The formalization of system engineering models and approaches.
EAGER: Detecting and Addressing Adverse Dependencies Across Human-in-the-Loop In-Home Medical Apps
Millions of mobile applications (apps) are being developed in domains such as energy, health, security, and entertainment. The US FDA expects that there will be 500 million smart phone users downloading healthcare related apps by the end of 2015. Many of these apps will perform interventions to control human physiological parameters such as blood pressure and heart rate. The intervention aspects of the apps can cause dependency problems, e.g., multiple interventions of multiple apps can increase or decrease each other's effects, some of which can be harmful to the user. Detecting and resolving these dependencies are the main goals of this project. Success in this research can significantly improve the safety of home health care.
This project will develop EyePhy, a completely new approach to primary and secondary dependency analysis for wellness and mobile medical apps based on smart phones. The approach offers personalized dependency analysis and accounts for time dependent interventions such as time interval for which a drug or other intervention is effective. To do that, EyePhy uses a physiological simulator called HumMod which was developed by the medical community to model the complex interactions of the human physiology using over 7800 variables. Among the goals of EyePhy are the reduction of app developers' effort in specifying dependency metadata compared to state of the art solutions, offering personalized dependency analysis for the user, and identifying problems in real time, as medical app products are being used. Such dependency problems occur mainly because (i) each app is developed independently without knowing how other apps work and (ii) when an app performs an intervention to control its target parameters (e.g., blood pressure), it may affect other physiological parameters (e.g., kidney) without even knowing it. A priori proofs that individual cyber-physical systems (CPS) app devices are safe cannot guarantee how it will be used and with which other (future) apps it may be run concurrently. It is becoming more common for people to use multiple apps. The average person will not understand how multiple apps might affect his health due to hidden dependencies among a large number of parameters. Consequently, a tool such as EyPhy is critical to future deployments of safe mobile medical apps.
University of Virginia Main Campus
National Science Foundation

Three emerging technologies provide unique opportunities for denser cities throughout the developed world: vehicle sharing, electric vehicles, and autonomous systems. Bringing these technologies close together can help enable joint mobility-on-demand and urban-logistics services. This project focuses on the co-development of design and algorithms to enable new concepts that will serve this purpose. The Persuasive Electric Vehicle (PEV) is a tricycle navigating in the bike lanes. The PEV can autonomously drive itself to its next customer; it can also deliver packages to its customers who order goods online.
On the algorithmic front, the project will investigate (i) provably-safe algorithms for autonomous navigation in bike lanes, and (ii) algorithms for high-performance routing and rebalancing for joint mobility on demand and urban logistics. On the design front, the project will investigate (i) the vehicle-level designs that can best embrace the relevant CPS technologies, and (ii) the system-level designs and urban planning practices that can help enable the PEV concept. The PIs will collaborate with the City of Boston and participate in the Global City Teams Challenge, where they will demonstrate the PEV concept and its potential impact on future smart cities.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
National Science Foundation
This project exploits an early concept of a flexible, low-cost, and drone-carried broadband long-distance communication infrastructure and investigates its capability for immediate smart-city application in emergency response. This effort is to support the Smart Emergency Response System (SERS) cluster to participate in the Global City Teams Challenge. This project will have an immediate impact in firefighting and other smart-city emergency response applications by quickly deploying a broadband communication infrastructure, thus improving the efficiency of first responders and saving lives. This communication infrastructure expands the capability of individual drones and enables broad new multi-drone applications for smart cities and has the potential to create new businesses and job markets.
This interdisciplinary project addresses the following technology issues: 1) development of cyber-physical systems (CPS) technology that enables robust long-range drone-to-drone communication infrastructure; 2) practical drone system design and performance evaluation for WiFi provision; and 3) a systematic investigation of its capability to address smart-city emergency response needs, through both analysis and participation in fire-fighting exercises, as a case study. The project team includes an academic institution, technology companies and government planners, each of whom provides complementary expertise and perspectives that are crucial to the success of the project. The project also provides exciting interdisciplinary training opportunities for students and the community to learn CPS technologies and the Global City Teams Challenge efforts.
University of North Texas
National Science Foundation
This Data-driven Decision-making in Cyber-physical systems (CPS) project focuses on bringing tools from data science and systems science together to develop new tools for analyzing and making accurate decisions in complex cyber-physical systems (e.g., power-grid, transportation network, power plants and smart buildings) to make them safer, more efficient and highly secure. This project develops algorithms, implements software and demonstrates proof-of-concept using large integrated building system as a challenge application area. Potential advantages of the tools developed in this research over current methods will be higher degree of accuracy, increased automation and lower cost of implementation.
Majority of state-of-the-art methods use ad-hoc rules and physics-based models for such problems. However, they lack in accuracy and scalability due to the very complex nature of current and future large interconnected systems. The tools developed in this project will alleviate these issues significantly via intelligent use of large volume of data generated from the systems. The theoretical aspect of the research will make use of inherently multidisciplinary concepts from Nonlinear Dynamics, Information Theory, Machine Learning and Statistical Mechanics. The research project primarily supports interdisciplinary education and career development of graduate students as well as offers education and outreach programs to high school and undergraduate students in STEM disciplines.
The project engages the Center for Building Energy Research (CBER) at Iowa State to demonstrate success on a real platform. The center provides a unique opportunity to the researchers to test and validate the tools on the Interlock House test bed which is a high end field laboratory for energy efficiency research and data validation. This enhances the potential of transitioning the new technology toward commercial reality.Soumik
Iowa State University
National Science Foundation

This cross-disciplinary research proposes a patient-specific cost-saving approach to the design and optimization of healthcare cyber-physical systems (HCPS). The HCPS computes the patient's physiological state based on sensors, communicates this information via a network from home to hospital for quantifying risk indices, signals the need for critical medical intervention in real time, and controls vital health signals (e.g., cardiac rhythm, blood glucose). The research proposed under the HCPS paradigm will treat the human body as a complex system. It will entail the development of mathematical models that capture the time-dependence and fractal behavior of physiological processes and the design of quality-of-life (QoL) control strategies for medical devices. The research will advance the understanding of the correlations between physiological processes, drug treatment, stress level and lifestyle.
To date, the complex interdependence, variability and individual characteristics of physiological processes have not been taken into account in the design of medical devices and artificial organs. The existing mathematical approaches rely on reductionist and Markovian assumptions. This research project will rethink the theoretical foundations for the design of healthcare cyber-physical systems by capturing the interdependencies and fractal characteristics of physiological processes within a highly dynamic network. To establish the theoretical foundations of HCPS, a three-step approach will be followed: (i) construct a multi-scale non-equilibrium statistical physics inspired framework for patient modeling that captures the time dependence, non-Gaussian behavior, interdependencies and multi-fractal behavior of physiological processes; (ii) develop adaptive patient-specific and physiology-aware (multi-fractal) close-loop control algorithms for dynamic complex networks; (iii) design algorithms and methodologies for the HCPS networked components that account for biological and technological constraints. This research will significantly contribute to early chronic disease detection and treatment. Models and implementable algorithms, which can both predict physiological dynamics and assess the risk of acute and chronic diseases, will be valuable instruments for patient-centered healthcare. This in-depth mathematical analysis of physiological complexity facilitates a transformative multimodal and multi-scale approach to CPS design with healthcare applications.
The project not only addresses the current scientific and technological gap in CPS, but can also foster new research directions in related fields such as the study of interdependent networks with implications for understanding homeostasis and diseases and the study and control of complex systems. The cyber-physical systems designed under this newly proposed paradigm will have vital social and economic implications, including the improvement of QoL and the reduction of lost productivity rates due to chronic diseases. The project will offer interdisciplinary training for graduate, undergraduate and K-12 students. The PI will integrate the research results within his courses at University of Southern California and make them widely available through the project website. Moreover, the PI will enhance civic engagement by involving college and K-12 students in community outreach activities that will raise awareness of the important role of health monitoring.
University of Southern California
National Science Foundation

CAREER: Resilient Design of Networked Infrastructure Systems: Models, Validation, and Synthesis
This project advances the scientific knowledge on design methods for improving the resilience of civil infrastructures to disruptions. To improve resilience, critical services in civil infrastructure sectors must utilize new diagnostic tools and control algorithms that ensure survivability in the presence of both security attacks and random faults, and also include the models of incentives of human decision makers in the design process. This project will develop a practical design toolkit and platform to enable the integration of resiliency-improving control tools and incentive schemes for Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) deployed in civil infrastructures. Theory and algorithms will be applied to assess resiliency levels, select strategies to improve performance, and provide reliability and security guarantees for sector-specific CPS functionalities in water, electricity distribution and transportation infrastructures. The main focus is on resilient design of network control functionalities to address problems of incident response, demand management, and supply uncertainties. More broadly, the knowledge and tools from this project will influence CPS designs in water, transport, and energy sectors, and also be applicable to other systems such as supply-chains for food, oil and gas. The proposed platform will be used to develop case studies, test implementations, and design projects for supporting education and outreach activities.
Current CPS deployments lack integrated components designed to survive in uncertain environments subject to random events and the actions of strategic entities. The toolkit (i) models the propagation of disruptions due to failure of cyber-physical components, (ii) detects and responds to both local and network-level failures, and (iii) designs incentive schemes that improve aggregate levels of public good (e.g., decongestion, security), while accounting for network interdependencies and private information among strategic entities. The validation approach uses real-world data collected from public sources, test cases developed by domain experts, and simulation software. These tools are integrated to provide a multi-layer design platform, which explores the design space to synthesize solutions that meet resiliency specifications. The platform ensures that synthesized implementations meet functionality requirements, and also estimates the performance guarantees necessary for CPS resilience. This modeling, validation, exploration, and synthesis approach provides a scientific basis for resilience engineering. It supports CPS education by providing a platform and structured workflow for future engineers to approach and appreciate implementation realities and socio-technical constraints.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
National Science Foundation

Every year around 30,000 fatalities and 2.2 million injuries happen on US roads. The problem is compounded with huge economic losses due to traffic congestions. Advances in Cooperative Vehicle Efficiency and Safety (CVES) systems promise to significantly reduce the human and economic cost of transportation. However, large scale deployment of such systems is impeded by significant technical and scientific gaps, especially when it comes to achieving real-time and high accuracy situational awareness for cooperating vehicles. This CAREER project aims at closing these gaps through developing fundamental information networking methodologies for coordinated control of automated systems. These methodologies will be based on the innovative concept of modeled knowledge propagation. In addition, the educational component of this project integrates interdisciplinary Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) subjects on the design of automated networked systems into graduate and undergraduate training modules.
For robust operation, CVES systems require each vehicle to have reliable real-time awareness of the state of other coordinated vehicles. This project addresses the critical need for robust control-oriented situational awareness by developing a multi-resolution information networking methodology that is model- and context-aware. The approach is to develop the novel concepts of model communication and its derived multi-resolution networking. Context-aware model-communication relies on transmission and synchronization of models (e.g., stochastic hybrid system structures and parameters) instead of raw measurements. This allows for high fidelity synchronization of dynamical models of CVES over networks. Multi-resolution networking concept is enabled through scalable representations of models. Multi resolution models allow in-network adaptation of model fidelity to available network resources. The result is robustness of CVES to network service variability.
The successful deployment of CVES, even partially, will provide significant societal benefits through reduced traffic accidents and improved efficiency. This project will enable large scale CVES deployment by addressing its scalability challenge. In addition, methodologies developed in this project will be crucial to emerging autonomous vehicles, which are also expected to coordinate their actions over communication networks. The fundamental research outcomes on knowledge propagation through network synchronization of dynamical models will be broadly applicable in other CPS domains such as smart grid. The educational component of this project will target training of CPS researchers and engineers on subjects in intelligent transportation and energy systems.
West Virginia University Research Corporation
National Science Foundation
Cyber-physical critical infrastructures integrate networks of computational and physical processes to provide the society with essential services. The power grid, in particular, is a vast and interconnected cyber-physical network for delivering electricity from generation plants to end-point consumers. Protecting power grid critical infrastructures is a vital necessity because the failure of these systems would have a debilitating impact on economic security and public health and safety. However, several recent large-scale outages and the significant increase in the number of major attacks over the past four years confirm the insufficiency of the current protection solutions for these systems. Existing tedious manual tolerance procedures cannot protect those grids against sophisticated attacks. Additionally, use of purely-cyber security solutions for power grid resiliency is not sufficient because they ignore the cyber-physical interdependencies, power-side sensor measurements, and the possibility of countermeasures in power infrastructures.
The objective of this research is to investigate fundamental problems in cyber-physical tolerance and develop an integrated set of mathematically rigorous and real-world deployable capabilities, resulting in a system that can model, analyze, predict, and tolerate complex security incidents in computing, physical, or communication assets in a near-real-time manner. The proposed research will provide system administrators and power grid operators with scalable and online integrated cyber-physical monitoring and incident response capabilities through keeping track of cyber-physical infrastructure's dynamic evolution caused by distributed security incidents, optimal proactive response and recovery countermeasures and adaptive preparation for potential future security incidents.
The proposed research will facilitate trustworthy operation of next-generation complex and large-scale power grids. The research outcomes will be integrated into educational and knowledge transfer initiatives that involves implementation of curricular activities, innovative learning game development, university workshops, and hands-on K-12 summer camps and academic-year high-school courses, as well as Industry technology transfer efforts to develop a workforce with the capability to reason across multiple disciplines. Through holistic consideration of both cyber and physical factors under adversarial situations, this fundamental work will be applicable to other cyber-physical domains and can transform the way people approach the problem of cyber-physical security.
Rutgers University New Brunswick
National Science Foundation

EAGER: SCALE 2 (Safe Community Awareness and Alerting) - Extending a SmartAmerica Challenge Project
SCALE2 explores the design of resilient, inexpensive cyber-physical systems (CPS) technologies to create community-wide smartspaces for public/personal safety. SCALE2 aims to demonstrate that community safety can be realized by augmenting CPS technologies with end-to-end resilience mechanisms. Such a study requires real-world community-scale deployments to understand citizen concerns and can only be achieved through partnerships between various stakeholders - researchers, government agencies, and industry.
The SCALE2 multisensory platform will use inexpensive Internet of things (IoT) components, and support dependable operation by enabling resilient information-flow through multiple system layers. Research will explore mechanisms for (a) ingest of real-time data through flexible rich data models, (b) Quality of Service (QoS)-aware messaging to cloud platforms, and (c) reliable detection of higher-level community events through semantics-driven virtual sensing. SCALE2, through its established partnerships/testbeds, offers a unique short-term opportunity to guide future resilience technologies, train the next generation of students and have broader community impact. SCALE2 will be deployed at Montgomery County, MD, and the Irvine-Sensorium working with local agencies.
University of California-Irvine
National Science Foundation

The electric power grid, a cyber-physical system (CPS), faces an alarmingly high risk of catastrophic damage from cyber-attacks. However, modeling cyber-attacks, evaluating consequences, and developing appropriate countermeasures require a detailed, realistic, and tractable model of electric power CPS operations. The primary barrier is the lack of access to models for the complex legacy proprietary systems upon which the electric power grid has relied for decades. This project aims to overcome these challenges with the development of an attack-verifying (verifiable) software framework that will capture the electric power system operations in adequate detail. Cyber threats will be verified using this framework through a combination of sound theoretical methods and an open-source commercial simulation engine accessible via a unique transition to practice (TTP) option.
This research focuses on four fundamental and related thrusts: (i) identifying classes of cyber-attacks with quantifiable physical consequences and developing detection-based countermeasures; (ii) identifying communication attacks on distributed grid operations and developing information-sharing countermeasures; (iii) developing a verifiable software framework that models the spatio-temporal operations of the electric grid in tandem with thrusts (i) and (ii) to verify attack models, evaluate countermeasures, and develop new resiliency protocols; and (iv) a TTP option, in collaboration with industry-leading experts from IncSys and PowerData, to develop commercial grade open source power simulation software packages to integrate and test the attacks and countermeasures of Thrusts (i) through (iii) as well as develop workforce training curriculum for North American Electric Reliability Council (NERC) certification. This research also includes engagement with K-12 students via the Arizona Science Laboratory program.
Arizona State University
National Science Foundation