- and service- oriented systems and solutions..
Submitted by Anonymous on September 19th, 2017
This proposal will establish a framework for developing distributed Cyber-Physical Systems operating in a Networked Control Systems (NCS) environment. Specific attention is focused on an application where the computational, and communication challenges are unique due to the sheer size of the physical system, and communications between system elements include potential for significant losses and delays. An example of this is the power grid which includes large-scale deployment of distributed and networked Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs) and wind energy resources. Although, much has been done to model and analyze the impact of data dropouts and delay in NCS at a theoretical level, their impact on the behavior of cyber physical systems has received little attention. As a result much of the past research done on the `smart grid' has oversimplified the `physical' portion of the model, thereby overlooking key computational challenges lying at the heart of the dimensionality of the model and the heterogeneity in the dynamics of the grid. A clear gap has remained in understanding the implications of uncertainties in NCS (e.g. bandwidth limitations, packet dropout, packet disorientation, latency, signal loss, etc.) cross-coupled with the uncertainties in a large power grid with wind farms (e.g. variability in wind power, fault and nonlinearity, change in topology etc.) on the reliable operation of the grid. To address these challenges, this project will, for the first time, develop a modeling framework for discovering hitherto unknown interactions through co-simulation of NCS, distributed computing, and a large power grid included distributed wind generation resources. Most importantly, it addresses challenges in distributed computation through frequency domain abstractions and proposes two novel techniques in grid stabilization during packet dropout. The broader impact lies in providing deeper understanding of the impact of delays and dropouts in the Smart Grid. This will enable a better utilization of energy transmission assets and improve integration of renewable energy sources. The project will facilitate participation of women in STEM disciplines, and will include outreach with local Native American tribal community colleges This project will develop fundamental understanding of impact of network delays and drops using an approach that is applicable to a variety of CPS. It will enable transformative Wide-Areas Measurement Systems research for the smart grid through modeling adequacy studies of a representative sub-transient model of the grid along with the representation of packet drop in the communication network by a Gilbert model. Most importantly, fundamental concepts of frequency domain abstraction including balanced truncation and optimal Hankel-norm approximation are proposed to significantly reduce the burden of distributed computing. Finally, a novel `reduced copy' approach and a `modified Kalman filtering' approach are proposed to address the problem of grid stabilization using wind farm controls when packet drop is encountered.
Pennsylvania State University
National Science Foundation
Nilanjan Ray Chaudhuri Submitted by Nilanjan Ray Chaudhuri on September 11th, 2017
The objective of this research is to design a semi-automated, efficient, and secure emergency response system to reduce the time it takes emergency vehicles to reach their destinations, while increasing the safety of non-emergency vehicles and emergency vehicles alike. Providing route and maneuver guidance to emergency vehicles and non-emergency vehicles will make emergency travel safer and enable police and other first responders to reach and transport those in need, in less time. This should reduce the number of crashes involving emergency vehicles and associated litigation costs while improving medical outcomes, reducing property damage, and instilling greater public confidence in emergency services. At the same time, non-emergency vehicles will also be offered increased safety and, with the reduction of long delays attributed to emergency vehicles, experience reduced incident-related travel time, which will increase productivity and quality of life for drivers. Incorporating connected vehicles into the emergency response system will also provide synergistic opportunities for non-emergency vehicles, including live updates on accident sites, areas to avoid, and information on emergency routes that can be incorporated into navigation software so drivers can avoid potential delays. While the proposed system will naturally advance the quality of transportation in smart cities, it will also provide a platform for future techniques to build upon. For example, the proposed system could be connected with emergency care facilities to balance the load of emergency patients at hospitals, and act as a catalyst toward the realization of a fully-automated emergency response system. New courses and course modules will be developed to recruit and better prepare a future workforce that is well versed in multi-disciplinary collaborations. Video demos and a testbed will be used to showcase the research to the public. The key research component will be the design of an emergency response system that (1) dynamically determines EV routes, (2) coordinates actions by non-emergency vehicles using connected vehicle technology to efficiently and effectively clear paths for emergency vehicles, (3) is able to adapt to uncertain traffic and network conditions, and (4) is difficult to abuse or compromise. The project will result in (1) algorithms that dynamically select EV routes based on uncertain or limited traffic data, (2) emergency protocols that exploit connected vehicle technology to facilitate emergency vehicles maneuvers, (3) an automation module to assist with decision making and maneuvers, and (4) an infrastructure and vehicle hardening framework that prevents cyber abuse. Experiments will be performed on a testbed and a real test track to validate the proposed research.
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
National Science Foundation
Submitted by Tam Chantem on September 11th, 2017
This EArly-concept Grant for Exploratory Research (EAGER) award supports fundamental research on the design of an agile manufacturing exchange system (MES) in which suppliers of raw materials, assemblers, transportation companies, etc., will participate through standardized protocols to fulfill complex manufacturing orders. This design will provide the foundation for a smart software mediation layer (i.e., a "broker") that will enable a MES to be self-learning and adaptive to dynamic/diverse service requests and resource availability, as well as support a large network of service providers and users within a complex information ecosystem. The economic competitiveness of the U.S. depends on new and innovative methods for intelligent mass customization systems for the manufacturing sector, which will enable the processing of small-sized and diverse orders that demand almost instant fulfillment. The MES will enable this transformation by supporting on-demand integration of resources, graceful recovery from failures, and dynamic adaptation without any disruption in operations. In order to meet these goals, research will be focused on adaptation to emerging system behaviors by dynamically evolving optimization strategies in real-time. Users and providers will be connected in a dynamic manufacturing network that will accommodate multiple product flows, uncertainty in links between providers and themselves, and fault tolerance to provide service despite failed network components. This level of adaptation, seamless efficiency, and uninterrupted service will constitute a significant step forward towards a smart MES. The research goals will be accomplished through the design of a distributed real-time optimization and knowledge discovery framework that will address workflow optimization, resource allocation, and data-driven performance prediction in a dynamic manufacturing network of users, brokers, and providers. The specific research tasks include online admission control policies, dynamic production planning, analysis and prediction of service-level performance for forecasting, distributed methods for dynamic resource allocation under uncertainty, and visual analytics techniques to support human decision makers and situational awareness.
Duke University
National Science Foundation
Bruce Maggs
Krishnendu Chakabarty Submitted by Krishnendu Chakabarty on September 11th, 2017
This project pursues a smart cyber-physical approach for improving the electric rail infrastructure in the United States and other nations. We will develop a distributed coordination of pricing and energy utilization even while ensuring end-to-end time schedule constraints for the overall rail infrastructure. We will ensure this distributed coordination through transactive control, a judicious design of dynamic pricing in a cyber-physical system that utilizes the computational and communication infrastructure and accommodates the physical constraints of the underlying train service. The project is synergistic in that it builds upon the expertise of the electric-train infrastructure and coordination at UIC and that of transactive control on the part of MIT. We will validate the approach through collaboration with engineers in the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transport Authority, where significant modernization efforts are underway to improve their electric-train system. The project also involves strong international collaboration which will also enable validation of the technologies. This project will formulate a multi-scale transitive control strategy for minimization of price and energy utilization in a geographically-dispersed railway grid with broader implications for evolving smart and micro grids. The transactions evolve over different temporal scales ranging from day-ahead offline transaction between the power grid and the railway system operators yielding price optimality to real-time optimal transaction among the trains or the area control centers (ACC). All of these transactions are carried out while meeting system constraints ranging from end-to-end time-scheduling, power-quality, and capacity. Our research focuses on fundamental issues encompassing integration of information, control, and power, including event-driven packet arrival from source to destination nodes while ensuring hard relative deadlines and optimal sampling and sensing; and formulation of network concave utility function for allocating finite communication-network capacity among control loops. The project develops optimization approaches that can be similarly applied across multiple application domains.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
National Science Foundation
Submitted by Anuradha Annaswamy on August 25th, 2017
CRTS 2017
The 10th International Workshop on Compositional Theory and Technology for Real-Time Embedded Systems In conjunction with RTSS'2017 conference Background: Large safety-critical real-time systems are typically created through the integration of multiple components that are developed mostly independently from each other. 
Submitted by Anonymous on August 23rd, 2017
More than one million people including many wounded warfighters from recent military missions are living with lower-limb amputation in the United States. This project will design wearable body area sensor systems for real-time measurement of amputee's energy expenditure and will develop computer algorithms for automatic lower-limb prosthesis optimization. The developed technology will offer a practical tool for the optimal prosthetic tuning that may maximally reduce amputee's energy expenditure during walking. Further, this project will develop user-control technology to support user's volitional control of lower-limb prostheses. The developed volitional control technology will allow the prosthesis to be adaptive to altered environments and situations such that amputees can walk as using their own biological limbs. An optimized prosthesis with user-control capability will increase equal force distribution on the intact and prosthetic limbs and decrease the risk of damage to the intact limb from the musculoskeletal imbalance or pathologies. Maintenance of health in these areas is essential for the amputee's quality of life and well-being. Student participation is supported. This research will advance Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) science and engineering through the integration of sensor and computational technologies for the optimization and control of physical systems. This project will design body area sensor network systems which integrate spatiotemporal information from electromyography (EMG), electroencephalography (EEG) and inertia measurement unit (IMU) sensors, providing quantitative, real-time measurements of the user's physical load and mental effort for personalized prosthesis optimization. This project will design machine learning technology-based, automatic prosthesis parameter optimization technology to support in-home prosthesis optimization by users themselves. This project will also develop an EEG-based, embedded computing-supported volitional control technology to support user?s volitional control of a prosthesis in real-time by their thoughts to cope with altered situations and environments. The technical advances from this project will provide wearable and wireless body area sensing solutions for broader applications in healthcare and human-CPS interaction applications. The explored computational methods will be broadly applicable for real-time, automatic target recognition from spatiotemporal, multivariate data in CPS-related communication and control applications. This synergic project will be implemented under multidisciplinary team collaboration among computer scientists and engineers, clinicians and prosthetic industry engineers. This project will also provide interdisciplinary, CPS relevant training for both undergraduate and graduate students by integrating computational methods with sensor network, embedded processors, human physical and mental activity recognition, and prosthetic control.
Florida International University
National Science Foundation
Submitted by Anonymous on July 24th, 2017
ICCPS 2018
9th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems April 11-13, 2018  | Porto, Portugal | part of CPSWeek 2018 Overview. 
Submitted by Anonymous on July 24th, 2017
The 19th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology jointly organized by IEEE IES, the University of Lyon, Ampère and Satie labs IEEE ICIT is one of the flagship yearly conferences of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, devoted to the dissemination of new research ideas and experiments and works in progress within the fields of:
Submitted by Anonymous on July 24th, 2017
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