Theoretical aspects of cyber-physical systems.
This project advances the scientific knowledge on design methods for improving the resilience of civil infrastructures to disruptions. To improve resilience, critical services in civil infrastructure sectors must utilize new diagnostic tools and control algorithms that ensure survivability in the presence of both security attacks and random faults, and also include the models of incentives of human decision makers in the design process. This project will develop a practical design toolkit and platform to enable the integration of resiliency-improving control tools and incentive schemes for Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) deployed in civil infrastructures. Theory and algorithms will be applied to assess resiliency levels, select strategies to improve performance, and provide reliability and security guarantees for sector-specific CPS functionalities in water, electricity distribution and transportation infrastructures. The main focus is on resilient design of network control functionalities to address problems of incident response, demand management, and supply uncertainties. More broadly, the knowledge and tools from this project will influence CPS designs in water, transport, and energy sectors, and also be applicable to other systems such as supply-chains for food, oil and gas. The proposed platform will be used to develop case studies, test implementations, and design projects for supporting education and outreach activities. Current CPS deployments lack integrated components designed to survive in uncertain environments subject to random events and the actions of strategic entities. The toolkit (i) models the propagation of disruptions due to failure of cyber-physical components, (ii) detects and responds to both local and network-level failures, and (iii) designs incentive schemes that improve aggregate levels of public good (e.g., decongestion, security), while accounting for network interdependencies and private information among strategic entities. The validation approach uses real-world data collected from public sources, test cases developed by domain experts, and simulation software. These tools are integrated to provide a multi-layer design platform, which explores the design space to synthesize solutions that meet resiliency specifications. The platform ensures that synthesized implementations meet functionality requirements, and also estimates the performance guarantees necessary for CPS resilience. This modeling, validation, exploration, and synthesis approach provides a scientific basis for resilience engineering. It supports CPS education by providing a platform and structured workflow for future engineers to approach and appreciate implementation realities and socio-technical constraints.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
National Science Foundation
Saurabh Amin Submitted by Saurabh Amin on December 22nd, 2015
Every year around 30,000 fatalities and 2.2 million injuries happen on US roads. The problem is compounded with huge economic losses due to traffic congestions. Advances in Cooperative Vehicle Efficiency and Safety (CVES) systems promise to significantly reduce the human and economic cost of transportation. However, large scale deployment of such systems is impeded by significant technical and scientific gaps, especially when it comes to achieving real-time and high accuracy situational awareness for cooperating vehicles. This CAREER project aims at closing these gaps through developing fundamental information networking methodologies for coordinated control of automated systems. These methodologies will be based on the innovative concept of modeled knowledge propagation. In addition, the educational component of this project integrates interdisciplinary Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) subjects on the design of automated networked systems into graduate and undergraduate training modules. For robust operation, CVES systems require each vehicle to have reliable real-time awareness of the state of other coordinated vehicles. This project addresses the critical need for robust control-oriented situational awareness by developing a multi-resolution information networking methodology that is model- and context-aware. The approach is to develop the novel concepts of model communication and its derived multi-resolution networking. Context-aware model-communication relies on transmission and synchronization of models (e.g., stochastic hybrid system structures and parameters) instead of raw measurements. This allows for high fidelity synchronization of dynamical models of CVES over networks. Multi-resolution networking concept is enabled through scalable representations of models. Multi resolution models allow in-network adaptation of model fidelity to available network resources. The result is robustness of CVES to network service variability. The successful deployment of CVES, even partially, will provide significant societal benefits through reduced traffic accidents and improved efficiency. This project will enable large scale CVES deployment by addressing its scalability challenge. In addition, methodologies developed in this project will be crucial to emerging autonomous vehicles, which are also expected to coordinate their actions over communication networks. The fundamental research outcomes on knowledge propagation through network synchronization of dynamical models will be broadly applicable in other CPS domains such as smart grid. The educational component of this project will target training of CPS researchers and engineers on subjects in intelligent transportation and energy systems.
West Virginia University Research Corporation
National Science Foundation
Submitted by Yaser Fallah on December 22nd, 2015
Cyber-physical critical infrastructures integrate networks of computational and physical processes to provide the society with essential services. The power grid, in particular, is a vast and interconnected cyber-physical network for delivering electricity from generation plants to end-point consumers. Protecting power grid critical infrastructures is a vital necessity because the failure of these systems would have a debilitating impact on economic security and public health and safety. However, several recent large-scale outages and the significant increase in the number of major attacks over the past four years confirm the insufficiency of the current protection solutions for these systems. Existing tedious manual tolerance procedures cannot protect those grids against sophisticated attacks. Additionally, use of purely-cyber security solutions for power grid resiliency is not sufficient because they ignore the cyber-physical interdependencies, power-side sensor measurements, and the possibility of countermeasures in power infrastructures. The objective of this research is to investigate fundamental problems in cyber-physical tolerance and develop an integrated set of mathematically rigorous and real-world deployable capabilities, resulting in a system that can model, analyze, predict, and tolerate complex security incidents in computing, physical, or communication assets in a near-real-time manner. The proposed research will provide system administrators and power grid operators with scalable and online integrated cyber-physical monitoring and incident response capabilities through keeping track of cyber-physical infrastructure's dynamic evolution caused by distributed security incidents, optimal proactive response and recovery countermeasures and adaptive preparation for potential future security incidents. The proposed research will facilitate trustworthy operation of next-generation complex and large-scale power grids. The research outcomes will be integrated into educational and knowledge transfer initiatives that involves implementation of curricular activities, innovative learning game development, university workshops, and hands-on K-12 summer camps and academic-year high-school courses, as well as Industry technology transfer efforts to develop a workforce with the capability to reason across multiple disciplines. Through holistic consideration of both cyber and physical factors under adversarial situations, this fundamental work will be applicable to other cyber-physical domains and can transform the way people approach the problem of cyber-physical security.
Rutgers University New Brunswick
National Science Foundation
Saman Zonouz Submitted by Saman Zonouz on December 22nd, 2015
SCALE2 explores the design of resilient, inexpensive cyber-physical systems (CPS) technologies to create community-wide smartspaces for public/personal safety. SCALE2 aims to demonstrate that community safety can be realized by augmenting CPS technologies with end-to-end resilience mechanisms. Such a study requires real-world community-scale deployments to understand citizen concerns and can only be achieved through partnerships between various stakeholders - researchers, government agencies, and industry. The SCALE2 multisensory platform will use inexpensive Internet of things (IoT) components, and support dependable operation by enabling resilient information-flow through multiple system layers. Research will explore mechanisms for (a) ingest of real-time data through flexible rich data models, (b) Quality of Service (QoS)-aware messaging to cloud platforms, and (c) reliable detection of higher-level community events through semantics-driven virtual sensing. SCALE2, through its established partnerships/testbeds, offers a unique short-term opportunity to guide future resilience technologies, train the next generation of students and have broader community impact. SCALE2 will be deployed at Montgomery County, MD, and the Irvine-Sensorium working with local agencies.
University of California-Irvine
National Science Foundation
Nalini Venkatasubramanian Submitted by Nalini Venkatasubramanian on December 22nd, 2015
The electric power grid, a cyber-physical system (CPS), faces an alarmingly high risk of catastrophic damage from cyber-attacks. However, modeling cyber-attacks, evaluating consequences, and developing appropriate countermeasures require a detailed, realistic, and tractable model of electric power CPS operations. The primary barrier is the lack of access to models for the complex legacy proprietary systems upon which the electric power grid has relied for decades. This project aims to overcome these challenges with the development of an attack-verifying (verifiable) software framework that will capture the electric power system operations in adequate detail. Cyber threats will be verified using this framework through a combination of sound theoretical methods and an open-source commercial simulation engine accessible via a unique transition to practice (TTP) option. This research focuses on four fundamental and related thrusts: (i) identifying classes of cyber-attacks with quantifiable physical consequences and developing detection-based countermeasures; (ii) identifying communication attacks on distributed grid operations and developing information-sharing countermeasures; (iii) developing a verifiable software framework that models the spatio-temporal operations of the electric grid in tandem with thrusts (i) and (ii) to verify attack models, evaluate countermeasures, and develop new resiliency protocols; and (iv) a TTP option, in collaboration with industry-leading experts from IncSys and PowerData, to develop commercial grade open source power simulation software packages to integrate and test the attacks and countermeasures of Thrusts (i) through (iii) as well as develop workforce training curriculum for North American Electric Reliability Council (NERC) certification. This research also includes engagement with K-12 students via the Arizona Science Laboratory program.
Arizona State University
National Science Foundation
Lalitha Sankar Submitted by Lalitha Sankar on December 22nd, 2015
Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) are cyber-physical systems (CPSs) that record human brain waves and translate them into the control commands for external devices such as computers and robots. They may allow individuals with spinal cord injury (SCI) to assume direct brain control of a lower extremity prosthesis to regain the ability to walk. Since the lower extremity paralysis due to SCI leads to as much as $50 billion of health care cost each year in the US alone, the use of a BCI-controlled lower extremity prosthesis to restore walking can have a significant public health impact. Recent results have demonstrated that a person with paraplegia due to SCI can use a non-invasive BCI to regain basic walking. While encouraging, this BCI is unlikely to become a widely adopted solution since the poor signal quality of non-invasively recorded brain waves may lead to unreliable BCI operation. Moreover, lengthy and tedious mounting procedures of the non-invasive BCI systems are impractical. A permanently implantable BCI CPS can address these issues, but critical challenges must be overcome to achieve this goal, including the elimination of protruding electronics and reliance on an external computer for brain signal processing. The goal of this study is to develop a benchtop version of a fully implantable BCI CPS, capable of acquiring electrocorticogram signals, recorded directly from the surface of the brain, and analyzing them internally to enable direct brain control of a robotic gait exoskeleton (RGE) for walking. The BCI CPS will be designed as a low-power system with revolutionary adaptive power management in order to meet stringent heat and power consumption constraints for future human implantation. Comprehensive measurements and benchtop tests will ensure proper function of BCI CPS. Finally, the system will be integrated with an RGE, and its ability to facilitate brain-controlled walking will be tested in a small group of human subjects. The successful completion of this project will have broad bioengineering and scientific impact. It will revolutionize medical device technology by minimizing power consumption and heat production while enabling complex operations to be performed. The study will also help deepen the understanding of how the human brain controls walking, which has long been a mystery to neuroscientists. Finally, this study?s broader impact is to promote education and lifelong learning in engineering students and the community, broaden the participation of underrepresented groups in engineering, and increase the scientific literacy of persons with disabilities. Research opportunities will be provided to (under-)graduate students. Their findings will be broadly disseminated and integrated into teaching activities. To inspire underrepresented K-12 and community college students to pursue higher education in STEM fields, and to increase the scientific literacy of persons with disabilities, outreach activities will be undertaken in the form of live scientific exhibits and actual BCI demonstrations. Recent results have demonstrated that a person with paraplegia due to SCI can use an electroencephalogram (EEG)-based BCI to regain basic walking. While encouraging, this EEG-based BCI is unlikely to become a widely adopted solution due to EEG?s inherent noise and susceptibility to artifacts, which may lead to unreliable operation. Also, lengthy and tedious EEG (un-)mounting procedures are impractical. A permanently implantable BCI CPS can address these issues, but critical CPS challenges must be overcome to achieve this goal, including the elimination of protruding electronics and reliance on an external computer for neural signal processing. The goal of this study is to implement a benchtop analogue of a fully implantable BCI CPS, capable of acquiring high-density (HD) electrocorticogram (ECoG) signals, and analyzing them internally to facilitate direct brain control of a robotic gait exoskeleton (RGE) for walking. The BCI CPS will be designed as a low-power modular system with revolutionary adaptive power management in order to meet stringent heat dissipation and power consumption constraints for future human implantation. The first module will be used for acquisition of HD-ECoG signals. The second module will internally execute optimized BCI algorithms and wirelessly transmit commands to an RGE for walking. System and circuit-level characterizations will be conducted through comprehensive measurements. Benchtop tests will ensure the proper system function and conformity to biomedical constraints. Finally, the system will be integrated with an RGE, and its ability to facilitate brain-controlled walking will be tested in a group of human subjects.The successful completion of this project will have broad bioengineering and scientific impact. It will revolutionize medical device technology by minimizing power consumption and heat dissipation while enabling complex algorithms to be executed in real time. The study will also help deepen the physiological understanding of how the human brain controls walking. This study will promote education and lifelong learning in engineering students and the community, broaden the participation of underrepresented groups in engineering, and increase the scientific literacy of persons with disabilities. Research opportunities will be provided to under-graduate students. Their findings will be broadly disseminated and integrated into teaching activities. To inspire underrepresented K-12 and community college students to pursue higher education in STEM fields, and to increase the scientific literacy of persons with disabilities, outreach activities will be undertaken in the form of live scientific exhibits and actual BCI demonstrations.
University of California at Irvine
National Science Foundation
Payam Heydari Submitted by Payam Heydari on December 22nd, 2015
Cyber physical systems extend the range of human capabilities in an increasing number of areas with high societal and economic impact, such as smart energy, intelligent transportation, advanced manufacturing, health technology, and the environment. Their successful operation requires the close integration of communication, sensing, actuation, control, and computation. However, advances in these fields have not always been well coordinated. Information theory, for instance, studies how to compress and protect information communicating over noisy channels, while in many control applications communication is abstracted as being instantaneous and reliable. Information theory states that long codes are desirable to protect data against channel noise, but for control applications long delays are not acceptable. On the other hand, triggered control takes an opportunistic approach to decide when actions should be taken to make the system operate efficiently, but largely ignores the constraints imposed by communication. This proposal contributes to the development of a common theoretical framework for control and communication that merges information theory and triggered control to design robust and efficient protocols for the operation of cyber physical systems in real-world scenarios. Such a synergy can have a tremendous impact in the societal settings mentioned above, and at the same time will enable education of students and researchers to prepare themselves in this emerging area of technology. The aim of the project is to develop a synergistic approach to solving the problem of control under communication constraints and/or unreliable communication channels. The approaches to state-triggered control and information-theoretic control individually address different and somewhat complementary aspects of the problem. Therefore, by leveraging the strengths of the two approaches superior and more complete solutions to the problem may be designed. An information-theoretic approach to providing data rate theorems can be used to enrich state-triggered strategies to prescribe both when and what to transmit, as well as to quantify the average usage of the communication channel. Similarly, existing control strategies for unreliable and stochastic communication channels can be enriched by considering triggering mechanisms as additional communication constraints to be accounted for in the feedback loop while designing the communication channel.
University of California at San Diego
National Science Foundation
Submitted by Massimo Franceschetti on December 22nd, 2015
This project focuses on modeling and mitigating cyber attacks on Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), which are increasingly prevalent in all aspects of society such as health care, energy, and transportation. Attacks initiated on the cyber components of CPS can be mounted remotely at little economic cost and can significantly degrade the safety and performance of CPS due to the tight coupling between cyber and physical components. This project develops a passivity-based framework for modeling, composing, and mitigating multiple attacks on CPS. Passivity is an energy dissipation property that provides basic rules for analyzing and composing interconnected systems. In addition to passive adversary models and composition rules, this project will investigate techniques for decomposition of composed attack models into basic primitives which will lead to development of new mitigation strategies. Approximate bi-simulation techniques will be introduced to verify the developed adversary models and mitigation strategies. The proposed approach is general and will be applicable to mitigate CPS security challenges arising in multiple sectors including transportation, energy, manufacturing, and others. The goals of the project are as follows: (a) research and development of passive dynamical models of multiple attacks, as well as characterization of the class of attacks that admit a passive representation; (b) investigation and development of passivity-based composition and decomposition rules, enabling identification of new attack variants and associated mitigation strategies; (c) research and development of approximate techniques for verification of composed adversary models and mitigation strategies; and (d) validation and prototyping of the proposed models through an experimental testbed.
University of Washington
National Science Foundation
Submitted by Radha Poovendran on December 22nd, 2015

This project represents a cross-disciplinary collaborative research effort on developing rigorous, closed-loop approaches for designing, simulating, and verifying medical devices. The work will open fundamental new approaches for radically accelerating the pace of medical device innovation, especially in the sphere of cardiac-device design. Specific attention will be devoted to developing advanced formal methods-based approaches for analyzing controller designs for safety and effectiveness; and devising methods for expediting regulatory and other third-party reviews of device designs. The project team includes members with research backgrounds in computer science, electrical engineering, biophysics, and cardiology; the PIs will use a coordinated approach that balances theoretical, experimental and practical concerns to yield results that are intended to transform the practice of device design while also facilitating the translation of new cardiac therapies into practice. The proposed effort will lead to significant advances in the state of the art for system verification and cardiac therapies based on the use of formal methods and closed-loop control and verification. The animating vision for the work is to enable the development of a true in silico design methodology for medical devices that can be used to speed the development of new devices and to provide greater assurance that their behaviors match designers' intentions, and to pass regulatory muster more quickly so that they can be used on patients needing their care. The scientific work being proposed will serve this vision by providing mathematically robust techniques for analyzing and verifying the behavior of medical devices, for modeling and simulating heart dynamics, and for conducting closed-loop verification of proposed therapeutic approaches. The acceleration in medical device innovation achievable as a result of the proposed research will also have long-term and sustained societal benefits, as better diagnostic and therapeutic technologies enter into the practice of medicine more quickly. It will also yield a collection of tools and techniques that will be applicable in the design of other types of devices. Finally, it will contribute to the development of human resources and the further inclusion of under-represented groups via its extensive education and outreach programs, including intensive workshop experiences for undergraduates.

SUNY at Stony Brook
National Science Foundation
Submitted by Scott Smolka on December 22nd, 2015
The electric power grid is a complex cyber-physical system (CPS) that forms the lifeline of modern society. Cybersecurity and resiliency of the power grid is of paramount importance to national security and economic well-being. CPS security testbeds are enabling technologies that provide realistic experimental platforms for the evaluation and validation of security technologies within controlled environments, and they also enable the exploration of robust security solutions. The project has two objectives: (a) to develop innovative architectures, abstractions, models, and algorithms for large-scale CPS security testbeds; and (b) to design and implement a high-fidelity, scalable, open-access CPS security testbed for the smart grid, and to conduct research experimentation. The testbed integrates appropriate cyber-control-physical hardware/software components, models, and algorithms in a modular design that enables federation of smaller testbeds to form a large-scale virtual experimental environment. The use cases for the testbed include vulnerability assessment, risk assessment, risk mitigation studies, and attack-defense exercises. The project also aims to develop standardized datasets, models, libraries, and use cases, and make the testbed available to a broader research community through an open-, remote-access model by leveraging collaboration from academic and industry partners. Besides contributing to research and technology that will enable a future electric power grid that is secure and resilient, this project develops and disseminates innovative curriculum modules including CPS Cyber Defense Competitions (CPS-CDC) for imparting security knowledge to students via an inquiry-based learning paradigm. The project also mentors students, including underrepresented minorities, in thesis work and Capstone projects, and exposes high-school students to cybersecurity concepts via testbed demonstrations.
Iowa State University
National Science Foundation
Douglas Jacobson
Submitted by Manimaran Govindarasu on December 22nd, 2015
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